LakeDaemon, on 26 March 2014 - 08:08 AM, said:
1) MWO is in no danger of becoming a ghost town. Its numbers are strong.
2) LRMaggedon is mostly hype. There may be some matches that end up being LRM heavy but only a small fraction. If rebalance is needed on them, the player metrics will show it.
3) Reviews of MWO are generally very positive but cite lack of content, lack of cosmetic polish and lack of user friendly interface. But they almost all say that MWO has great game play, great mech concepts, and is one of the best FTP titles ever. This is all true. MWO is a work-in-progress. Content, polish, and interface are all things that will come in time after core features.
1) Fact is we have no way of really being able to say one way or the other, so the OP is really merely conjecture. I still miss the player count we had in Closed Beta.
2) Agree. LRMs are not the end of the world as we know it and the buff was well needed. PGI seems to have over-adjusted a bit, but are dialing down based on their own stats. Before the buff LRMs were a joke and I casually dodged them and almost never equipped AMS on anything faster than 70 kmh.
3) While reviews are good the lack of CW is eating away at a lot of those who joined because of that original promise. Others have other reasons, but many die-hard BT fans I know have gotten ultimately bored with the 3 mode esport.