Is This Game Any Fun, For Anyone?
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:36 AM

Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:43 AM
First up, I appreciate playing with better players. Learning how to play competently is the goal. Once I got a mech, I couldn't see why I was dying so quickly, or could see, but had no idea how to stop it. Like I can see enemy mechs, they light me up & a whole world of LRMS descends on me, which I fail to avoid since I was trying to work out how to do this effectively whilst remembering which way the legs are pointing. Whilst I can see them, they are not being "lit up", so I can't target them with missles, nor can my team assist. I presume this is due to pilot skills and modules, but I don't honestly know. LoS not being enough is counter-intuitive.
So, better players is awesome, but far, far better players means that exposure is limited & I can't really understand what's happening. So it's not a learning experience as much as a humiliation. Analogy, I'm a poor chess player who once had to play chess with a national level player once a week for a while. He thrashed me repeatedly & I had no idea how. All I learnt was to avoid playing chess with him & to never play chess again. It was the most unhelpful experience ever in terms of developing my skills.
I played the Catapult trial mech most & looked at "first mech" reviews & decided to get a Jagermech (the A version). Running a build based on something from the forums, 3* LRMS 5 (with Artemis) (can't install the 4th for some reason, needs tinkered with) with 2* ACM 5 guns. Have got double heatsinks, endo & stuff, but have avoided the XL engine based on comments about being easy to kill (if I become easier to kill, I'll die before entering game). So have stuck predominately with heavies in a support-type role, since that's where I like to start these games to get an idea of how stuff works. I've done the basic stuff OK, I think. I just have no idea of the maps, what areas are helpful, where the deathtraps are. All that stuff & am getting very little chance to find out....
Right, I have been having a not-good day, & rage-quitting always annoys me when others do it, so I really should be better than that.
I'll have another go tonight, after looking at groups. See if I can manage to top 100 damage again (yep, that's how awful I've been. Someone said about trying to get 200, lol, if only!)
If anyone sees me wandering around the battlefield like a lost soul, please feel free to put me out of my misery/offer helpful tips, depending on what team you are on ;-)
OK, back to it & apologies for any stroppiness above.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:45 AM
Onyxian, on 04 April 2014 - 11:32 AM, said:
I have that issue too. The best defense for lights is SSRM+Artemis and BAP. Those ECM Spiders piss me off when I don't have Streaks and BAP, so its become pretty standard in my builds.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:47 AM
Theres also a fair amount of brawling in conquest, but watch out for the occasional light mech 4 man that will ruin your team.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:48 AM
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:49 AM
Onyxian, on 04 April 2014 - 11:32 AM, said:
I bought a BattleMaster with my cadet bonus. And while I definately lean towards the heavier, the better, it was a huge mistake. So last wkd I shelled out some MC for the Hero Orion and have been playing that a lot. I also bought the trial Stalker, since I had fond memories of my cadet days in it. Unfortunately, my recent experiences with it are far different than my cadet days. I cannot hit anything with the Gauss, though.. It's laughable. Finally made enough last night to take the damn thing off and put an ac10 there. Still working on making enough to drop the ferro that came with it and get Endo.
The Gauss is for Vets, dont feel bad that you cant use it.
Whats your build on the Orion and BM?
Edited by mogs01gt, 04 April 2014 - 11:49 AM.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:49 AM
Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:54 AM
DONTOR, on 04 April 2014 - 11:47 AM, said:
Theres also a fair amount of brawling in conquest, but watch out for the occasional light mech 4 man that will ruin your team.
Yeah, I've stuck with skirmish mostly so far. It seemed to be a match that would require the least communication, since I can't use VoIP. Should give something else a try
Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:03 PM
Onyxian, on 04 April 2014 - 11:54 AM, said:
Conquest is faster paced, less camping and allows a variety of mechs.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:03 PM
mogs01gt, on 04 April 2014 - 11:49 AM, said:
Whats your build on the Orion and BM?
At work now (supposedly), but off the top of my head, the Onion has a PPC, 2 ML, LRM 15 Artemis, and I just replaced the gauss with an AC10. And Ams. Double heat sinks and ferro that it came with. I'd like to drop the Ppc and an ML for two ER LL when I can. I am swapping the XL 310 from the trial stalker between the Onion and the Stalker as well.
The Battlemaster had 6 ML, and I have honestly already forgotten what else. LRMs and 2 MG I think. Wanted to drop the 340 outta it, but engines were sooo expensive, and that's when I thought to hell with it and bought the Protector and Stalker, and I haven't looked at the BLR since.
Edited by Onyxian, 04 April 2014 - 12:05 PM.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:04 PM
richie b, on 04 April 2014 - 11:43 AM, said:
I'll have another go tonight, after looking at groups. See if I can manage to top 100 damage again (yep, that's how awful I've been. Someone said about trying to get 200, lol, if only!)
If anyone sees me wandering around the battlefield like a lost soul, please feel free to put me out of my misery/offer helpful tips, depending on what team you are on ;-)
OK, back to it & apologies for any stroppiness above.
This is what I'd suggest on the JM6-A for a newer player. The streaks will be good against light mechs and the rest will much punchier against heavy guys. It has an XL (which is expensive, I know) but I honestly run XL engines in my Jagers. Standard or XL, they are a glass cannon either way, so you might as well put some punch in that glass cannon!

