In 3020, long after having settled into the Haven system the Wolverine Kahn
and the Wolverine warrior council learned of the Dragoon Compromise. A plan by the Clan council whereby they sent a substantial force of Wolf clan warriors to scout as mercenaries, before the clans as a whole would begin their invasion of the innersphere. After hearty debate and a vote they decided that while the Wolves are spying in the innersphere, the Wolverines should have eyes on the eyes of the Wolves. A unit from the 34th Reserve Guard Galaxy, The 55th Strike Cluster, was selected. It was the reasoning of the council that the reserve guard galaxy clusters, being almost entirely composed of freebirth warriors, would "blend in" better with the contraction using barbarians in the innersphere. Commanding this cluster was a bloodnamed freebirth named Star Colonel Ehud Hennessy.
The 55th needed a cover before they departed for the innersphere, the Wolverine crest and the strike cluster identification would leave the Dragoons little doubt of their origins. The new identity was to be based on their actions during the escape from clan space, where they raided several of the other clans supply caches. At one point they were thought to have been destroyed while raiding in Ghost Bear territory. Having not arrived at the jump point in the specified time window the flotilla was forced to count them as a loss and began jumping to the next system. But as the last ship was only minutes from jumping, the first of three jumpships bearing the 55th Strike Cluster folded space upon itself and materialized in time to be relayed the next jump coordinates. After their sister ships jumped in, their drives recharged, and the sails tediously stowed, they tore through the fabric of space again and were reunited with the rest of the wolverine refugees. Because of their belated rendezvous after believed lost to the Ghost Bear, having returned mostly intact, and successful with a surplus of the much needed supplies, the 55th were considered for a line in the Wolverine remembrance. The lines were not added by the Loremaster [Insert Name] however, he stated in the warrior council that "Since the 55th Commander had not issued a formal Batchall before his raids his actions were neither honorable nor clan like enough to merit inclusion. These lines were echoed though in the new identity bestowed upon the 55th before their odyssey. Instead of the default Wolverine clan crest that most other reserve units bore the 55th was given a new standard. The orange sun of Circe hung in the background crossed with red wolverine claw marks behind a white phoenix symbolizing the triumphant return of the Raiders from the cold white death of the Ghost Bear dominion. In the foreground, the black "55" over the phoenix identified the unit as the 55th Strike cluster... or as the name of their new mercenary corporation "The 55th Northern Raiders".
The 55th was given carefully chosen equipment in keeping with the most common innersphere designs. Many designs observed while raiding several innersphere planets during the exodus from clanspace. The command lance and a handful of other mechs however were refitted with star league and clan tech in as inconspicuous a way as possible. The [insert name] a [insert class] class warship was disguised as a Starlord class jumpship and renamed "The Whirlwind". The conversion gave the warship three functional docking collars while the other 3 collars typically on a Star Lord ship contained naval ppc and laser batteries. Attached to the three functional collars were two Union class dropships the Stanley, Logan, and a Fortress class dropship the Retribution. The stars and trinaries were reorganized into lances and companies as was the norm among sphereoid military units. Star Colonel Hennessy took on the innersphere rank of Colonel and his subordinates likewise were assigned equivalent Innersphere ranks.
They were accompanied by the descendants of the political prisoners (freed during the raiding of Combine worlds) who would pose as a group of Draconis Combine merchants. The merchants were selected based on strong features prevalent in the combine. As well as an understanding of combine and sphereoid culture passed to them be their parents. The merchants were assigned the Invader class "To Seek and Find" which was renamed "heiho" to reflect its combine heritage, and three dropships a mammoth, union, and a mule class cargo carrier. The Raiders first "contract" was to escort the merchants along trade routes throughout the innersphere, trade routes which strategically paralleled the paths to the contracts that the Dragoons had accepted.
In 3028 after years in the Combine, monitoring the Dragoons on an lengthy contract to house Kurita, a large continent of the merchants announced that they had become attached to the inhabitants and the world of An Ting. The merchants feeling a connection to their parent’s culture wished to be left on planet to start new lives as citizens of the Draconis Combine. A meeting with a heated argument took place and after hours of deadlock Colonel Hennessey reluctantly agreed to compromise and left the merchants as they had wished. He took with him the Jumpship, Dropship, their respective crews, as well as any techs, support personnel, or civilians not wishing to be marooned on An Ting. In return the merchants issued a slightly embellished, contract fulfillment report to Comstars "Mercenary review board". This helped the 55th obtain a High rating and freedom of choice contracts that would conveniently keep them in relative proximity to the Wolf's Dragoons.
