What Is Your Favorite Chassis In Each Weight Class (And What Is Your "best")?
Posted 22 March 2014 - 04:37 PM
- Light Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Firestarter
Best Mech- FS9-E Ember
- Medium Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Griffin
Best Mech - SHD-2D2 ShadowHawk
- Heavy Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Orion
Best Mech - CTF-IM Ilya Muromets
- Assault Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Victor
Best Mech - BLR-1D Battlemaster
- Hero Mechs
Favorite Hero - Ember
Best Hero - Ilya Muromets
Overall, I prefer Medium Mechs, as their "do everything " style suits my freelancing nature. The Griffin is just visual perfection, the WW II aircraft head/cockpit really gives it that ancient look, appropriate for one of the earliest Mech designs. Add in it's ridiculous agility, and aside from a little heat issue, it's golden. I love the Orion for much the same reasons. But for actual game play, not much can touch the favorable hitboxes, and mobility of the ShadowHawk, except the Firestarter.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 05:03 PM
Favorite: Firestarter
Best: Firestarter
Favorite: Shadow Hawk or Hunchback, I'm not quite sure
Best: Cicada, probably
Favorite: Cataphract
Best: Jagermech
Favorite: Atlas
Best: Battlemaster
Favorite: Ember
Best: Firebrand
Posted 22 March 2014 - 05:40 PM
Favourite: Firestarter
Best: None. I'm unspeakably bad in lights. I mean, really, really bad at lights.
Favourite: Griffin
Best: Shadowhawk
Favourite: Previously Dragon, particularly my Flame, but Ghost Heat has just broken that. Now... Probably the Jagermech
Best: Jagermech
Favourite: Battlemaster
Best: Highlander
Favourite: [Previously Flame] Heavy Metal
Best: Heavy Metal
Posted 22 March 2014 - 07:15 PM
Favorite Chassis - Commando
Best Mech - Locust 1V(P)...
- Medium Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Griffin
Best Mech - Hunchback 4G
- Heavy Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Dragon
Best Mech - Cataphract 1X
- Assault Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Atlas
Best Mech - Atlas RS
- Hero Mechs
Favorite Hero - Grid Iron
Best Hero - Grid Iron
Edited by CheeseThief, 22 March 2014 - 07:16 PM.
Posted 22 March 2014 - 07:49 PM
Best: Jenner - Well, obviously...
Favourite: Locust - If I do bad, well its a Locust. If I do really good, I can totally trash talk everyone!

Best: Hunchback (Swayback and Gridiron roughly even)
Favourite: Gridiron by far (got the cheerleader to boot)
Best: Jester - Heck yeah!!!
Favourite: Catapults in general, loved them since MW2 Mercs... but I absolutely love my Jester! Nothing sounds like dual AMS shredding missiles, JJs, dual high-mounted PPCs, good run speed, this mech is my heart and soul!
Best: Stalker 5S (only because of strong premades)
Favourite: Misery by a longshot: I will halt the clan invasion with this mech! I fail to find a match almost as often as I get to play it, but this mech is the most dangerous in my roster. 2xLL 1xPPC 1xAC20
Posted 22 March 2014 - 09:18 PM
Favorite - Locust
Best - None

