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Just Some Epic Suggestions

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#1 darrencheesecake


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 02:15 AM

Alright, MWO is a fun game but it can feel a bit stale at some points in time. These are just my ideas on what PGI could impliment to make this game more varied for every match so that its fun for everyone.

Team speak
Seriously, this needs to be implimented asap so that PUGers (solo players) have a better chance against a premade groups. This would encourage teamwork as there is a form of communication between the players as players to warm the team of where to go and where the enermy is. Make it so that you can talk to lance, team and all.

Knock down, Momentum and destructable terrain.
Knock down is a must in terms of balance. You'd see a light that runs into an atlas, now the gyro system would have a momentum counter capacity, you'd expect the light to fall down but it doesn't, it just keeps going. There would be a momentum machine to balance this as all mechs could fall down.This would make light pilots to be more careful when running around as lights are easy to use and difficult to hit. Lights would also take the least time to return to their feet out all the other classes. Another thing is that the should be a small damage obtained if you run into a wall at high speeds, just a logical thing and it could just be a maximum of 2 dmg points. Add destructable terrain, it adds atmosphere and power to the pilot. I would like some degree but only in areas where it won't be out of balance but collasping a building onto other mechs would be fun. Another death amimation could be added. When your mech is destroyed, it will explode (a real big one) which does damage to foolish mechs in its blast radius.

Mechs need to feel a bit more varied, especially with heavies and assutls. They suposed to play different roles but they feel similar. This i how I think the classes should play out, assults, slow, clumbersom but carry a tone of firepower and armour and specilise in brawling (short-range, hard hitting weapons). Heavys are more nimble but carry less armour and are designed to stand back from the main battle area and play and specilises in artilery (long range weapons) but are vulnerable at close quarters. The point is that there needs to be a specific role to play for each class, hopefully they can be designed to play like this but they can play other roles, just that they're not design fro that job. This would encouraged teamwork as players would be encouraged to play their roles as a team.

Factions need to be implimented into the game to give it a purpose of what we are fighting for. For examples a series of mechs consists of one light, medium, heavy and assult which look similar, if you get what I mean. These mechs would be avaible to one specific factions like 2 series per factions or something like that. However, the other mechs that don't belong in a series are avavible to all factions.If this was to be implemented know, the mechs that people own would be split between different factions and when people battle they close who's side their on, so we would be more like mercanaries.

Weapons need a bit more varition in terms of different manufactures. Take the lrm for instance, it could have different types (not just another LRM that fires more or less missles) but functions in a different way. E.g. one variation could be the current one, then there could be one which is slow travelling, in-accurate but high damage and has a small blast radius. Another could be in the middle, medium speed, medium damage but has an auto track function with those with 200m meters of the missile (exludes powered down mechs), (each missile would have an individual line of site). Please tell me if you don't get what I mean. Maybe the NARC could be redesigned. It could be like the missiles act like srms (fire in a straight line to somed egree of accuracy) and do some damage but track the target like the original NARC.

Now onto gameplay. How awesome would it be if we could drop into the match just like in the original trailer, but to make it balance, there is a landing zone which the team can drop into and we have some degree of control of the while being dropped. This could also the influence all game modes to enable each player to have there own personal ship which stores 4 selected mechs. Once destroyed the pilot effects into the air ship and selects another mech.This would make games more enjoyable as players could use different mechs to adapt to different scenarios. One more thing, if the coppit is destroyed then the pilot is dead for the rest of the match, this doesn't count if the torso is destroyed. Also putting the re-arm and repair function (not too expensive) in so players who die can enter a new game asap.

New game modes
Speaking of new modes, here's an idea I came up with called domination. Two teams fight over controll over two nodes which stay in the map for a certain period of time. Players earn points by staying in the area and earn additional points for killing other mechs but earn even more if they kill from inside the area so that, players are encouraged to play the main objective. The area would be rather large and change 3-5 times to varied locations during the match. The number and size of the controlled nodes would differe depending on the map, large map, large area and more nodes. Teams win when they reach 800 points or destroy all mechs.
Another mode could be a convoy mission where both teams would have to escort there cargo to a desinated place for extraction. There is one convoy per lance which is armoured and can carry three turrent (like the ones in assult mode). Lance comanders can direct a specific route that the convoy travelss in, (waypoints or lines). If the lance commander dies then the role is pased onto another player in the lance, if the hole lance dies then the convoy haults completely. Once the convoy has made it to its designated spot, it has to be protect until its shuttle comes (indestructble). The team who deleivers all convoys to their designated locations or destroyes all the other team's convoys first, wins. this mode would encourage mechs to play very specific roles. Lights scout ahead for the best route and enermy location. Mediums misdirect the enermy convoy. Heavy's attack and protect from long range. And assults lead the battle group to obterate the enermy convoy are defend their own.
Obviously this mode would need some adjuctments to work but I believe this would be a great game mode. But these modes offer a fare amount of stratergy to the game.

Fire modes
Additaionl fire modes could be added for some 'special effects'. E.g. one mode could fire one ammo at a time and the next fires directly after the other has finished with no delay. Another could it randomly fires different weapons, in the same group, at different intervals, could fire more than one at a time.

I think I've said enough, thanks for reading this let me know what you guys think. I have some more things to add regarding the upgrade and what could be added to that(tech-trees) but that's for another time.

#2 SleekHusky


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:51 AM

The in-game team speak has been asked for many times and is so called still in planning.

We used to have knock down, but it was rather broken but I am looking forward to it's return in a proper state.

We DO have damage from collisions but it is rather miniscule.