Due to their comstar rating after several successful contracts and a growing positive reputation, in 3034 the 55th was invited to register on outreach with the Dragoons new hiring hall. While apprehensive at first Colonel Hennessey ordered a liaison officer to the Wolves lair to register the Raiders and establish an office on Outreach. The office not only facilitated more lucrative contracts to the 55th but allowed for more accurate and direct intel on the Dragoons operation. After a year the Colonel felt comfortable enough to move the whole unit to Outreach where they could get better training and repairs then they were afforded on other planets. They had to be careful to conceal their limited star league and clan tech from the skilled Dragoon technicians though. The 55th continued their cover as mercenaries and had even taken a few contracts underwritten by Jaime Wolf himself. By making good on these contracts they developed a good working relationship and strange sort of mutual admiration for the skillful Dragoons. All the while working, fighting, and training under the gaze of the Wolf.
In 3062, with the alliance between the Wolverines and Comstar complete, and in the spirit of full disclosure the Primus identified the vessel that jumped into and out of the Haven system in 2828 as an early Comstar precursor to the Explorer Corps program officially started in 2959. Kahn Charikov returned the gesture by identifying, to the surprise of the Primus and Precentor Martial, that The 55th Northern Raiders as well as several lesser mercenary companies scattered about the innersphere and periphery were in fact Wolverines conducting reconnaissance. Shortly thereafter Kahn Charikov contacted Colonel Hennessy with instructions to return to Haven, his only request was to leave those few who wished to stay in the innersphere after 42 years and to complete their current contract with honor.
With the proverbial "Wolverine out of the bag" it was only a matter of time before the Dragoons got word of the subversion. After the completion of their last contract, one to the Federated Suns, that very thing happened. Colonel Hennessey was overseeing the loading of last of the dropships when he was approached from behind by an elderly man who clasped his hands behind his back in typical military fashion. "Colonel Hennessey" Ehud turned startled when the man spoke, Unaware of his presence. "Colonel Wolf! How are you today Sir." "Concerned Ehud, you and I have unfinished business" he replied sharply. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts and process the implied hostility in Wolfs voice, a voice he had heard many times before on very pleasant, cordial, even friendly terms. "I have been assured that all paperwork has been submitted, our last contract satisfactorily fulfilled, and any debts paid Colonel. In fact I was actually planning on visiting you before we departed to let you know that The Northern Raiders... that I have appreciated your hospitality during our stay on Outreach and ". Jaime Wolf held up his hand to cut off Ehud mid sentence. "I am sorry Star Colonel. Not you and I necessarily, but the Wolves" Jaime paused "and the Wolverines have unfinished business" Ehuds blood ran cold. His body subconsciously snapped to rigid attention. "So the rumors of McEvety's Wolverines escape were true, I'll be damned" Ehud tensed stomach suddenly queasy while locked at attention feeling much like he did in the days just after he left the sibko and entered warrior training. Terrified and confused before his new instructor with fire and malice in their eyes toward him. "Your eyes are very telling you know Ehud, I can see the well hidden truth in them now. Truth I suspected was there long ago on An Ting" Hennessy mentally prepared himself for what would come next, a challenge, a trial, or worse. Wolf was about 20 years his senior but no less capable a warrior and his Archer was not at a disadvantage to Ehuds Marauder. Wolf brought his right hand from behind him and simply extended it, open to Ehud "It took the Warden Wolves over 200 years to realize what the wolverines knew at the time the annihilation was executed." Ehud grasped and shook Wolfs hand. "All it took was some time with the people in the innershere for some of us, and a failed invasion for others to see that the people here need us almost as much as we need them" Wolf finished. "I wish the Dragoons peace Jaime, and if peace evades you honor." Wolf smiled "I wish the same for The 55th Ehud, as the old adage goes, No one prays for peace like the soldier" Releasing Wolfs hand and saluting, Colonel Hennessey Smiled. Colonel Wolf returned the salute and smoothly turned about face to walk away hands clasped behind his back.
It was only after jumping back into the Haven system that The Raiders learned of Kahn Wards treachery and of the battle that the Wolves and other clans had brought to haven. The 55th reintegrated into the Wolverine tauman and Colonel Hennessy maintains command of the newly commissioned 55th Raiders cluster.
Edited by C0VVB3LL, 22 September 2014 - 09:08 AM.