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March 31St Public Test - Feedback Thread

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#21 Modo44


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:07 AM

The new trial setup finally has OK builds. All of them strong enough and simple to use for once. Rotating trials more often and using halfway sensible setups seems like a simple method to improve the new player experience, but also help veteran players with purchase choices.

I did not experience one Pure function call crash when exiting an unfinished match, so a plus for stability.

Testing hero and other mechs before buying was fun. I enjoyed the free run, but I would be careful about judging the telemetry. Many seem to have done what I did -- ran crazy/stupid/new setups to fully use the free stuff, and try mechs before possibly buying them.

#22 Jeffrey Wilder


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:09 AM

Tried testing but failed because of 800+ pings.

Frankly, anything above 400 is TOTALLY UNPLAYABLE. I really wonder how you folks came up with 500.

#23 Solahma


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:19 AM

5) Any other comments or concerns?

Coming from someone who was not able to participate in the public test, I'd like to chime in and agree that the 12-hour opportunity to contribute was disappointing. Try to extend a public test to 24 hours so the majority of your players can participate and contribute to improving the game.

For measurable testing of something like SRM impacts and hit registration, I think a more restrictive environment would be beneficial. Only allow a handful of mechs with pre-set builds. For example, an SRM based mech in every weight class and few LRM based mechs. This way there is more control over what is being tested and there will be more experience and data gathered with the changes to make sure they are working properly. I understand that it's necessary to have a more "normal" environment to accurately measure the impact of changes, but having people build whatever dream mech they want isn't going to guarantee "normal" data for the changes. As mentioned by someone else, they didn't have much experience with LRMs or SRMs because everyone was given the means to build their dream Banshee ballistic monsters. So if you cannot duplicate a "normal" match, why even try? Just focus on the things that are changing in order to get the most data possible. Make sure the changes work, account for the fact that the public test artificially created a "Boating" environment, make final tweaks prior to release, then make adjustments in the following patch.

#24 Kojin


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:29 AM

Straight to the point, I mostly did SRM testing so went with lots of SRMs in various forms. I think hit detection is slightly better, but not by much, but now we see missiles go through mechs and not hit rather than just explosions and no damage done. Saw a few LRMs do the same. Chaining or staggering fire of indivudual weapons seemd to increase hit registration and thus damage total.

Unless there was specific monitoring of missile detection going on, I think we would have benefited from something like Solahma sugests and have some proper test builds specific to the testing would help. Also having an option to bypass skill trees instead of having to spend a while clicking them all through basic/elite would be useful.

#25 Macbrea


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 10:31 AM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
- It gave me a chance to test some mechs I don't own. As a result, I will be picking up a couple of sets I tried.
- It also gave me a no worry test bed to try out new things. This is good.

2) What do you like least about the Test?
- There was a bug in post game mech readiness that will need to be fixed.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
- Didn't really notice that they had change.

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
- This is perfect speed for LRMs.
- SRMs are still pretty hit or miss on if they actually register. But, they seemed better.

5) Any other comments or concerns?
- Failure to put ECM on the new Hero mech will mean that it is exactly in between the 2x and the 4x. Both mechs are sold off once a person can master a 3L. The paint job on it is very good looking. Honestly, without ECM on any of those -H, -2X, and -4X ravens, they are dead in the water. There is far better mechs in the Jenner or Firestarter for the same weight class.

#26 HUBA


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 11:08 AM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
- actual that we can test new features and compare them to the running system.
- 150m/s compared to 175m/s is very slow, now I understand why everyone go crazy. But I think the faster speed is necessary to make LRM usable in game. Maybe a other drawback could compensate it better e.g. a longer locking time (less effective bonuses on locking time)
- match selection is very good :)

2) What do you like least about the Test?
It seams a bit buggy. Mech stay in match. Stuck on "data refresh" screen (once after match and once after buying a mechbay). Some player started as DC.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
Nothing "bad" happened :)

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
unfortunately I hadn't time to play a lot therefore I couldn't find out much changes

5) Any other comments or concerns?
- The Test should be at lest 24 hours. In Europe we had to work or school at the time.
- it seams that many people use the time to test there builds. thats ok, but maybe it should have an extra game mode more/only for testing (beside the testing ground) where no one complains when you shoot your own team or just shoot all your LRM into the air.
- (IMO) I don't like the blue text buttons. In the match confirm box shouldn't be the select and unselect all buttons. Just keep the settings. Also in the mechlab could be a mech icon instead of the "Mech details" button. But thats just my opinion.
- a map selection would be the next nice thing :lol:
- I usually don't play assault but I think with xp bonus and strength reduction of the towers there could be a opportunity to easy farm xp.

