Khobai, on 16 March 2014 - 11:15 AM, said:
Its highly unlikely existing mechs will ever be able to do melee attacks. It would require completely reanimating every single mech which is not something PGI is ever going to do. Atlases punching othermechs is just never going to happen.
No. Adding 2-3 animations for punches and kicks does not constitute "re-animating every single mech". Nor is animating these things particularly hard.
Hell, I was animating punches and kicks using inverse kinematics 10+ years ago with no experience whatsoever. PGI already has skilled animators - putting in these animations would take them a month at most, and another month or two (along with playtesting) to get the visual kinks out. The simple act of adding in punches/kicks is trivial.
The more difficult part would be implementing physics on melee attacks - mechs unbalancing themselves based on their weights, where their arms are situated, where they're moving and what sorts of hills they're on, etc. Once knockdown gets implemented, however, the physics system used should be able to handle this sort of thing relatively easily. It's just a matter of implementing some pseudo-realistic equations for momentum and using the locations of the hands/arms to determine how that momentum affects the mech.
Thats not to say we wont get mechs that can make melee attacks, but its likely to be limited to mechs like the hatchetman, which are specifically known for having melee weapons.
4 keybinds - left arm punch, right arm punch, left leg kick, right leg kick. punches would be replaced with weapon swings if the mech had a weapon in that arm.
Mechs without lower arm actuators couldn't punch.
Attempting to kick with both legs at the same time would make you fall over.
It's an extremely simple concept.
As for what hand actuators can do, I think a small bonus to getting up from knockdown or hill climbing is probably the most realistic benefit.
A large bonus to getting up from knockdown would be appropriate for lower arm actuators, and an equally large bonus for hands. Mechs without either should have a rough time getting up - say, 5 seconds with a -1.5 second bonus for lower arms, and an additional -1.5 second bonus for having lower hands.
A bonus to hill climbing doesn't make much sense in either case. Mechs don't ambulate like gorillas.
Edited by Xarian, 16 March 2014 - 01:52 PM.