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Faction Challenge

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#121 Jacob Side


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:45 AM

View PostHeffay, on 19 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:

Because the launch module will allow people to run matches of any size and with almost any limitations they want. That is exactly what teams are looking for. The whole launch module is ALL about making team play more viable.

So yes, teams between 1-12 people will be able to form up and run, just like you're asking for.

Clean your ears and open your eyes Heffay.

What I heard and read of NGNG podcast is the we're limited to 4 man pug drops & given private matches which are worthless.

Oh wow! thanks for the ability to play with 4-11 of my friends but I have to go look for up to 7 players to fill out my team and another 12 for the op force. On top of them giving no XP/Bill for the matches.
Private matches are Totally useless for the small casual group.

What us casual teams are looking for is to be able to drop with any size group. We got told "oh well" by Russ in that podcast.
If CW gives us that, that would be great.

Edited by Jacob Side, 19 March 2014 - 10:47 AM.

#122 Han Turaya


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:46 AM

Free dropship statue and dogtags? Sure, why not.

#123 Heffay

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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:47 AM

View PostJacob Side, on 19 March 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:

Clean your ears and open your eyes Heffay.

What I heard and read of NGNG podcast is the we're limited to 4 man pug drops & given private matches which are worthless.

Oh wow! thanks for the ability to play with 4-11 of my friends but I have to go look for up to 7 players to fill out my team and another 12 for the op force. On top of them giving no XP/Bill for the matches.
Private matches are Totally useless for the small casual group.

No. You can grab your 8 friends and run your own matches all night long. You don't need to find anyone else if you don't want.

#124 Komagn


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:50 AM

Steiners let's go.

#125 Jacob Side


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:51 AM

What about the groups of guys that have their 7 real life friends that they're the only people they want to play the game with?
Your telling them "oh well" just like Russ did.

And yes those groups are out there. Just look at the Launch Module feeback thread

Edited by Jacob Side, 19 March 2014 - 10:51 AM.

#126 Wildstreak


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:51 AM

I believe Lone Wolf and Merc are Factions, inf one of those wins, those in the winning faction probably get dog tags.

#127 Will9761


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:52 AM

Opted in, For Archon Melissa Steiner!!!

#128 Belorion


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 10:56 AM

View PostHeffay, on 19 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:

Because the launch module will allow people to run matches of any size and with almost any limitations they want. That is exactly what teams are looking for. The whole launch module is ALL about making team play more viable.

So yes, teams between 1-12 people will be able to form up and run, just like you're asking for.

If you can find another team of the same size to coordinate with. That's almost as difficult as dropping with two twelve mans.

They should have just opened up the general queue to teams of any size. If they really want a safe place for solo guys then they could make a solo only queue.

#129 Amsro


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:01 AM

View PostHeffay, on 19 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:

Because the launch module will allow people to run matches of any size and with almost any limitations they want. That is exactly what teams are looking for. The whole launch module is ALL about making team play more viable.

So yes, teams between 1-12 people will be able to form up and run, just like you're asking for.

If you pay for it, Premium time and/or MC, and even then you don't get C-Bills/EXP for it, nor does it have ANY effect on community warfare, for that I NEED to go to the 4 man max drop que.

Try researching when you white knight.

We've been for the tour around the block, I'm not even hating, just stating OBVIOUS mishandling of important game decision.

There is a reason they are ALWAYS trying to fix something, they won't stop breaking things.

View Posthanturaya, on 19 March 2014 - 10:46 AM, said:

Free dropship statue and dogtags? Sure, why not.

Yeah I might play 10 matches this weekend for free stuff.

#130 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:07 AM

View PostHeffay, on 19 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:

Because the launch module will allow people to run matches of any size and with almost any limitations they want. That is exactly what teams are looking for. The whole launch module is ALL about making team play more viable.

So yes, teams between 1-12 people will be able to form up and run, just like you're asking for.

Heffay, Respectfully...teams want to be able to easily play with their friends. They want to see which of their friends is on, group up, and hit the 'Drop.'

PGI had said nothing of including the tools necessary to COORDINATE the kind of play they'll promising. Lobbies? A 5-12 group matchmaker? Anything?

They're making it difficult...and unless you wanna get into coordinated league play...most people that have a more than 3 but less than 12 friends instantly available won't get what they're hoping for in the launch module.

Edited by Ghost Badger, 19 March 2014 - 11:08 AM.

