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Our Lrm Will Blot Out The Sun.then We Will Fight In The Shade.

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#61 Dawnstealer


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 01:27 PM

I might even slap a NARC on my Commando for this one...

#62 Trauglodyte


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 01:36 PM

Have had NARC on my X-5 for a few months. Not nearly as effective as my Streak builds but 3 Md Lasers w/ an ER Lrg and a NARC w/ 2 tons of ammo should make for some fun.

#63 Niklaus Kotare


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 01:55 PM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 18 March 2014 - 07:36 AM, said:

I'll give them a shot.

I'm more interested in whether the new AMS adversely affects SRM's and Streaks.

Well SRMs and SSRMs fired inside the range to trigger AMS would be unaffected I hope. What do you want, immortality? :(

#64 meteorol


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 01:55 PM

Lrm balance is fail, PGI overbuffed them.
Didn't even play so far, but it has to be fail. If PGI tries to balance Lrms, they fail. Don't ask me why, but that just how things work.
The world keeps spinning, sun raises every morning, PGI fails with Lrm balance.
PGI failed because they had to fail, so don't tell me Lrms are balanced right now, because they can't.
PGI actually doing a non failing balance tweak on Lrms would tear apart the space-time continuum, bringing everything that we know to an end.

"PGI will fail with Lrm balance" is one of the rules our whole universe is based upon.

#65 Achillus Red


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 02:03 PM

I kinda wondered why this patch was really necessary. My Battlemaster 1S did up to 1100 damage before the patch - I already upped that by almost 300 damage.
1326 damage with 1620 missiles isn't pretty anymore.

LRMs where fine before - people who complained about them just didn't know how to use them.

If a mech doesn't work: add more Rockets Missiles

#66 Roadkill


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 02:11 PM

View PostAchillus Red, on 18 March 2014 - 02:03 PM, said:

If a mech doesn't work: add more Rockets Missiles

If brute force isn't solving your problems, you aren't using enough.

#67 Deathlike


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 02:49 PM

View PostTrauglodyte, on 18 March 2014 - 11:56 AM, said:

PPCs on a Jenner - what a travesty :wacko:

Sorry, my mechs are evolving. :(

It's Lurmaggeddon 2014. Streaks look underpowered by comparison.

Everyone and their kid is taking TAG (NARC piling on hurts too).

After my first drop, I dropped Streaks like a bad habit and went LRMs with AMS. Everything "now" suddenly looks "balanced", except not.

#68 Fyrwulf


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 04:00 PM


This design changes the weapons configuration totally. Eight LRM-15 provide fire support, while sixteen tons of ammunition proves sufficient for the design. A One-Shot Streak SRM-4provides one-time close support. Nineteen double heat sinks are up to the task of keeping the design cool. BV (1.0) = 2,616[2], (2,581)[6], BV (2.0) = 2,941

That's the Bane 3, guys. Now imagine a lance of them. Now imagine a lance of of Cauldron Born Bs on the same team to spot for them.


This variant, once called by a DCMS warrior the best forward observer ever built, uses an ER PPC and a Large Pulse Laser mounted in each arm. To supplement this, it carries a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers, as well as an Active Probe, and a TAG spotting laser. This variant is not as prone to overheating as the A, but a MechWarrior must use volley fire if he or she intends to use both the PPCs and Large Pulse Lasers. BV (1.0) = 1,636[1][5], BV (2.0) = 2,535[8]

And a lance of take-your-pick Daishi. [Samual L. Jackson]Perspective! Do you have it, ************?![/Samuel L. Jackson]

Edited by Fyrwulf, 18 March 2014 - 04:04 PM.

#69 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 04:04 PM

So of course first match with a new Wolverine 7K with 2 x LRM 10 and a LRM 5 I land in Alpine on conquest.

The opposing team proceeds to basically stand around at Theta, making no effort to really move into cover.

