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Awesome: Hitboxes Reduction Request

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Poll: What to do about huge hitboxes of Awesomes? (54 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you like to see hitboxes reduction for Awesome?

  1. Yes, please revamp the 3D model. (46 votes [85.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 85.19%

  2. No, it is OK as is. (6 votes [11.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.11%

  3. I do not care. (2 votes [3.70%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.70%

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#1 Featherwood


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 08:49 AM

I know, it has been said many times, but still is ignored by PGI, that Awesome requires hitboxes reduction. It is called 'barn' or 'mattress' and it's most rarely seen assault 'Mech on the battlefields due to its huge torsos hitboxes. I recall no meta, when Awesomes wouldn't suffered from it. Give this glorious 'Mech some love, can it see revamp of its 3D model and hitboxes reduction?

Don't get me wrong, I like Alexander Iglesias' artwork, really do, but current model is too big (especially for 'Mech's armor values):

Posted Image

Something more slim and close to original artwork (by Doug Chaffee), would make the difference for survivability of an assault 'Mech.

Posted Image

BTW, AMS size on Awesome is disproportionally huge as as well, does its 3D modeller have some complexes, maybe?

Edited by Featherwood, 26 March 2014 - 11:26 PM.

#2 Praslek2


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 09:50 AM

I'm a huge fan of the Awesome, and I've logged about a thousand matches running them.

I feel confident in saying that the Awesome absolutely sucks.

It's just too big.

I'm going to stop there because the rant to explain that is just too long for anyone to read or care about.

Posted Image

Edited by Praslek2, 26 March 2014 - 09:54 AM.

#3 Merit Lef


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:31 AM

I cant remember where I saw it but I loved a past mention post a few months ago on how to change a lot of the hit boxes for our beloved mechs in addition to the Awesome. But for the Awesome in particular he suggested the arms hit boxes should be expanded to encompass the upper part of the RT/LT and reduces the size of the CT.

#4 Merit Lef


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:38 AM

View PostRoland, on 20 November 2013 - 12:35 AM, said:

This thread was archived from long ago, but apparently it bears repeating.

A while back, someone made a screenshot showing the awesome's hitboxes, as seen in the mechlab, showing how different they were from the actual hitboxes in game. I think it was a good point that bears repeating, and I'd suggest that the in game hitboxes be made to match what we see in the mechlab for this mech.

Here we have the mechlab, showing that the "shoulder pads" of the awesome are indicated to be part of the arms:
Posted Image

And here we have an in game shot showing that the shoulder pad is actually considered to be the side torso:
Posted Image

I think this is a pretty significant disparity, and one which would improve the awesome to a large degree if it were corrected.

As it is, one of the biggest downfalls of the Awesome is its extremely large torso profile. Its side torsos are absolutely gigantic if you include the shoudlers.

However, if the shoulders were considered to be part of the arms, then I think it might go a long way towards increasing the viability of the awesome as a mech.

#5 Spleenslitta


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:54 AM

Here is a usefull link to show how bad the problem is.

I've never owned an Awesome but even i can see how vurnerable those sidetorsos are.
As a light mech user i couldn't ask for a better target except the Stalker.

The Awesome only has a single slight advantage in comparison to other assault mechs. 10 degree wider torso twist.
That advantage is not enough to make up for those huge sidetorsos.

A thing to note is that i have nothing to gain by agreeing with the OP.
I want a Victor, Battlemaster or Highlander if i go for and assault.

Edited by Spleenslitta, 26 March 2014 - 10:55 AM.

#6 Praslek2


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:28 AM

Just to be clear, I really love the way the Awesome looks in-game. It's the vulnerability of the mech due to its' hitbox issues that makes it Awful.

#7 oldradagast


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 07:08 AM

The Awesome is probably saddled with every possible mech issue in the game:

1) Poor hitboxes: Covered here, the mech is a huge, wide target and easily blow to pieces for that reason.

2) No high-mounted weapons: Since cover is the best armor, high mounted weapons are a big asset. The Awesome lacks them.

3) No ballistics: Ballistics are better than energy weapons, but Awesome's lack ballistics.

4) No Jumpjets: Even with the recent jump jet nerf, it is still better to have them in all cases. Awesome's lack jump jets.

5) Ghost Heat: Awesome's are dependent upon energy weapons, which means ghost heat can hose them.

6) Reliance on flaky missiles: Well, LRM's are better now, and I've actually seen some Awesome LRM boats back in the field since the LRM buff, but SRM's are still flaky and the Awesome really needs working missiles to be viable.

So, yeah... a long list of issues that are separately show up on many mechs, but when taken together on the Awesome, it poses a big problem.

