Hillslam, on 28 May 2014 - 06:18 AM, said:
If this turns out to be an art project it will be a VERY CRUEL art project.
Real ingame urbie only please.
There might be consequences, if that's the case.
I will totally run an Urbie.
Okay, just because people think this is a joke mech and totally worthless, let me give you my thoughts on why an Urbanmech might be useful and why they [MIGHT] be rolling one out.
First, Russ has been talking about a new game mode based on one team attacking and one team defending. You don't need ultra high-speed Light skirmishers, you don't need scouts - you just need something to fill out the Light slots. And yes: considering I've cracked 1k damage and five kills in my Ember, there's still a place for Light brawlers, but...there's also a place for a semi-mobile turret with jump jets that rocks an AC20 in its stock form.
It's not a stretch that the Urbie could rock a Gauss or ERPPC for some long-range firepower.
So on to the next point: "YOU CAN MAKE THE SAME THING OUT OF A SPIDER LOL!!!111eleventyoneone111!" Well sure: you CAN, but the Spider's role is one of scouting and harassment.
I build mechs around their purpose. So I don't build a Locust unless I plan on moving it at 160-170. I don't build a dual AMS mech that doesn't have dual AMS. I don't build an ECM mech that doesn't have ECM.
So let's use Atlases (Atlai or Atlen or Atleese, whatever) as an example. If you make a DDC without ECM, you might as well make a D instead for the better hardpoints. If you make a K without the dual AMS, you might as well make any of the others that run those hardpoints better. If you make a Boar's Head without six energy weapons in the arms, you might as well make an Atlas D. And so on.
So if you build a Spider, which will have a lower armor total than an Urbanmech, and can't run an AC20 in any variant, as an Urbanmech, you're denying that Spider of its intended role.
HOWEVER...if you build an Urbanmech as a tiny, slow, hard-to-hit hill-humper with a big gun, a slow engine, and a lot of armor? You are building it to do EXACTLY what it's supposed to do.
And I've said this elsewhere, but I think the Urbie will be more survivable in this game than people think. Sure, it'll be fodder for Light swarms, but what isn't? The Urbie won't be able to get out in front of the pack and get itself in trouble and, nestled in among the Bigs, the Urbie will be a hard target to pop while there's an Assault mech RIGHT THERE.
Add to this that the Urbie will have high hardpoints and will be able to hill-hump. Think about a Jager or Blackjack, but 50% the size.
I'll totally run an Urbie. Maybe not every game, but that sounds like a fun, tactical mech that could really be dangerous in the right hands.