The Daily Whine
Posted 23 December 2017 - 10:41 AM
If you stop people whining, and just "take it" the defacto "it" will never change. The thing they are whining about will never get any better, because no one says anything.
Stop being mean, I don't play for that.
Or rather, I'll do what i like and don't really understand/care what i do hurts other people's fun and enjoyment. I also can't take it when people call me on that behaviour.
I like to spam GG when I win, and spam it when I lose.
Because I think saying gg is sportsmanship. Fellow, you need to look up examples of sportsmanship here's one for you to help you out:
Basically learn what gg means , it means good game. a good game is where no bs happens and the game is even. It's NOT because you win, and don't throw it out there to fluff up red team's ego even more. Have some self respect.
Posted 23 December 2017 - 03:42 PM
I hope I get him on my team, or on the enemy team, doesn't matter, so i can teach him a little lesson
Posted 23 December 2017 - 03:57 PM
Bulletsponge0, on 22 December 2017 - 01:00 PM, said:
There's something serendipitous about a whiner whining about a whiner on wine whining in the whine thread
I fail to see how this is serendipitous at all. It is not 'by chance' and nor is it 'happy' or 'beneficial'. I feel like you just wanted to use a big word. Just call me a hypocrite or say I'm being hypocritical, it is more correct-both in this case and overall.
Either way, it is not the complaining that Bilbo's doing that bothers me, it's the method. Being drunk only barely makes it better, but if only because I enjoy destroying the mech of heavily drunk people who figured it was a good time to get in the Neurohelmet. It's the frequency. If you are going to complain, at least make a token effort to put it in the same post instead of things that are 30 minutes to an hour apart. We get it, your day sucks, but we don't need every little detail, just exceptional cases. (To simplify this even further, just post all your whines at the end of your gameday, not during at multiple points.)
Such as last week, where a Cyclops and I got into a neat Huntsman versus Cyclops fight that was very entertaining and challenging-only to realize by the end that he took the dishonorable route and started going for my legs, forcing me to power back up (I was redlining and fired at the wrong time. I also had an open CT and RT at the time.) to alpha strike his CT and kill him, right before a Victor that was chasing an allied Wolfhound ran into my position and cored me the second he turned the corner. I got the kill, but was more frustrated and confused as to why the Cyclops decided to try legging me to death when he had my CT dead to rights, a phenomenon I am seeing far more frequently than before. It isn't like the Huntsman is fast anyways, so why go to the extra trouble of legging one that's already cored out.
Edited by Catten Hart, 23 December 2017 - 03:58 PM.
Posted 23 December 2017 - 04:42 PM
- People that say "Share armor" but hang back anyways.
I really want to shoot them.
Posted 23 December 2017 - 06:56 PM
ThoseWhoFearTomorrow, on 23 December 2017 - 04:42 PM, said:
- People that say "Share armor" but hang back anyways.
I really want to shoot them.
The only time I say for people to share armor is when I'm already completely tapped out to under 50% for one reason or another, and typically, I keep an eye on my team's HP percentages (Thank you, Q button).
As for the 'push, but let me stay', it can be more due to someone drop calling from the rear or 'sniping'. If I'm in my 4X ERLL Hellbringer or similar and calling for a push, I'll typically try staying slightly behind (Roughly 200-300m) so I can keep tabs on people and provide some mid-range fire support. LRM boats are also relegated to not pushing, but that's just because most people who run those seem to completely lack situational awareness.
But people who do both of those things with selfishness as a reason can die in a fire.
Edited by Catten Hart, 23 December 2017 - 06:56 PM.
Posted 23 December 2017 - 09:11 PM
Posted 25 December 2017 - 11:10 AM
I log on..potatoes Nascar...slower mechs get picked off even as we are yelling at rest of team to stop and turn around...
Usually after 3 to 4 of the team are gone the rest stop Nascaring and get hammered..typically 12 - 1,2 or 3.
I log off and try later on or next day ...same thing...1 out of approx. 8 matches are with a team NOT compromised of total potatoes and usually a successful match. As I have said before it has to be fun..THIS is not fun..having matches with my evening Buddy's is. Too bad am slowly migrating away like many others...I know it's nothing new, just ranting..as many have said I would rather wait for a decent group of teammates than constantly getting Tier don't wanna work as a team...potatoes
Edited by Korak18, 25 December 2017 - 12:12 PM.
Posted 26 December 2017 - 06:31 AM
Just had a "vet" tell me we must grab f7 f8 on Grim fast because its "important". Basically we kept rotating right towards a spot where there are no mechs and the enemy team simply cut through the left flank of our column because the front mechs couldn't wait. Column split in 2, died in minutes.
Posted 26 December 2017 - 10:26 AM
Posted 26 December 2017 - 11:17 PM
First match. End up with 1 kill and 5 matchscore because somehow I gave my team 168 damage from air strike.
Cherry on top is in the last minute, I get tked by one of our famous 30% T1 breathen because he was trying to last touch the last enemy mech we were fighting...
Edited by UnofficialOperator, 27 December 2017 - 12:41 AM.
Posted 27 December 2017 - 01:28 PM
GG PGI, good to see you are still too incompetent to fix glaringly obvious flaws with the balance, demonstrating the reasons why I quit playing months ago are still there.
No regrets for cancelling my pre-orders now.
Edited by Zergling, 27 December 2017 - 04:37 PM.
Posted 27 December 2017 - 02:04 PM
Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:36 PM

