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Where Have All The Players Gone?

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#61 Magna Canus


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 08:38 AM

View PostLakeDaemon, on 26 March 2014 - 08:08 AM, said:

Fact check time:
1) MWO is in no danger of becoming a ghost town. Its numbers are strong.
2) LRMaggedon is mostly hype. There may be some matches that end up being LRM heavy but only a small fraction. If rebalance is needed on them, the player metrics will show it.
3) Reviews of MWO are generally very positive but cite lack of content, lack of cosmetic polish and lack of user friendly interface. But they almost all say that MWO has great game play, great mech concepts, and is one of the best FTP titles ever. This is all true. MWO is a work-in-progress. Content, polish, and interface are all things that will come in time after core features.

1) Fact is we have no way of really being able to say one way or the other, so the OP is really merely conjecture. I still miss the player count we had in Closed Beta.
2) Agree. LRMs are not the end of the world as we know it and the buff was well needed. PGI seems to have over-adjusted a bit, but are dialing down based on their own stats. Before the buff LRMs were a joke and I casually dodged them and almost never equipped AMS on anything faster than 70 kmh.
3) While reviews are good the lack of CW is eating away at a lot of those who joined because of that original promise. Others have other reasons, but many die-hard BT fans I know have gotten ultimately bored with the 3 mode esport.

#62 KKillian


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 08:58 AM

I'd be much happier if there was an actual test server instead of them hamfisting mechanics in the live, they no longer consider it beta and the "work in progress" to most people means "content additions". I would gladly play on test servers when they have new ideas to test and boat whatever weapons they decide need adjustment but this overbuff to an autoaim weapon system either seems like a grab for casual heads or just poor decision skills.

I remember PPC's moving really slow but preforming fine on the heat front in early beta like a big haduken *********... they sped up the projectile which would have been all that was needed but decided to lower the heat drastically at the same time. Who DIDNT build a quad+ stalker. Who also DIDNT see that one coming? A bit later the heat was pressed back up and the projectile speed SLIGHTLY lowered, almost carefully it seemed, like someone did some math.

They built a game we all love and get used to, they should not drastically change the mechanics of the weapons on the fly, a little bit goes a long way and I'm sure most vets jaws dropped when they saw Narc fixed finally AND such a drastic increase to speeds, it doesnt make sense on paper who the hell thought it would run smoothly in game.

#63 Bullseye69


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 09:36 AM

Yes I am seeing more LRM on the oppose teams. There is more spotting going on for lrm that make them accurate, there is a lot of boating with people taking exp stalkers with 4 lrm pack. I have no problem with people boating lrms but there should be a price to pay if you can fire all 4 packs you shopuld get a massive heat buildup or if your packing 4 lrms or srms or streaks your chance of ammo explosion should be increased since your have more missile packs and your packing a lot of ammo to use them but this should be applied to any weapon system that uses ammo but that just my take.

The big problem with lrms is everyone needs to take a ams system and group up the ams protection is increased with each system added so if you have a lance that is staying within say 75 meters of each other and has ams then you would have better protection from lrms. You will still take a beating especially if your being targeted by a combined 120 missiles from multiple mechs.

I do think think is one problem though and that is with tag you can use tag to self target and scouts can use it to self target. My beef is that it has a range of 750 meters now what the draw back for someone in say a spider or jenner to stay at 750 meters and under and tag targets where is there drawback. How many weapons do we have that can reach that distance and do full damage to them. Yes they get spotting bonus and they should but what is the down side for them they still earn cbills and xp for doing it and if there side wins they get that too. I have seen players on my side that run spider wiith tag maybe a laser and all they do is stand off and tag and never join the fight then if there the last one standing they run and hide.

I think they should rally look at the range of tag and maybe think about reducing it a little bit may 600 meter or 550 meters make it so that if they want to tag they have to take a chance on getting smack by a ac round or ppc. The other annoying thing they do is set back and spam strikes I would really like to see maybe a module they if equipped would tell you the position of who called in the strike or bbetter yet if you have this module and say you have a strike yourself you can auto target the strike caller of your willing to pay the cbills for that strike.

The game is getting better but my performance is going down with each patch and I really don;t know why.

I have and yes it is old system but here is the specs:
Quad core AMD 3.3ghz
8 Gigs of ram 4 gigs system and 4 gig smart drive Old DDR2 ram and thhat stuff not chaep anymore.
R9 270 X XFX graphics card

I cant run it at 1440 by 900 and get over 25 frames and that low setting using direct x 9 or 11 so running it at 1240 res low setting full screen direct x 9 have frame drops into the high teens mostly low 22 frames. Anyone have any ideas on how to increase performance full screen or windows mode running windows 7.

Thinking of changing out mainboard and doing processor swap with ddr 3 ram but that going to cost me about 550 bucks since I want a 8350 and sabertooth main board.

