IMO ATM the Awesome is fine..
for me it was the 1st (2nd n 3rd) I got.. they r now all mastered an sitting on 200-250k+ xp each.. (yes I luv my Awesomes
i agree it does have some hitbox issues.. and some were fixed (Nov.4th) which did help greatly..
It doesn't bother me that it has a wide torso(and I know that's the biggest issue for most ppl), for me the biggest hitbox issue is its chest stick out when turned sideways.. id like to see the chest sucked in a little more or to make the wings on the arms wider to suck up the damage that's hitting the side torsos..
The Awesome is probably saddled with every possible mech issue in the game:
1) Poor hitboxes: Covered here, the mech is a huge, wide target and easily blow to pieces for that reason.
2) No high-mounted weapons: Since cover is the best armor, high mounted weapons are a big asset. The Awesome lacks them.
3) No ballistics: Ballistics are better than energy weapons, but Awesome's lack ballistics.
4) No Jumpjets: Even with the recent jump jet nerf, it is still better to have them in all cases. Awesome's lack jump jets.
5) Ghost Heat: Awesome's are dependent upon energy weapons, which means ghost heat can hose them.
6) Reliance on flaky missiles: Well, LRM's are better now, and I've actually seen some Awesome LRM boats back in the field since the LRM buff, but SRM's are still flaky and the Awesome really needs working missiles to be viable.
So, yeah... a long list of issues that are separately show up on many mechs, but when taken together on the Awesome, it poses a big problem.
1) so-so.. imo its just the chest stick out when turned sideways
2) unless u count the 1energy that all of them get in the head.. lol
I put a tag in it when I have lrm on that mech
3) pfff.. ballistics... that's for the meta humpers.. awesome pilots are too awesome for that
4) a JJ or 2 would b nice
5) ghost heat? ghost heat! what's ghost heat...? this is my 8Q build
I rarely ever shut down(even on taratherma).. mind u I do roc a 6n9x9 cool shot.. but still rarely shut down.. CHAIN FIRE PP!! CHAIN FIRE!!! alpha only if its ur first shot then blow that 6coolshot right away..
6) if you take the 8R then yes, you have to rely on ur missiles.. I use the 8V, with 3LRM15s n 2erLL.. this way I don't have to rely on my LRMs that much(save them for targets at 300-700m) an can use the ERs for everything else.