Destructible terrain would be nice but we have many more important things to fix right now.

Mechs exploding like nuclear reactors is a debatable things as it seems canon says mech fusion reactors DO NOT do that despite older games. Not to mention how annoying it would be.

Mechs really depends on the mech chassis. Mechs in different weight classes could fill the same role as with ones in the same class filling the same one.

Factions section will not work the way Battletech works, At most we had multiple manufactuers for the SAME weapon/mech but they operated the same.

The dropship drop in the trailer was cool but I would hate to see the entire team at once doing it, imagine all the crushed lights as an allied Atlas falls on their head. Respawning would be rather irritating, imagine a guy using all Atlases. It could work perhaps with a lot of edits.

Domination mode I remember playing a similar concept in a game called Star Conflict, however it ended up making all the slow heavy hitters useless. The convoy one I feel would be easily exploitable and rage inducing.

Fire modes does not exactly seem like Battletech either however since players already seem to make macros since PGI says its allowed >_< It already basically exists.

#3 Tsohg


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 01:18 PM

@ Sleek : Collision damages are minuscules? Have you ever been grazed by an assault teammate while piloting a light mech? last time one simply took my leg's armor with his own right from the beginning. It looked like he turned his torso and thought the rest would follow, or maybe he just didn't care. And you know how legs are vitals for a light right? Sure when you're the assault you don't care.

Momentum, knock down : Dunno, doesn't mechs have some auto adjust stuff to keep standing? Even now there's a working 1 wheel motorbike that's able to stand due to sensors and all so a mech, hight tech military stuff from the future, wouldn't have stuff like that?

Destructible terrain : takes time and money, would be fun, there are stuff like lamppost and such you can destroy sometime (saw that in a homemade vid, never experienced that personnaly, maybe they striped the game from such a feature)

Mechs : most mech variants have a better way to be played in my opinion. I wouldn't attach srm to torso if there are some missiles points on the arms (would be more efficient to aim with arms). Though most LRMs designed mech carry their launcher above the shoulder line and that makes them suitable for SRMs launch while taking cover. On the other hand aren't those missile launcher plugged in device? Why couldn't you switch from one to another (in your mech lab, not while playing)

Gameplay : No, no, no and no...
Have you played solo MW games? During campains you couldn't change from one mech to another, you had to finish the campain with your first choice. Then if the dropships, stayed around for both camp then one way to win would be to destroy that ship and the mechs would be trapped. Do you consider each player have a dropship? Well that could be true for rich mercenary bands, on the other hand some achievements name stress the facts we're supposed to be part of regular armies. I played MW2 mercenaries, there were hight dropship's fee's in there and that was for one mecha per person. Basically if you're piloting your mecha and that it's been terminated then, at best, if you escaped you'd be groggy for a while in your cockpit you wouldn't magically respawn at your ship. So only one mech is for the best.

Game modes :
Domination : played the same game than sleek, big things can't hope to reach the points in the time duration if they're slightly slowed down by harassing lights, even thought some were called "guard class frigates" (and would be of great use in this mode) and that there were "portals" to speed you up between the points... so no, i wouldn't play this mode.

Convoy mode : giving a player control over a NPC's movement would be a pain, it won't happen. Same thing but without control over the convoy could be made, but this isn't as fun is it?

#4 SleekHusky


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 02:03 PM

Yes I know what it feels when you run into an assault with a light considering I have done it, its still rather miniscule from what would realistically happen. But honestly it would make some more realistic skill to pilot lights and not run into stuff or hug assaults.

It's rare to actually leg a light just from colliding with it, I have seen it happen but it's just a rare occurance.

The warp portals in Star Confilt actually could potentially lead to teamkill if the person that placed it was dumb enough to make it face an obstacle, my poor interceptor accidentally flew into it and then promptly exploded.

#5 darrencheesecake


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Posted 27 March 2014 - 12:58 AM

ok so my ideas were not the best but i'm just trying to add my ideas to the community and I thought the new game modes were good ideas, they offer something fresh and stratergy. I get you opions they could be a problem but they fixed if they were tested to find out what the problems were. The convoy could only have one team escorting like one heavily armoured tank to a location which the enermy doesn't know about or both teams could escort one convoy each. Maybe the convoy could be follow a predetermined point but this means stratergy would be uselees as players would learn exactly were they going. So it's difficult to determine how this works especialy for the smaller maps. For domination the players could be revealed but don't are immune to lock ons until a mechs sensors are in range and the maybe just the one node that does move but warms plpayers 30 seconds before it leaves and wear it will go to give them time to reposition.

However I do think the upgrades need some more depth. For example a tech tree wich GXP could be spent to further delope the current upgrades. Ferro-Fibrous could be expanded into relfective nad reactive armour while maintaining the current buffs. However these tech-tress won't increase or decrease the current wieght reduction and slots taken. Heat sinks could be upgraded to iether reduce heat produced from all weapons or increase heat cool-down and heat gained from the temperature and other weapons.

The weapons are pretty balance however the PPC needs an ECM splash damage. Meaning that the PPC a blast radius which only affects ecm but doesn't do additional damage. This is just to counter the annoying lights with ECM which are difficult to hit when they move. Maybe they could also reduce the lock on percentage but a small amount counter the LRMs which are fast and the lights that run around with all these streaks.

#6 darrencheesecake


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Posted 27 March 2014 - 01:01 AM

and I was thinking that each player has their own drop ship which can't be destroyed. I've never noticed any damage taken from running into anything and I was suggesting that some more damage could be taken if they head straight into a wall.

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