Built my nephew a 8350 with 8 gigs ram and test mwo with hd7770 and i got a steady 35 to 45 frame on low setting with that system.

#64 Candun


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:17 AM

ive been thinking about going thru my box of games and try a few my old comp didnt play well....

#65 Chrithu


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:28 AM

I am playing Skyrim again. Found a nice set of mods. And come sunday I'll be playing ESO.

MWO currently isn't playable for me because of the performance issues. Since the DX 11 patch my average FPS have decreased below 30 and lowering ALL settings to lowest did not help. I even tried running at the lowest possible resolution (which looks super ****** up on a LCD screen in fullscreen). And yes: of course I kept my game set to DX 9 since I am well aware that my hardware isn't the best for running DX 11 effects. Allthough I could play Far cry 3 in DX 11 and all settings on High just fine at 60 FPS on this very same machine.

I'll have a look again in two or three patches.

Edited by Jason Parker, 26 March 2014 - 10:30 AM.

#66 Trianguli


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:11 AM

I play MWO since the closed and loved it.... with all the bugs and less features....! But now at this time this game isn´t playable for me!

This bullshit new UI with my 86 Slots is the bigges fail... if i would change some Mechs in my bay, it needs many time to find them and change the loadout because the UI is horrible!!! I don´t know what they did the whole time since they announced the UI 2.0!

The next thing is the performance.... in Closed and opend it was sometimes a little bit laggy.... but always witn 60 FPS+... but now the performance is going down... 10, 15 sometimes 23 or 25 FPS in fight. with lowest settings.... thats a joke.....!!!

And the last: always this unbalanced gameplay.... PGI didn´t handle the balance.... Sometimes are the LRM to strong (like now!), then the AC20, UAC, SRM, SSRM ecppp.... i don´t see a end of this.... sry!

I could cry if i see what PGI do with this nice game.... now its only a big bullshit F2P game like the most....(for me). I Spent many time and money in this game, but this is over.... The lights in my Mechbay going out when ESO is online!

And i think many of the old guys think so,


Edited by Trianguli, 26 March 2014 - 11:34 AM.

#67 Corbon Zackery


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:33 AM


Were Just asking to much from this company who has produced some of the most pathetic to mediocre games from 2002 to 2014. I think they have just cracked under the pressure of trying to make a good game, and slipped back into bad game mode.

With such popular titles as:

Games developed[edit]
You can see this company just can't handle a game of this magnitude. They really need to sell it off to a better gaming company, and take what final money they can get. Then go back to making fishing games, and Wii Wii world.

Its great game being held hostage by a small independent small minded company.

#68 AntharPrime


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 12:55 PM

View PostCorbon Zackery, on 26 March 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:


Were Just asking to much from this company who has produced some of the most pathetic to mediocre games from 2002 to 2014. I think they have just cracked under the pressure of trying to make a good game, and slipped back into bad game mode.

With such popular titles as:

Games developed[edit] You can see this company just can't handle a game of this magnitude. They really need to sell it off to a better gaming company, and take what final money they can get. Then go back to making fishing games, and Wii Wii world.

Its great game being held hostage by a small independent small minded company.

The only one besides MW that I played on that list is Transformers and I can say without reservation that it was a horrible game.

#69 Huntrava


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 08:10 PM

The only thing that changed after the launch was the "beta" part of the logo. But the game is still very much in beta, as indicated by the constant rebalancing, rebuilding, tinkering, etc. Oh, and the absence of CW.

#70 Kelpaz


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Posted 27 March 2014 - 12:57 AM

I haven't been able to play since two patches ago, because the game now CTDs a few seconds into a match.

#71 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 27 March 2014 - 03:38 AM

View PostBullseye69, on 26 March 2014 - 09:36 AM, said:

The game is getting better but my performance is going down with each patch and I really don;t know why.

I have and yes it is old system but here is the specs:
Quad core AMD 3.3ghz
8 Gigs of ram 4 gigs system and 4 gig smart drive Old DDR2 ram and thhat stuff not chaep anymore.
R9 270 X XFX graphics card

I cant run it at 1440 by 900 and get over 25 frames and that low setting using direct x 9 or 11 so running it at 1240 res low setting full screen direct x 9 have frame drops into the high teens mostly low 22 frames. Anyone have any ideas on how to increase performance full screen or windows mode running windows 7.

Thinking of changing out mainboard and doing processor swap with ddr 3 ram but that going to cost me about 550 bucks since I want a 8350 and sabertooth main board.

Built my nephew a 8350 with 8 gigs ram and test mwo with hd7770 and i got a steady 35 to 45 frame on low setting with that system.

to discover what is slowing your PC down open resourse monitor (press ctrl, shift and escape at the same time), click on the performance tab, click the resorce monitor button, with resorce monitor running play MWO, imeadiatly after the end of a match look at the charts, if one is hitting the top more reguarly than the others that one could be what is slowing you down.