Seriously, the new Skills system may as well be a wall of ancient hieroglyphics to me, and maps I used to know like the back of my hand have been completely redesigned.
I feel like a total noob...all over again.

Posted 30 December 2017 - 01:33 AM
Zergling, on 27 December 2017 - 01:28 PM, said:
GG PGI, good to see you are still too incompetent to fix glaringly obvious flaws with the balance, demonstrating the reasons why I quit playing months ago are still there.
No regrets for cancelling my pre-orders now.
One shots seem to be a lot more common now. I just got headshot in my rifleman while moving and about 600m from the enemy with 27hp. The rest of the mech was unscathed. Just dropped. I don't even think luck could do that as no one on the enemy team made a wow comment etc. Could only of been an aim bot. So I reported him. The next game someone else gets one shotted and calls for someone to be reported. And saw it again in another game a mech just dropping almost instantly.
Edited by mad kat, 30 December 2017 - 01:36 AM.
Posted 30 December 2017 - 06:39 AM
Cathy, on 26 December 2017 - 10:26 AM, said:
I'd say it depends. No one needs to actually stay inside the circle because the timer can be stopped by shooting the enemy just like capping works in all other gamemodes. So on some maps it's actually better to not go inside the circle. One example is Frozen City where the circle is very vulnerable to fire from the hills. If team A goes to the circle they will most likely lose if team B ignores the circle and shoot them from the hills instead. So here i will always avoid the circle but shoot the targets there to prevent the timer from ticking down.
Of cause if your team is neither shooting or occuping the circle so your team loses the objective i agree with you, that's potato level and can be quite frustrating.
BTW: From the 60s timer, only the last 10s are really important to protect. The first 50s can be used as a buffer to get into better firing positions if needed.

Edited by Daggett, 30 December 2017 - 06:47 AM.
Posted 30 December 2017 - 08:52 AM
Now I did a dumb thing, I tried to hold the line while everyone else pealed off because yahno holding it against peaking mechs is hard right..
So I'm back seat driving watching a red team light on the mini map rip a second one to five of my team, who must have had the same information I was seeing..
Posted 31 December 2017 - 07:54 AM
Cathy, on 30 December 2017 - 08:52 AM, said:
Now I did a dumb thing, I tried to hold the line while everyone else pealed off because yahno holding it against peaking mechs is hard right..
So I'm back seat driving watching a red team light on the mini map rip a second one to five of my team, who must have had the same information I was seeing..
having the info and knowing what to do with it is beyond most players...
Posted 01 January 2018 - 02:23 PM
He did not listen and chased his harassers which essentially took us both out of the fight for a couple minutes. I then had to abandon him to help the rest of the team who did meaningful things. Later on i realized i was talking to the only guy who disabled comms. Felt quite frustrating talking to a potato ghost...
So if you are in an assault and have the luck that someone secures your path back to the team, don't dare to stop and fight the squirrels. MOVE!
BTW, it was the second time today i tried to watch a slow assault's back on this map and spawn combination and failed because they did not listen. I think this is the map with the most potato traps when spawning on the 2-line.
Edited by Daggett, 01 January 2018 - 02:29 PM.
Posted 01 January 2018 - 03:08 PM
Too many video games/accounts, not enough time.

Between Rip Snorgan, my "What Mech Challenge" account, and the 6-7 other games I'd like to be playing right now, not to mention the book, movie, and Netflix queues backing up, I need standard Earth days to be at least three times as long as they are now.

Posted 01 January 2018 - 08:05 PM

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