#27 The Flaxen Yeti


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 11:40 AM

1) What is it that you like about the Test?

-I liked having the MC and Cbills to purchase and or fit mechs as I saw fit, especially since it allowed me to test builds specific for this patch and get a taste of hero mechs that I didn't already own.

-I liked the new Raven, extra speed, JJ's MG's to find crits and SRM's to punch, it was fun. I thought the skin was cool too, the Elder FUTHARK was a nice touch.

-Totally dig the ability to multi-select drop modes, was just talking about this a few nights ago. Good one!

2) What do you like least about the Test?

-Showing disconnected while players were connecting, a lot of people actually cried then actually disconnected because of this.

-Team killing... bozo's being bozo's i guess, claiming they were "testing".

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?

-Mech spawning overall seemed better and less congested. I didn't have drops where I was being shot at spawn right away, maybe I was just lucky or maybe it's due to the changes, I am not sure. I didn't get to watch and atlas fall 40 meters on Tourmaline at the start, so over all it looks better.

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?

-SRM's felt better, no more flashing paper doll without a color change. A single SRM 6 actually felt viable as a backup weapon as opposed to having to boat SRMs.

-Boating SRM's can be nasty, they used to be, then got nerfed, now are back to being something you don't want up in your face.

-Not sure if LRM speed should be here, but since I brought it up... if you are paying attention, you can move out of the way of incoming missiles again, barely. Med range missile volleys while toting lasers is nice since they actually can hit med mechs while running, lights seemed to take some damage too, not like the 175, but that was crazy.

5) Any other comments or concerns?

-Overall despite test server bugs itself, I felt the patch was good, but I question how implementation takes place immediately after. Your minds were set. Usually the process involves taking the results from the "test" into consideration prior to pushing to a live server in case any other issues or further tweaks were needed.

-I would like to see more test server regularity, perhaps certain days of the week, or hours of the day, or even 24/7 if you guys could manage the extra resource drain. Plug in your upcoming changes as they are being fleshed out and let people bang on them, you get data out of it that small internal testing cant simulate.


#28 ShinVector

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 12:11 PM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 01 April 2014 - 12:07 PM, said:

As player's were unable to post responses during the Public Test, due the nature of the 12-hour maintenance taking place, participants will have an additional 24 hours to submit their feedback on this test for review.

Holy Cow.. The N dude is back !

#29 Skexy


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 12:34 PM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

I really like the new mode select options

2) What do you like least about the Test?

I only got to play a few hours do to the timing

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?

I had not noticed a huge issue with spawning and did not notice anything out of the ordinary in my few drops last night

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?

I didn't notice much, but only had a couple of short matches

5) Any other comments or concerns?

I think it'd be an improvement to the game mode selection if your selections would persist from one drop to the next instead of having to reselect what modes you want each drop; however I understand the way things work is likely to change with the launch module.


Edited by Skexy, 01 April 2014 - 12:36 PM.

#30 aniviron


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 01:21 PM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
Raven customization looks good, much better than some of the last dynamic hardpoint changes. I liked being able to know that what I saw as a hit was also what the server saw as a hit, even though it meant I saw a lot of shots hit and then pass through enemies/objects without an explosion. There was only one situation where I felt that I saw explosions on a target that didn't result in a red crosshair. The LRM flight speed feels just about perfect now- at close range or in a slow mech, the missiles hit, midspeed and midrange you have a good chance to avoid some or all of the volley, and at long range or in fast mechs there is ample opportunity to evade.

2) What do you like least about the Test?
The new Raven's hardpoints were incredibly underwhelming. SRMs really don't feel any better than they did before; while seeing explosions now means the server and my computer agree, there were frequent occasions where there clearly should have been hits, but none registered like before. The only change is that now there is no misleading graphic implying that I did get a hit.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
It's a bit disconcerting to see the match start with half the players being listed as DISCONNECTED- maybe change that to CONNECTING? Other than that, the spawns are usually covered by the scoreboard and blur; the most noticeable change is that there is no screen shake as players land next to you, though I might not have noticed that if I hadn't been looking for it.

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
SRMs still hit like wet noodles. This does remove a very small amount of frustration- when I see hit effects (particularly on light mechs) I now know I did at least hit something, and only had one instance in ~3 hours of seeing hit effects without a crosshair confirmation. That said, there is still something desperately wrong with SRMs- while seeing an explosion does mean I did at least a little damage, SRMs are still doing woefully little damage. Using an AWS-8R with 4x SRM6, I dumped 48 SRMs into the side of a shutdown raven from less than 20m and watched what should have been all on-target hits explode before he powered up. Once I could see his paperdoll, he had yellow arm, leg, and CT armor, and no left torso armor with light yellow internals, which means that a huge portion of the damage is still unaccounted for.