I found my Hard Drive was the bottleneck slowing down my system (Phenom II x6 3ghz, 8gb DDR3 1333, geforce gtx560), adding a Solid State Drive (£40 for 60gb) and installing Windows and MWO on the SSD means I can now play at 1080 x 1920 at very high graphics and 60fps, before the SSD i was playing at medium, and 1024x768 with 40-60fps

#72 Ximius


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 05:49 AM

View PostCorbon Zackery, on 26 March 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:

With such popular titles as:

Games developed[edit]

Thats brilliant! Maybe they can rebalance the game by arming everyone with bass fishing tackle gear!

#73 Huntrava


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 10:42 AM

View PostRogue Jedi, on 27 March 2014 - 03:38 AM, said:

to discover what is slowing your PC down open resourse monitor (press ctrl, shift and escape at the same time), click on the performance tab, click the resorce monitor button, with resorce monitor running play MWO, imeadiatly after the end of a match look at the charts, if one is hitting the top more reguarly than the others that one could be what is slowing you down.

I found my Hard Drive was the bottleneck slowing down my system (Phenom II x6 3ghz, 8gb DDR3 1333, geforce gtx560), adding a Solid State Drive (£40 for 60gb) and installing Windows and MWO on the SSD means I can now play at 1080 x 1920 at very high graphics and 60fps, before the SSD i was playing at medium, and 1024x768 with 40-60fps

I'm no computer scientist, but you shouldn't need a SSD drive to play an optimized video game at it's best settings. The only bottleneck a hard drive can create is when it's loading data/textures...or if the application isn't caching necessary files correctly.

So that workaround is really an expensive bandaid for PGI's poor coding.

#74 DerelictTomcat


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 11:53 AM

Its 2014 you and don't have a ssd yet?

Edited by DerelictTomcat, 28 March 2014 - 11:53 AM.

#75 AntharPrime


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 11:58 AM

View PostXimius, on 28 March 2014 - 05:49 AM, said:

Thats brilliant! Maybe they can rebalance the game by arming everyone with bass fishing tackle gear!

You kid, but I think that a bass mounted on a plaque for a mounted item would be cool to put in my cockpit.

#76 Blue Drache


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 03:10 PM

View PostAntharPrime, on 28 March 2014 - 11:58 AM, said:

You kid, but I think that a bass mounted on a plaque for a mounted item would be cool to put in my cockpit.

And they'll put this into the game sooner than they'll fix their mistakes, that's for damn sure.

#77 Hydrocarbon


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:07 PM

"PGI is in way over their heads."

Amen. The biggest problem IMO is they don't seem to ever play. They just look at "interesting stats". If we lived our lives by stats the way these DEVs do, we wouldn't have given 2 shits about the people who died in 9/11 (stats say cops kill more people). We would dump criples into mass graves rather than burden society (stats say we'd be better off w/o the poorest 2%). We would would redirect 100% of all humanitarian aid back into our own country and let the poorest 3rd-world countries fester in their own filth (stats say Africa sucks).

When you don't "feel" what is needed, you get everyone mad. Right now I feel pulse lasers are useless, LRM's can't be avoided (lower arc & speed), SRM's need more range or power, and medium mechs need more speed.

#78 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:56 PM

View PostHydrocarbon, on 28 March 2014 - 04:07 PM, said:

Amen. The biggest problem IMO is they don't seem to ever play.

Yep, the people who built a video game literally never play it.

Does anyone ever stop to examine their own ridiculous accusations?



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Posted 28 March 2014 - 07:21 PM

Ok I'm done. tired of hiding behind buildings for half the match to avoid getting LRMed to death and then when you do step out to fight here it comes and your dead. Uninstalling as of know. You LRM boats remember this when you can't find enough players to get a match going.

#80 Túatha Dé Danann


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 07:32 PM

Well, I won't play this game anymore beside training in my unit. And even this might stop as 12 vs 12 is just outright boring right now.
In Pugs, its LRM-fest with camping and chicken all the time. The weapon balancing is way off for a lot of weapons and PGI nerfs mechs instead of changing game mechanics.
In the 12 vs. 12 its pure poptarts and if you are not dropping as a poptart, you lose. poptarts are no fun, at least for me, because its not playing Mechwarrior but camping and sniping. You jump, aims for 1 second and are back in cover. Thats not mechwarrior, thats bunny hopping ego shooting. No brawling, no circling around with lights vs. lights, nothing that represents even remotely the feeling from the battletech universe. Even in competitive gameplay, I want to have fun. But this game is no fun, because there is only a single stage strategy setup right now with no room for alternative tactics. And thats boring. So yeah, a game thats boring is noting I will spend my time on and so I'm going to the next games like Elite or Star Citizen. Something worth my time, but not this stuff.

Honestly, even I could design better game mechanics. I've worked together with game designers in the past - not fulltime, but hey, enough to know some stuff. And now I stop whining and do something more useful with my time.

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