#131 slash b slash


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:11 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 18 March 2014 - 04:01 PM, said:

Greetings MechWarriors!

This weekend we're having a Faction Challenge! This is your chance to take your skills to the Battlefield with House Pride! All participants who play 10 matches will receive a free Gazelle Dropship cockpit item automatically!

Step 1: Sign-in and choose your House Faction before opting-in by Friday March 21st at 10:00 am PDT on our website at https://mwomercs.com/profile/faction.

Step 2: Opt-in on our website before Friday March 21st at 10:00am PDT at http://mwomercs.com/tournaments.

Step 3: The contest period lasts from Friday March 21st 10:00am PDT until Sunday Mar 23rd 11:59pm PDT.

Compete against your fellow MechWarriors for a chance to win glory for your Faction and MC prize packages! The top five player scores in each House Faction will be awarded an MC prize package. All players who have opted-in and are members of the winning Faction (calculated by the combined score of the top 50 players in each Faction) will receive their House Banner or dog tags as a cockpit item!

Important: Remember to choose your Faction early! If you change your Faction House after the beginning of the tournament, your scoring and rewards will continue to be reflected in the Faction you had selected when the contest began. Scoring will only be considered for matches where you drop alone (not in a team).

The instructions weren’t clear enough. I got my Mech caught in the ceiling fan. Do Lone Wolf and Merc-Corps count as Factions for this Tournament or not? Official response appreciated.

Edited by slash b slash, 19 March 2014 - 11:27 AM.

#132 Emo Duck


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:18 AM


If you change your Faction House after the beginning of the tournament, your scoring and rewards will continue to be reflected in the Faction you had selected when the contest began.

Really? I would have thought adding a smidgen of code to check a player's faction for each match would not only be easy, but it would come in all sorts of handy later.

Not that this will be a problem for me personally. *fist*

Edited by Emo Duck, 19 March 2014 - 11:19 AM.

#133 slash b slash


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:37 AM

Nevermind. The picture says it all.

Posted Image

#134 Col Jaime Wolf


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:43 AM

interesting but doesnt really grab me as a skill based challange. also it looks like lights/med are not going to have a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

#135 tucsonspeed6


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:48 AM

View PostEmo Duck, on 19 March 2014 - 11:18 AM, said:

Really? I would have thought adding a smidgen of code to check a player's faction for each match would not only be easy, but it would come in all sorts of handy later.

Not that this will be a problem for me personally. *fist*

*5 minutes left in tournament, I check the standings*

"Crap! I'm in 2nd place in Steiner. Hmm... If I were FRR I'd be in first."

*click click click*

"Hooray! I'm winning now!"

Guy who used to be winning in FRR: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"

Edit: just reread your post, tagging each match with your affiliation would prevent the type of cheating I described, but leaves room for a top tier player to sweep all the houses.

Edited by tucsonspeed6, 19 March 2014 - 11:53 AM.

#136 Eximar


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:51 AM

View Posttucsonspeed6, on 19 March 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:

*5 minutes left in tournament, I check the standings*

"Crap! I'm in 2nd place in Steiner. Hmm... If I were FRR I'd be in first."

*click click click*

"Hooray! I'm winning now!"

Guy who used to be winning in FRR: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"

Except this:

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 18 March 2014 - 04:01 PM, said:

Important: Remember to choose your Faction early! If you change your Faction House after the beginning of the tournament, your scoring and rewards will continue to be reflected in the Faction you had selected when the contest began. Scoring will only be considered for matches where you drop alone (not in a team).

#137 Ryoken


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:59 AM

View PostHeffay, on 19 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:

Because the launch module will allow people to run matches of any size and with almost any limitations they want. That is exactly what teams are looking for. The whole launch module is ALL about making team play more viable.

So yes, teams between 1-12 people will be able to form up and run, just like you're asking for.

View PostJacob Side, on 19 March 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:

Clean your ears and open your eyes Heffay.

What I heard and read of NGNG podcast is the we're limited to 4 man pug drops & given private matches which are worthless.

Oh wow! thanks for the ability to play with 4-11 of my friends but I have to go look for up to 7 players to fill out my team and another 12 for the op force. On top of them giving no XP/Bill for the matches.
Private matches are Totally useless for the small casual group.

What us casual teams are looking for is to be able to drop with any size group. We got told "oh well" by Russ in that podcast.
If CW gives us that, that would be great.

