Malieus, on 24 March 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:
Good call Malieus.!
Ok I'm starting this post for all the people who ended up in the top 10 of the last faction challenge. If you were not in the top ten of your faction then please do not post!!
For the people who did end up in the top 10 of ever which Faction I think it would be excellent if you could post your experiences, mech's you used and load outs etc I think a lot of players new and old will benefit from it and it would be good to hear about some of the good matches.
I primarily used the Banshee 3E with 3 AC5 and 2 ER LL and I ended up 7th on the Steiner chart at the end - I was in first spot on Saturday night but only wish I could have played a lot more on the Sunday -oh and I only played Skirmish matches as well.
1 of my best matches I played on Saturday I beat my highest damage and still ended up the losing team with 1327 damage. But that Banshee was a good weapon of choice for me even though I'm not an AC fan, I was regularly scoring over a 1000 damage, which is something of a rarity in the past with my other mechs.
So come on Mech Warriors lets hear how you got in the top 10! - and don't forget to post where you came
Edited by Zplayer, 24 March 2014 - 05:26 PM.