Additionally, I'm now seeing SRMs (and PPCs) go through solid objects and not register hits on anything until they hit whatever is on the other side of my intended target, and this is very, very bad. At least now I know why a certain percentage of my PPC shots are duds, but the percentage of missiles going through their intended targets was nowhere near high enough to explain the lack of damage.

5) Any other comments or concerns?
It's not a new bug, so I didn't post it there, but the issue where hitting spacebar in any mech gives you command of the team (or lance, if team command is taken) still exists. It's incredibly easy and reliable to reproduce, all you have to do is hit spacebar enough and it will happen every single match. There have been threads about this for a while.

#31 Sky Hawk


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 02:02 PM

1) What is it that you like about the Test?
- I like every Mech Tests and Experiments.
- Free money (GXP/MC/CB).
- Last time I tried the Stalkers (and after that I buyed them), now I tried the Banshees.
- There was many player who liked/played experimental builds too.
- There was no "6 Lights Raids" or "4 Atlas Lances".
- Somehow the teams looked bit equal to me.
- The side-view (when I was not the target) of the LRM trajectory and flying-speed looked better/believabler.

2) What do you like least about the Test?
+ Bit stupid, when you asks for feedback and take the forum-login-server offline at the same time?
- PGI humor.
- The gift-money (GXP/MC/CB) is not enough for the full equip of 3 new Mech. (I must sell some of my own Mechs/Stuff every time.)
- Disconnected players in almost every match.
- Too long "Searching" times. (I know - not enough player.)

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
- N/A ??

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
- Sorry, but when I don't died instantly under some Missile Rain, I just ran as fast as I could, so I had no time for enjoy it.

5) Any other comments or concerns?
- For me would be better twice as much free money. (100 is a round number.)
- "Remember my choice" button for the game selector. (I play mostly just one mode.)
- Somehow could the matchmaker replace the disconnected (not even arrived) player with an near equivalent player. Even with 1-2 minutes delay.
- Bit more text for the after match Achievement Notification. (It is disappointing, when I must find out myself, WHY was the Achievement given to me.) I think something like:

You killed 5 team-mate in one match!

You received Achievement Title: "Professor Goes Insanity" and 100.000 GPX.

Edited by Sky Hawk, 01 April 2014 - 02:06 PM.

#32 mp00


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 02:45 PM

1. Everything went smoothly, mode selection, new hero mech to try in advance, the CBills/MC/GXP which gives the ability to try out mechs and things may not normally able to afford, no crashes, SRMs do seem to be working better(but could just be me paying more attention them), since nothing counts towards or against you gameplay itself was different and more relaxed (less annoying trolling more good natured fun and chatting), less actual disconnects, LRMs better, new trial Victor is pretty good, liked that the test server was up early, seeing PGIs dropping at start and talking, FPS seems better little by little almost every patch, overall functions just seems better

2.Had first visit to training grounds with "connecting" staying on screen(could not replicate and happened only the one time). Seeing several show as disconnected at the start of matches (though all ended up in game, previous tests had a lot of DCs)
No Urbie!!! Confusion on if LRMs at 150 m/s or 160 m/s( I am sure I saw it posted with both speeds, or I stayed up way to late), unable to find game for a while due to low test server population (would haveliked to drop in smaller sized groups.. *winkwink*), weapons groups again reset, mechs stuck in game after it was over, to many clicks as per usual (want options to lock in choices for future like the new mode select option..lock out say Skirmish until added back in), still want more filter options set up like game settings, no ECM on the Raven Hero.. to me a Hero mech should be as good as its varients or a little better.. the Raven 3L with ECM is definitely superior at least to me, and of coarse so many things I want to see in game that aren't there..like a walking Urbie beerfridge..

3. Good nuff said

4. Seems good hard to notice in heat of battle but I am sure all of a sudden I will be like "oh wow that is good"

5. Question: do achievement rewards accomplished in the test server transfer over or are lost?
Would love to see test server up before each patch, but I guess it is to labour intensive for you guys to do and monitor?
Also like most for a major patch would love a test server up for 24 hours.. I know you guys like surprising us with stuff but can still do that and just open up test server with the one item that you think needs most attention.

#33 RedRover55


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Posted 01 April 2014 - 05:34 PM

1) Would like the game mode to be persistent, match to match.

2) After two drops with an LRM Cat, didn't notice anything different.

3) Would LOVE for my key assignments to attach to the Test Server.

4) Odd time window of test meant that I only had time for a couple of drops, would have preferred more time to play with different configurations.

5) UI 2.0 requires mouse clicks all over the screen for logical and repeated activities, a poor design practice.