View PostJacob Side, on 19 March 2014 - 10:51 AM, said:

What about the groups of guys that have their 7 real life friends that they're the only people they want to play the game with?
Your telling them "oh well" just like Russ did.

And yes those groups are out there. Just look at the Launch Module feeback thread

View PostBelorion, on 19 March 2014 - 10:56 AM, said:

If you can find another team of the same size to coordinate with. That's almost as difficult as dropping with two twelve mans.

They should have just opened up the general queue to teams of any size. If they really want a safe place for solo guys then they could make a solo only queue.

View PostGhost Badger, on 19 March 2014 - 11:07 AM, said:

Heffay, Respectfully...teams want to be able to easily play with their friends. They want to see which of their friends is on, group up, and hit the 'Drop.'

PGI had said nothing of including the tools necessary to COORDINATE the kind of play they'll promising. Lobbies? A 5-12 group matchmaker? Anything?

They're making it difficult...and unless you wanna get into coordinated league play...most people that have a more than 3 but less than 12 friends instantly available won't get what they're hoping for in the launch module.

Also, in all respect Heffay. I think Jacob, Belorion and Ghost Badger are right. PGI keeps kicking the social teamoriented players into the guts continuosly!

The meta playing competitive crowds get served with the launch module for their leagues. And that is perfectly ok and definitely a step into the right direction.

But in no way does it work for the casual gamers that want to drop with their pals, level some mechs and enjoy the game. As they do not give ANY XP and c-bills which absolutely kills this option to the non-competitive crowd.

There are numerous suggestions how to overcome the 5-11 player gap in this and the NGNG forums. Yet I did not hear any serious debate of PGI on the topic besides "We got 30ish years of experience and we say no." which is no argument at all.

Fact is that we do not have any evidence that 5+ premades are causing a negative gaming experience.

Fact is we only know that an unequal distribution of premades in the public queue teams can cause a negative gaming experience. (And that really is a nobrainer, and I do wonder why the hell PGI did not balance number and size of premades on both teams right from the start!?)

Fact is even WG in WoT did realize they had to mind the gap between their 3man platoon mode and full company game mode, and they did with a 5-7player game mode.

Fact is PGI continues to misstreat a well earning, well paying population with an immense expansion potential due to their social gaming habbits.

We have been here from the start, we continue to support the game and we deserve that PGI at least tries to offer us a way to play with more than 3 friends in MWonline.

Be it by balancing size and number and weight class composition of premades on both teams and integrating 4+ premades into the public drop queue.

Be it creating a separate single player queue and a seperate 2-10 player premade drop queue.

Be it creating a 2x6man VS 2x6man premade queue.

Be it creating a 6v6 and a 8v8 queue.

Again there are countless of suggestions, and the least PGI can do is to collect them, or ask the community to collect them. Then start to view them all thoroughly together with the community to find the best looking solutions. And finally try them out by implementing them to the live server in monthly trials.

Then they would see what works best. Then they would collect reliable data!

But if they do not allow teamplay and severely punish it by hurdles and xp/c-bill aka progress-denial it is absolutely no wonder they do not observe any teamplay.

Heck the 4player limit followed by the 5-12player gap is also a main reason for 12man becoming a ghost town.

Edited by Ryoken, 19 March 2014 - 12:21 PM.

#138 Emo Duck


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 12:13 PM

View Posttucsonspeed6, on 19 March 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:

*5 minutes left in tournament, I check the standings*

"Crap! I'm in 2nd place in Steiner. Hmm... If I were FRR I'd be in first."

*click click click*

"Hooray! I'm winning now!"

Guy who used to be winning in FRR: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"

Edit: just reread your post, tagging each match with your affiliation would prevent the type of cheating I described, but leaves room for a top tier player to sweep all the houses.

Would you believe I actually missed the whole thing about the top players winning extra prizes? Just went back and reread it, but up until now, I thought it was only for faction loyalty beyond the 10 wins to get the dropship. ;)

Ain't I a silly goose?

#139 Komagn


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 12:23 PM

View PostEximar, on 19 March 2014 - 11:51 AM, said:

Except this:

You didn't expect people would read the entire rules did you?

#140 MadSapper1234


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 01:07 PM

Another challenge where you need a poopsock to compete? Really? The people who won last time played >100 matches in a weekend in order to get their 10 best. How is this a measurement of skill?

Sounds like a measurement of bladder control.

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