Tanar, on 27 March 2014 - 07:48 AM, said:
cutting the range down to 2x would be the most important change to me.
of lesser importance the ac20 should not be outdamaging the ac10 in the ac10's primary range as others have said. maybe slight decreases to the ac2 and ac5 ammo/ton, ac10 and 20 are fine. also a bit more of a height drop to acs when firing beyond their normal range so if you aim that AC2 at someone's head at max range it hits them in the feet.
Ammo should be left alone - it doesn't fix anything that needs fixing. Range should be fixed - in fact, all weapons should have the same range modifier across the board.
Coralld, on 27 March 2014 - 07:52 AM, said:
ACs never really got a balance over hall. The only thing that ACs got hit with nerf wise is Ghost Heat and a slight bump in heat but that only really effected AC2s but AC2s are still very nasty.
True, and this is dumb, because ballistics are supposed to be the "low heat, high weight and ammo" weapon. Instead, they are "high heat, high weight and ammo" because PGI refuses to fix their damage delivery.
LORD TSARKON, on 27 March 2014 - 08:07 AM, said:
There will be no BURST FIRE AUTOCANNONS....
Paul just stated that major weapon tuning will not happen.. they are happy with the current State of weapon Balancing..
but he did say Autocannons will be "adjusted"...
Look at simpler things to adjust..
Added Heat..
Reduced Range
Reduced Speed
Reduced Ammo
One or some or ALL of those things ARE going to happen... within the next month.....
To radically change an entire weapon system to burst fire is beyond what PGI could probably do right now with Launch module and Clans and Community Warfare coming.... The 3 people they have on these jobs are already complaining of no breaks and vacation..
Think of the people first
You probably didn't read it, but StJobe showed how easy of a change making autocannons burst-fire would be. Look back a page or two. It is actually an easier change than some of the ones you described, and as easy as the rest.
Ultimatum X, on 27 March 2014 - 08:26 AM, said:
I saw that, but I'm not convinced that's actually a fair change.
I know it might be shocking but there are a lot of situations I find the instant hit and adjustable trajectory as well as perfect trajectory (0 effect of gravity at range, i.e. AC shells start to fall, especially AC 10/20) of lasers to be an advantage.
I can often turn what would be a miss from a laser into "some damage" which is better than "no damage".
I can't do that with a ballistic weapon, it either hits or it misses. All the damage or zero damage.
Where ballistics have a high speed, lasers are instant.
They are not held back by speed at all.
I'd be concerned that a burst fire would have all of the drawbacks of a DoT weapon (laser, instant travel time) while retaining the drawback of either hitting or missing completely (ballistic travel time).
If ballistics went to burst-fire, they would function technically similar to a laser. A laser does damage throughout the beam duration, but not constantly - it is "invisible pulses". For instance, if you slash your laser across a pack of mechs, it may not do damage to some of them, as it only does damage at certain times during the beam.
Burst-fire autocannons would be similar in that the shells fired during the burst would only do damage if they hit, but the short duration of the burst would mean it looks like a line of shells - that doesn't mean it would slash like a sword across six mechs, but could do damage to several of them based upon how you traced across them.
TygerLily, on 27 March 2014 - 08:40 AM, said:
It could be:
MG slot
AC2 = 2 round burst, 1 dmg
AC5 = 3 round burst, 1.6dmg
LB10X = 3 round burst, 3.3 dmg per shotgun volley
AC10= 3 round burst, 3.3 dmg
AC20 = 3 round burst, 6.6 dmg
AC2 calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg (duh)
AC5 = 2 round burst, 2.5 dmg
LB10X = 2 round burst, 5 dmg per shotgun volley
AC10= 3 round burst, 3.3 dmg
AC20 = 3 round burst, 6.6 dmg
AC5 calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg
AC5 = 1 round burst, 5 dmg
LB10X = 2 round burst, 5 dmg per shotgun volley
AC10= 2 round burst, 5 dmg
AC20 = 3 round burst, 6.6 dmg
AC10 calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg
AC5 = 1round burst, 5 dmg
LB10X = 1 shot, 10 dmg
AC10= 1 round burst, 10 dmg
AC20 = 2 round burst, 10 dmg
AC10/Gauss calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg
AC5 = 1round burst, 5 dmg
AC10= 1 round burst, 10 dmg
AC20 = 2 round burst, 10 dmg
AC20 calibur
One size fits all
UAC...maybe UAC's added bonus is that they ignore slot calibur.
Gauss...this kind of brings up rate of fire for each shot. Since it's long distance, Gauss could be at most 2 round burst for a calibur of 2 or 5, with very little time between shots leaving the barrel. And unchanged for calibur 10 or 20.
Time between shots:
- Should they prevent the AC20 in a 5 slot (3 round burst of 6.6 dmg) from being a crazy, triple barrel UAC 5? It seems horrifying at first, but remember that they are dedicating a lot of weight to the system, only 7 shots per ton, only a range of 270 meters, the whole system is still one weapon/component...I think it would be fine.
- They could also set this to be related to the "distance from the intended calibur". So an MG slot having an AC20 in it has a slower time between each round leaving the barrel (nothing super drastic...nothing more than .5 seconds, etc.) as compared to a faster time if you are trying to get an AC20 in an 10 calibur slot.
Weapon cooldown would start when the final round leaves the barrel.
I like that system, and it is probably the most sensible way I have heard it described.
Joseph Mallan, on 27 March 2014 - 09:38 AM, said:
Well that show you see it. I look at the hit percentage AND the damage for a better illustration of my Laser accuracy.
You may, but most people, including even PGI more than likely, don't. When they see "80% accuracy" on lasers, they think, "wow, that weapon must be amazing", when in actuality it is only doing a small portion of its potential damage each hit and is severely underpowered because of that.
Quintus Verus, on 27 March 2014 - 10:57 AM, said:
I have to agree with Kali on this:
"1. Make ACs not fire when jumping/in the air. (Jump AC sniping eliminated.)"
No, absolutely not. This isn't about jump snipers, and you are wanting to completely eliminate that style of play, which is wrong.