Looked like 1 or 2 AMS in the group, no ECM.

570ish damage, 2 kills. This would be the part where I come to the boards exclaiming they are overpowered.

Next match, River City.

Almost everyone has AMS on the opposing team, and they are staying in the buildings for cover. Was lucky to do like 200 damage.

I'd say we're looking pretty good. LRM's are still very punishing against bad players. But smart players should still be able to do fine, while having LRM's be more viable than before and able to hit lights.

#70 Shalune


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 04:29 PM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 18 March 2014 - 04:04 PM, said:

So of course first match with a new Wolverine 7K with 2 x LRM 10 and a LRM 5 I land in Alpine on conquest.

The opposing team proceeds to basically stand around at Theta, making no effort to really move into cover.

Looked like 1 or 2 AMS in the group, no ECM.

570ish damage, 2 kills. This would be the part where I come to the boards exclaiming they are overpowered.

Next match, River City.

Almost everyone has AMS on the opposing team, and they are staying in the buildings for cover. Was lucky to do like 200 damage.

I'd say we're looking pretty good. LRM's are still very punishing against bad players. But smart players should still be able to do fine, while having LRM's be more viable than before and able to hit lights.

Woah now, let's not get crazy. Are you trying to say that people might have to pay attention to LRMs? Poppycock.

#71 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 04:50 PM

View PostShalune, on 18 March 2014 - 04:29 PM, said:

Woah now, let's not get crazy. Are you trying to say that people might have to pay attention to LRMs? Poppycock.

Yeah well...I'm a rule breaker.

#72 MadcatX


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 05:30 PM

People are now claiming that the MOST circumstantial weapon in the game has become OP due to a speed buff!? The damn things won't fire if there's ECM either over the opponent or, more importantly enemy ECM over you, excel in certain maps but are utter garbage in others, have a minimum range. Also... aim for the legs, that's generally where the ammo's at.

And honestly, if someone is constantly racking up many kills with a LRM's even w/ a speed buff.... I guess they're in the correct ELO bracket.

For crying out loud... some folks complaining about this need to learn to counter-play...

#73 Mazikar


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 06:28 PM

I redesigned my ECM spider to hold one ER PPC and tag. I flush the enemy from cover and paint them red.....then boom. Its sad how effective it is. Eh... I have put my mech exp grinding out for a while and I'll cash in. One round with tag and 300 dps with one kill and I made 350,000 before my unlocks almost 1m with challenge bonus, none too shabby. Now I can buy some Artemis LRM 20s for some of my yet unused builds.

Tag'm bag'm and narc till you win.

#74 wanderer


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 07:16 PM

OK, kids. I've literally fired 10,000 missiles since the patch.

No, seriously. 30 at a time.

Accuracy is up thanks to shorter travel time. That's it, kids. LRMs are more accurate now because of fewer locks lost before impact. AMS still hosing them, ECM still works fine unless target is counter NARCd (and oh, that feels good on ECM 'Mechs), and considering I'm high enough ELO to apparently run into about 50% smart teams with AMS multiples and/or ECM:

I'm looking at about 4% more hits. 28%, folks. Truly, I am broken.

LRMs are the team weapon. If your team fires lots, they work well. If the other side has the brains to bring AMS in any number, much less ECM... they don't. If your team engages them under the docks at Crimson or the roof at Manifold...they don't. Alpine? Forest Colony? Do.

Your experiences will be situational from the end getting shot at, but take it from the guy firing them- my only real difference is a modest increase in missiles-to-target. It's that everyone LRMing at once post-patch makes this seem like Apocalypse Now. Once people go back to their still-effective-as-ever metabuilds, the PPC/AC hail will replace the LRM rain. Hail hurts more.

Also, be very afraid. Banshees are what Atlai should have been. Deadly, deadly things. If poptarting assaults got nailed hard enough with the patch hatchet job, you may well see a lot of them REAL SOON.

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