#34 Klappspaten


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 02:34 AM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)

The Huginn, expecting to se a Muninn some time. ^^ Nice maneuverable Mech with nice distinct hardpoints.

Selecting multiple gamemodes at launch

Hitreg fixes, at least on 50% of the time.

2) What do you like least about the Test?

Hitregfixes at the other 50% of the time.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?

Didn´t even notice.

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?

The delay between hitting the target and the explosion seems a bit weird.

I use SRMs quite a lot so I had a lot of Mechs to try them out. Against Lights it definately was better, before the fix it was mostly ammo waste to shoot at them, but now I did some good hits on lights with my LBX + SRM combination.

But hitreg on larger targets got kind of weird for me. I saw SRMs flying straight through Assaults without doing damage, not often but two or three times. I saw no improvement shooting SRMs on Heavys and Assaults at all. I am usually playing with a ping between 180 and 220, so that might explain the delay and the go throughs.

5) Any other comments or concerns?

Yes, I absolutely want the Urbanmech. You teased us for long enough now PGI, give it to us! :wub:

Edited by Klappspaten, 02 April 2014 - 02:36 AM.

#35 Risen


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 02:36 AM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
I was able to test mechs I don't own, tested the banshee and bought 3 on live servers later
The extra MC/GXP/C-Bills were nice but please increase next time.
2) What do you like least about the Test?
Testing duration should be 24h to give everyone an equal chance to test.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
no visible change for me
4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
LRMs feel much better with the lower speed, at least the warning does not come after the impact now...
tried SRMs but they still feel very wierd. fired 3x18 SRMs(+Artemis) into the back of a banshee standing still at 120m without significant damage
seen missiles pass through mechs, cannot tell if paperdoll changed

5) Any other comments or concerns?

please change the southern teams Alpha lance spawn on Tourmaline, if they want to regroup being in slower mechs, they have to run the gauntlet...

next time give us prebuilt mechs with the weapons/items you want us to test and blank accounts with tons of cash and mc and gxp and mechs that are mastered from the beginning (like in closed beta)

oh and good job btw, keep it up, I still have hope.

#36 Thorqemada


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 04:42 AM

1) What is it that you like about the Test? (Please enter as many items as you wish.)
No Crashes in Matches or on Exit the Match/Game.
New Matchmode selector.

2) What do you like least about the Test?
TTK is to short, even shorter than in the live game, i very miss the gameplay around the weeks b4 ECM was implemented and a Mech could fight another Mech or even 2 Enemies for a Minute and now its a few seconds the moment you expose only a thumbnail of your Mech.
Anything is Super Long Range even Scouts and pinpoint at any range or Super Brute Force with truckloads of SRM and a TTK that is 8 to 12 seconds and less.
You PGI need to define if MWO is a game about fighting or killing - atm its a killing game and will become even more a killing game.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
With a lifespan of a few seconds under enemy fire i was not able to get significant expressions.

5) Any other comments or concerns?
see 2)

Edited by Thorqemada, 02 April 2014 - 04:43 AM.

#37 Igchy


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 06:13 AM

I have only 1 concern about Hit animation on server side.

I play at ping 300 when i fire a weapon its fire immediately but the projectile hit the target almost a second later,its cause a confusion while playing.Its look really weird.

I dont thing u have have HSR and Hit animation on server side at the same time for high ping player.

But i understand i'm a minority ,i will have to adjust or leave.

#38 Flying Fox 333


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 07:42 PM

1) What is it that you like about the Test?
The opportunity to test out the patch ahead of time.

2) What do you like least about the Test?
Would of appreciated more information of what features were being tested at the same time the maintenance notices were issued.

3) What are your impressions of the Mech Spawning changes?
Whilst it certainly added an element of polish to fix this problem, it wasn't on my list of priorities as far as bug fixes are concerned. I would've preferred to have seen the mechs landing with jump packs/drop pods as a way of working around the spawning problem whilst adding another nice lore based element to the game. It might also help respawning later down the line if you decide to implement this.

Source: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Drop_Pod

4) What are your impressions of the Missile Impact changes?
Definitely noticed some difference. Just wasn't able to test the feature out enough to give a reasonable response to.

5) Any other comments or concerns?
After reading Risen's advice above about blanking and loading up our accounts with pre built mechs that have the technology you'd prefer us to test. I second that as well. It is going to be really important when we get around to testing the clan weaponry later down the line.

Edited by Flying Fox 333, 02 April 2014 - 07:46 PM.

#39 CSHubert


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Posted 03 April 2014 - 04:23 AM

Extra note:

After the battle report the client shuts down 1 out of 4 times. No warning or reason...

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