Favorite - Shawdowhawk
Best - SHD-2H
Favorite - Catapult A-1
Best - CPLT-Jester or ONI-1V
Favorite - Stalker
Best - STK-Misery
For me, nothing yet beats the power and durability of the close-range brawling Misery (AC20, LPL, 4ML, SRM-6) However, still waiting the true clan mechs to arrive!
Posted 22 March 2014 - 10:00 PM
- Jenner
- Blackjack BJ-1 or Hunchback any variant
- Quickdraw QKD-5K,good allrounder laserboat with jumpjets,good when paired with a beefy XL and couple of jumpjets.
- no opinion,i am really bad piloting these,mobility and speed is my thing
Posted 22 March 2014 - 11:04 PM
Favorite: Only own a spider and locust so no room for comparison.
Best: Spider
Favorite: Shadowhawk
Best: Shadowhawk-2d2 (It's a beast!)
Favorite: Cataphract, Orion
Best: Orion 1-K (My poor mans Atlas. For some reason I'm just crazy consistent with it.)
Favorite: Battlemaster,Atlas
Best: Battlemaster-1S (My brawler, 4 SRM 6's on chainfire almost always makes the other guy flinch first.)
Favorite: Ilya Muromets (I play to aggressive, I do great damage but I die a LOT.)
Best: Yen Lo Wang
Edited by Phelantau, 22 March 2014 - 11:21 PM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 03:40 AM
- Spider SDR-5D
ECM, rather slim => not too easy to hit, can fulfill many different roles
- Hunchback
No specific model, like them all. HBK-4G / Grid Iron with 2 AC2s are fun. HBK-4P with 9ML suffers from heat penalty, but still works fine to me. HBK-4SP is my favorite as there is no huge hunch everybody is firing at. Since LRMs still are broken, i often run it with 2x LPL + 1x ML.
- Shadowhawk
It's gonna be my next chassis after I got the 3th Stalker to get elite. Very interesting medium mech.
- Catapult K2
Although I'd like to vote the Jester first it suffers too much from the too weak and too hot energy weapons. In the K2 with 2 ballistics I do roughly 250dmg more a match than in my Jester.
- Jagermechs (all)
Love to run them with either 2 AC5s, 2 AC2s or 1-2 LB-Xes + some MLs. Although it was one of the last chassis I bought it's the one with my best K/D and dmg per match score. I wish ballistics and energy weapons were more balanced, but as long as ballistics shine, the Jagers are the way to go (or Cataphracts if you get used to the low mounted arm ballistics).
- Stalker STK-3F + Misery
As I'm more the energy weapon guy Stalkers are the way to go for me. Love the torso twist of the 3F. Even though the Misery's got that beautiful ballistics slot I mostly run it with 4 ERLLs + 1xML and the 3F with 4x ERLL + 2xML.
Edited by RG870, 23 March 2014 - 03:43 AM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 03:49 AM
Favorite Chassis - Raven
Best Mech- Jenner-F
- Medium Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Hunchback
Best Mech - SHD-2H
- Heavy Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Jagermech
Best Mech - CTF-IM
- Assault Mechs
Favorite Chassis - King Crab
Best Mech - STK-M
- Hero Mechs
Favorite Hero - Misery
Best Hero - Ilya Muromets
Posted 23 March 2014 - 07:50 AM
- Light Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Firestarter
Best Mech-FS9-S
- Medium Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Wolverine
Best Mech - Wolvie 6R (in love with it)
- Heavy Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Cataphract
Best Mech - Ilya
- Assault Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Battlemaster
Best Mech - Atlas Boarshead
- Hero Mechs
Favorite Hero - Ilya
Best Hero - Ilya
Edited by Maverick27, 23 March 2014 - 07:52 AM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 12:03 PM
Favorite Chassis - Urbanmech
Best Mech-Urbanmech
- Medium Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Urbanmech
Best Mech -Urbanmech
- Heavy Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Urbanmech
Best Mech - Cataphract
- Assault Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Urbanmech
Best Mech - Urbanmech
- Hero Mechs
Favorite Hero - Urbanmech
Best Hero - Urbanmech
Posted 23 March 2014 - 05:26 PM
Edited by CheeseThief, 23 March 2014 - 06:13 PM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 06:06 PM
CheeseThief, on 23 March 2014 - 05:26 PM, said:
fat mechs and social generals, the things that are wrong with the LCAF. Embrace the Urbie (since they make up like 90% of the CCAF combat units).
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 23 March 2014 - 06:06 PM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 06:26 PM
Posted 23 March 2014 - 06:33 PM
CheeseThief, on 23 March 2014 - 06:26 PM, said:
Hanse seemed to pick you out just fine. Can't help it if his squabbling brats and a fake Marik combined to screw up all of the Fox's hard work.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 06:48 PM
Posted 23 March 2014 - 08:44 PM
Favorite: Cougar or Puma, hard to decide
Best: I suck at all of them (only own Ravens, Locusts, and 1 Jenner variant), although I used to be okay with a Raven (now I'm trash with them, though, due to not using lights for an extremely loooooooong time).
Favorite: Uziel (runner up Bushwacker, third place Crab)
Best: Hard to determine between Shad and Griffin
Favorite: Black Knight (David White's artwork only), runner up Loki
Best: I don't spend much time in heavies so it's hard to determine. I've had good times with my Cat K2 although my Thuds are a heckuvalot more durable.
Favorite: Hellstar
Best: Victor
Favorite: Eh, I can't really decide.
Best: The only one I own is the Dragon Slayer, unless we can count the Phoenix variants (in which case, SHD-2H(P)).
Edited by FupDup, 23 March 2014 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 23 March 2014 - 09:04 PM
Favorite - Spider
Best - Firestarter
Favorite - Trebuchet
Best - Griffin
Favorite - Catapult
Best - Cataphract
Favorite - Highlander
Best - Highlander
Hero Mech
Favorite - Heavy Metal
Best - Heavy Metal
I tend to play a mech once and then switch it up, but a couple of my mechs get thrown into rotation more then others. Of those, Heavy Metal, gets the most play time of any mech. It's been an absolute beast since inception, almost a year ago!

Posted 23 March 2014 - 09:21 PM
Favorite Chassis - Locust
Best Mech - JR-7F Jenner
- Medium Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Hunchback
Best Mech - SHD-2D2 ShadowHawk
- Heavy Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Thunderbolt
Best Mech - CTF-IM Ilya Muromets
- Assault Mechs
Favorite Chassis - Awesome
Best Mech - VTR-9B Victor
- Hero Mechs
Favorite Hero - Boars Head
Best Hero - CTF-IM Ilya Muromets
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