Jaroth Corbett, on 18 March 2014 - 02:49 AM, said:
This shows the path the Red Corsairs took. Look where they start from.
No evidence the Jade Falcons were trying to repudiate the truce my ass..........
What does the year say there? 3055 AFTER Tukayyid & BEFORE Ulric's trial. If you keep denying evidence shoved in your face & dancing around the points being made you are a troll. I gave you the benefit of the doubt before. Try to deny or dance around this. I dare you.
Wow, why so angry? Don't think I have denied anything or danced away, I'm quite happy to entertain some tangent discussions if people want to explore theories, but thats hardly me dancing away?
But like I say I'm happy to discuss this but it remains a tangent.
So yeah, virtually every canon source SAYS there is no evidence that Clan Jade Falcon was involved bar a forced confession gained in a CoE. That's what canon says, until I saw that description of the warrior (what book is that?) and that source also acknowledges that she was a 'mystery', same as every other source book I have seen on her.
But like I keep telling everyone who will listen, sometimes we have to look beyond the headlines.
I'll come straight to the point, I think the Red Corsair was almost certainly the work of the Jade Falcon Khans, it stinks of them. Maybe a small chance not the Khans themselves but some other force in Clan Jade Flacon thinking they were 'doing the right thing' (Society maybe?) So far from trying to dance around the point, I'm quite happy to agree with you. Always did think it was a Crusader ploy personally. Thats why I can laugh about it as I did in my previous post.
How about that? Did you see that coming, probably not cause you seem to think I am a troll now just because I don't roll over from my point of view the first time someone says boo?
The fact is that Clan Wolf were also involved with a whole cluster (whatever it's number was, I'll try find it now cause its bugging me) although I strongly suspect that was without the sanction of its Khans (I would be astounded if it was).
I never disputed that the Crusaders were not trying to repudiate the truce, indeed I'm pretty sure I said as much in one of my posts. I said that even if they did it was of no risk to the Truce, and Ulric knew this.
Because Ulric knew that even if they did break the Truce, if Jade Falcon had of struck forward both Steel Viper and the Wolves would have fallen on them and torn them a new one. Same with the Jaguars, where were they going to go?
Ergo, the Crusaders could not physically do anything regardless of the Truce status. Was it a first step, maybe. Maybe if they had of got a Crusader Il Khan in they could have started to get some traction going in their direction, because they were most certainly losing traction by that stage. The Nova Cats were gone to Warden, the Ghost Bears were sitting on the fence and the Diamond Sharks looked like moving back to their natural Warden view, the only Crusader Khan in their touman heading in that direction.
There were more declared Wardens and fence sitters in 3057 than there had been at the council that found Ulric innocent. How does that work if it was a conspiracy, when they had the majority and the chance to strip Ulric of his power they put their heads togther and said "you know what, lets leave him there for a few years and hope we get another chance down the track, that seems a good idea, then we'll blind side him later on if we get the chance."
If I understand your basic point of refute Jaroth it is that word "Genocide" will trigger some reaction in Clan people and word would get back to the Grand Council. That regardless of it being an internal Clan Wolf matter that it might get escalated to be a Clan vs Clan matter. That might be true, it might not. The Ice Hellions kept an internal war secret for 60 years so its not without precedent that a secret can be kept. Clan Burrock kept a massive secret for over 200 years.
But which Clan could make the charge stick, not the Flanking Clans, they had plenty of opportunity to blood their warriors heading out to the edges of space without breaching the line, they have no claim. Not the Home Clans, they don't even come into the equation. Only one Clan was in a similar position to Clan Wolf and that was your own Ghost Bears.
Ulric already had an insight into their Warden leanings since 3048 and he must have had an inkling they were not the ardent Crusaders they once were. By 3057 they are clearly Warden internally and that had to be borne out in motions, or votes on things perhaps less critical. He had to suspect, this is ostensibly the greatest Clan warrior / politician / Il Khan since Nicholas.
We know that for their own reasons that Ghost Bear was not going to bring that sort of claim against Ulric, they were just about to settle down permenantly and the last thing they wanted was a renewal of the Invasion. There was no force in Clan Space, Crusader Il Khan or not, that would convince 2 Warden GB Khans (hidden admitably) to bring a claim against Ulric. I'd be prepared to give Ulric the benefit of the doubt of not being sure, but he most certainly had an inkling they were Wardens.
He knew there was no chance the Crusaders could do anything to actually breach the Truce, but he still went to war to protect the Truce, ostensibly.
PS, there are plenty of Kerensky's in IS space that have no relation to Alexander or Nicholas, the last name Hazen was never quoted in canon as proof nor as a bloodname that I am aware of.
Edited by Craig Steele, 18 March 2014 - 03:55 AM.