#8 Warblood


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Posted 28 March 2014 - 12:20 PM

IMO ATM the Awesome is fine..

for me it was the 1st (2nd n 3rd) I got.. they r now all mastered an sitting on 200-250k+ xp each.. (yes I luv my Awesomes B) )

i agree it does have some hitbox issues.. and some were fixed http://mwomercs.com/...-update-dec-19/ (Nov.4th) which did help greatly..

It doesn't bother me that it has a wide torso(and I know that's the biggest issue for most ppl), for me the biggest hitbox issue is its chest stick out when turned sideways.. id like to see the chest sucked in a little more or to make the wings on the arms wider to suck up the damage that's hitting the side torsos..


The Awesome is probably saddled with every possible mech issue in the game:

1) Poor hitboxes: Covered here, the mech is a huge, wide target and easily blow to pieces for that reason.

2) No high-mounted weapons: Since cover is the best armor, high mounted weapons are a big asset. The Awesome lacks them.

3) No ballistics: Ballistics are better than energy weapons, but Awesome's lack ballistics.

4) No Jumpjets: Even with the recent jump jet nerf, it is still better to have them in all cases. Awesome's lack jump jets.

5) Ghost Heat: Awesome's are dependent upon energy weapons, which means ghost heat can hose them.

6) Reliance on flaky missiles: Well, LRM's are better now, and I've actually seen some Awesome LRM boats back in the field since the LRM buff, but SRM's are still flaky and the Awesome really needs working missiles to be viable.

So, yeah... a long list of issues that are separately show up on many mechs, but when taken together on the Awesome, it poses a big problem.

1) so-so.. imo its just the chest stick out when turned sideways
2) unless u count the 1energy that all of them get in the head.. lol :) I put a tag in it when I have lrm on that mech :)
3) pfff.. ballistics... that's for the meta humpers.. awesome pilots are too awesome for that <_< lol
4) a JJ or 2 would b nice :blink:
5) ghost heat? ghost heat! what's ghost heat...? this is my 8Q build http://mwo.smurfy-ne...3adbd69a6fd11de
I rarely ever shut down(even on taratherma).. mind u I do roc a 6n9x9 cool shot.. but still rarely shut down.. CHAIN FIRE PP!! CHAIN FIRE!!! alpha only if its ur first shot then blow that 6coolshot right away..
6) if you take the 8R then yes, you have to rely on ur missiles.. I use the 8V, with 3LRM15s n 2erLL.. this way I don't have to rely on my LRMs that much(save them for targets at 300-700m) an can use the ERs for everything else.

#9 General Taskeen


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 05:36 AM

Love the original Awesome from Battle Tech. Dat skinny Center Torso man.

#10 BourbonFaucet


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 05:36 AM

I think PGI has said they're never going to change the models, as I've heard on the "shrink the mediums" thread.

However, noting the above post about the UI 1.0 mechlab hitboxes, maybe we could get this:

1. Make the shoulder pads a part of the arm hitbox.
2. Make the left half of the codpiece part of the left leg hitbox, the right half for the right leg.
3. Move the hitboxes of the side torso in a bit on the center torso to reduce it's vertical size.

Hopefully this will result in making it more difficult to hit the side torsos, possibly making XL engine use better, and even with standard engines, result in the limbs sharing more of the Awesome's damage. Devoting the leg connector/codpiece to the legs would also help for Awesome builds that don't really need to stuff much ammo there.

#11 Praslek2


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 05:45 PM

I have to agree with the points oldragast listed. He's more or less put my aborted rant into point-form.

Poor SRM performance hinders Awesomes, but I think it's also warping the entire game, at least that's the impression I get. It would be interesting to see what happens if they ever get fixed.
Also, we all know it's here to stay...

Posted Image

#12 oldradagast


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:16 AM

For what it is worth, my singling out of the chassis's problems in no way means I don't love them... and I've done far better in my 8V than anyone has a right to do (since the state reset, two games with 5 kills, etc.) So, despite the Awesome's flaws, the mech works well for me, and many of the problems with this mech will never really be addressed without changing the 3D model. That being said, if they ever get around to tweaking the models to match the weapon loadouts, they might be able to reduce the size of the box launchers on the missile equipped models to only be that large when all missile slots are filled. That might shave a bit of size off the mech's front profile without having to redo the whole model. They should also probably double check the hitboxes one more time to make sure there are no silly bugs in them.

Still, if SRM's start hitting reliably again, you WILL see some Awesome's out there slamming people with blasts of 3 or 4 SRM6's. There's already been a resurgence of them thanks to the LRM buff, and even with a slight nerf, LRM's are still back in the game for everyone who's not in a coordinated 12-man team.

And for anyone who wants a good 8V build:

- Standard 300
- DHS, Endo, AMS
- 3 Large Lasers
- 3 SRM'6's with 4 tons of ammo.

