I'm currently having a blast with my little ECM-Commando again. For the first half of most matches, I will do next to no damage, simply because on average I will be the only ECM on the team, or one of two, and I provide as much ECM cover as I can to my teammates from LRM rain.
I also serve as a deterrent for lights who try to squirrel amongst the group of mechs I am currently with.
On conquest, I need to weigh whether providing ECM or capturing points is more important at any given time.
Towards the second half of the match, I am again presented with decisions. Do I need to counter-cap, or cap to ensure our cap lead? Do we have many LRMs still active on the opposing team, making it imperative that I keep providing ECM cover?
Is the game close, is it now the time to enter the brawl and finish off badly hurt enemies with streak salvos and "steal a few kills"?
I know I played well when we win a game that we would possibly have lost if I made different choices. I know I played...not my best...if I lose track of the battlefield like I did this morning. It was 4 on 4, and we had a solid cap lead. I turned around to do some damage on an exposed JM, and ran into 2 more enemies. What I had missed that in those precious seconds, 2 out of my remaining 3 team mates had been killed, and instead of turning tail and running/hiding/capping, I went down fighting. Needlessly so, as we would have been guaranteed to win on caps.
So these decisions are what I base my estimation on when I consider my own aptitude as a pilot. How often do I make the right choices?
In mechs with direct fire weapons, how accurate is my aim, how often do I expose myself to much hostile fire without being able to force them into a position where they will take at least equal amounts of damage? (Note that I didn't say "that I will do at least the same damage". If I run my centurion into the fray, and all enemies turn around to kill me, and my team gets to shoot 4 mechs in the back for ten to twenty seconds, this can make my sacrifice well worth it)
When I disarm an enemy mech, and there is a second enemy mech still shooting at me, I will ignore the first one and try my best to eliminate the one who is still a threat. It's not good for the K/D counter, but it is the right thing to do for both survival and the team.
My K/D ratio was around 1.2 pre reset. I started out with Commandos. I died a freaking lot. I learned a freaking lot. Now, my K/D rate is again around 1.2. Had a few 12 mans last night where we didn't fare so well. ;-)
My assessment would be that I am pretty much an average pilot with a few good days where I truly shine, but lack of continuous practice keeps me from pulling my average performance up to "shine most of the time" status. Which is okay. I'd rather feed my family than be a community hero, and I'm usually not doing so badly that people need complain about me.
This is roundabout how I measure my contributions here.
Edited by Mynder, 21 March 2014 - 06:58 AM.