Here's Why (my post for all the people who just don't understand the hype):
1. It has terrible attributes, and those are bared for the world to see in a "look at me, I don't care," sort of way. This idea resonates with people - we all put on these public facades and are so overly concerned with how we are perceived by others, and then comes the Urbie. It knows it's a slowly moving garbage can, with little armor and weaponry. It knows it is terrible in terms of performance. And it just doesn't care. It takes the hand dealt to it and says to the world, "Bring it on." We all have a desire to throw caution to the wind, forget about what other people think, and jump into the fray of something challenging, scary, and possibly risky. It's a way of feeling strong, whether you actually are or not. And make no mistake about it, it is important.
2. Aesthetics - It's so ugly it's cute. It's small, and small things are generally more cute than large things. Furthermore, this thing is like the Pug (dog breed) of mechs. You look at it and think, "wow...there's not a single part to it that I would call aesthetically pleasing, but put all together, and I can't help but applaud and appreciate the raw homeliness"
3. In a world of increasing rules and requirements, we have even come to an unspoken set of laws in MWO, that you must play certain mechs with certain weapons in a certain way. Think about how many times you do not want to play Nascar but end up doing so, because there is really no option. You feel compelled to try and perform well in your metamech, because there is an expectation that you will, from yourself, and from your team. Well the Urbie throws all that out. Nobody expects anything of it, including its pilot. So you have a ready excuse for being terrible. And sometimes playing that way without worrying whether you did the best or the worst is a lot more fun and relaxing than getting frustrated about "hitreg" and "noskill teammates" and "meta[redacted]." The Urbie gives you a ready made excuse to let your hair down and just enjoy being in a mech, win or lose. In normal social situations, adults use alcohol for this - we are worried about being cool, and we don't want to do anything embarrassing. But when we are drunk, we have a ready made excuse for why we were not acting cool, and we then can go sing terribly on the karaoke machine and dance like a walrus having a seizure - these things are fun, and now it's okay to do them because we were drunk. Well now it's ok to spend the match trying to jump on top of a Direwolf and legging yourself in the process because you're in an Urbie.
Edited by Dino Might, 21 January 2015 - 08:37 PM.