Yeah, it's a bit hot, but it has no range gaps, can track lights, and has decent range overall... and heaven help anything that gets close if your SRM's are working at the time.

Edited by oldradagast, 01 April 2014 - 08:18 AM.

#13 Voivode


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:30 AM

I love my Awesome's and run them regularly. When I die in an Awesome, I always lose AT LEAST one side torso and usually both. The same as in my Highlanders and Atlai. Based on the fact I have roughly the same durability experience in my Awesome's as in my other assaults (discrepancies in total armor notwithstanding) I'd say the hitboxes are fine.

The Awesome suffers more from the poor balance of energy and missile weapons right now more than anything else. Back in the day, the 8R with 4xSRM6 + Artemis and 2xLL + 1xML was a beast. But that was when SRMs were reliable and powerful. In fact, most solid builds for an Awesome are going to involve either ghost heat weapon setups, or SRMs. THAT is the real problem, not the hitboxes.

#14 Davers


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:36 AM

View PostMerit Lef, on 26 March 2014 - 10:31 AM, said:

I cant remember where I saw it but I loved a past mention post a few months ago on how to change a lot of the hit boxes for our beloved mechs in addition to the Awesome. But for the Awesome in particular he suggested the arms hit boxes should be expanded to encompass the upper part of the RT/LT and reduces the size of the CT.

View PostMerit Lef, on 26 March 2014 - 10:38 AM, said:

I liked this idea myself originally too. But then someone pointed out that due to how damage transfers the Awesome would be near invulnerable to LRMs and overall have sturdiness the zombie Centurion could only dream of.

#15 DaZur


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:18 AM

It goes without saying the Awesome is a barn-door waiting to get shot at... That said, I think way to many people buy into the Sara fluff and erroneously associate it's nom de guerre (Awesome).

Yes, it's an Assault mech.... Yes, it's got respectable armor points... Problem is it's armament and it's enveloping stature predicates it's a ranged support mech not a brawler.

People who succeed with the Awesome are pilots who understand it's weaknesses and know to keep the battle at arms reach... People who try to brawl with it are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Not saying the Awesome doesn't need some serious hit-box loving... Just saying that people need to appreciate not every mech is designed to brawl.

...Even if their designation is "Awesome". :)

Edited by DaZur, 01 April 2014 - 09:19 AM.

#16 Karl Streiger


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:56 AM

View PostDaZur, on 01 April 2014 - 09:18 AM, said:

People who succeed with the Awesome are pilots who understand it's weaknesses and know to keep the battle at arms reach... People who try to brawl with it are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Not saying the Awesome doesn't need some serious hit-box loving... Just saying that people need to appreciate not every mech is designed to brawl.

Interesting - i always thought otherwise - because of its extrem good torso twist range - always thought that the Awesome is a good brawler.... ok last time i played them was Closed Beta and the hitboxes where far worser back then.

In 1 on 1 combat with other assaults - you should be able to stay at the flank of your target and deny him to use its main guns.
...its a capable challenging non meta build I guess - don't know if the next Assault on my list is the Awesome or the Banshee...

I really wish that the broad Awesome could have buy its value otherwise (for example broad torso = more room for equipment, or more volume for armor)

Edited by Karl Streiger, 03 April 2014 - 02:57 AM.

#17 Bobzilla


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 04:39 AM

Give it the ability to use it's realative slimness better, increase torso twist speed a bunch.

#18 Roland


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 10:10 AM

The pictures that I posted in that old thread that someone quoted here are the solution.

Making the hitboxes match those shown in the mechlab would solve all the problems with this mech.. It would become an extremely durable mech, despite its large size.

There's really no reason not to do it, because the awesome has always been a pretty terrible mech compared to other assaults.. And this comes from someone who drove it a TON.

#19 Praslek2


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 11:42 PM

Thinking back on good and bad matches, I'd have to agree that the Awesome as it is does far better from a distance with relatively long range weapons.

I've seen some exceptions, but they all involved SRM's before their hit registration became a problem.

It does seem like the Awesome is a little too big for its' weight. It doesn't seem like it's only 6 or 7% bigger than an Orion.

What about a bigger engine cap on the slow Awesomes? Maybe 325, giving it 72.4kph with speed tweak. That wouldn't make it lightning quick, but it could probably get into cover a little bit quicker.

#20 cranect


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:26 AM

I think that it would be cool if they would allow the awesome to fire 3 ppcs without the ghost heat because it was designed for it. Then you would see a lot more of them on the field and they would be a much scarier enemy

I think that it would be cool if they would allow the awesome to fire 3 ppcs without the ghost heat because it was designed for it. Then you would see a lot more of them on the field and they would be a much scarier enemy

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