Oops, forgot the link....here you go

Edited by Voivode, 04 April 2014 - 12:05 PM.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:07 PM
Onyxian, on 04 April 2014 - 12:03 PM, said:
The Battlemaster had 6 ML, and I have honestly already forgotten what else. LRMs and 2 MG I think. Wanted to drop the 340 outta it, but engines were sooo expensive, and that's when I thought to hell with it and bought the Protector and Stalker, and I haven't looked at the BLR since.
The Orion isn't a very XL friendly mech, this might be contributing to your quick deaths. I'd recommend switching to a standard and concentrating your firepower on one thing. For instance, an AC10 with two ERLL and a pair of SRM4s should fit nicely on there with a standard engine.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:36 PM
Onyxian, on 04 April 2014 - 12:03 PM, said:
I ran my Orion K like this.
I did not want to brawl(turning speed is too slow to brawl IMO), I wanted to stay around 500m. Ssrms were there for lights.
Edited by mogs01gt, 04 April 2014 - 12:37 PM.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:57 PM
Posted 04 April 2014 - 01:14 PM
Granted, playing in 12 mans groups is the most fun you can have in this game (IMO), but groups aren't needed. If you see me there's a 90% chance I'm solo dropping and cackling like a witch with every kill.
The key is to build mechs that you enjoy playing, not mechs that conform to the Meta. Although, you should have at least one metamech for when you're on a losing streak. Other than that, experiment and have fun. My triple guass Ilya und Guass Raven say Hai!
Posted 04 April 2014 - 01:25 PM
- Newer players are still in too high an Elo bracket. I think they should literally start off at the dead bottom and work their way up.
- Not enough players for the Elo to work properly. If I make a new account and in the first match in that new account is an SJR 4-man, that's proof that there is too small a player-base.
This game has been bled. There is no blood left to bleed, and I don't see it making it to it's 3 year mark.
Posted 04 April 2014 - 03:03 PM
Onyxian, on 04 April 2014 - 05:30 AM, said:
Because less than 16% of players drop in groups. So you are getting as many pre-mades as the other side.
In other words, it's isn't the pre-mades that are a problem. If you huddle around the Atlas, which encourages others to do the same, then you guys are what we call the Ball 'O Death. In your case it's fatal to you and yours. The enemy can easily fire into your crowd, and you guys either block or eat the return fire. By the time you spread out enough to shoot back effectively, you are dead.
Be the change you want to see. Learn to be a better player and that doesn't just mean being a better pilot or shot. It means typing in chat and giving directions. Tell your team I am pushing to Kappa, need some fast support.
As to TS, why not? I assume you have speakers, so you can listen and take directions. If you don't, then you can get a cheap headset for less than $20. If you don't have $20, then find it. If you have time to play MWO, then you have time to make some money. Go get some exercise and pick up soda cans.
Posted 05 April 2014 - 04:41 PM
Last time I'd have called the game fun was a few months back when I rolled a new account to start from the bottom rankings. Doing that is a very short term fix and won't bring in any coin for the game, who's going to throw money at a disposable account they know they'll end up scrapping soon after?.
It was only fun because I already knew the mechs/tactics I'm good at and was throwing them against one of the influxes of new players trying the game. (I know I'm not the only "vet" doing this sometimes and I know it has to hurt the game because that influx of noobs get steamrolled or carried before ragequitting the broken matchmaker.)
Of the 8 or so friends I've tried to get into mwo none played more than a couple of weeks, it takes a special kind of stupid/stubborn to take repeated kicks to the groin and ask for more.
Posted 07 April 2014 - 07:11 AM
Voivode, on 04 April 2014 - 11:49 AM, said:
This. If I was to offer one piece of advice to a new player, it's to work on your situational awareness. The trick is to learn to literally keep one eye on your targeting reticule, and the other eye on your mini-map. Really. Especially if you're PUGging.
(This is something I was really brutal with in the very beginning. I tended to often walk right into places I really should not have been. I blame the previous MW games, as I used to just blast into a computer AI enemy until it died. Human AI, however, can be much, much smarter.)

(I also blame the demented line-of-sight 'radar' system that MWO uses... originally, I figured a radar was a radar, right? If something is near you, it'll show up like on a regular radar. Umm... no. Not unless you can see it. Which frankly still seems counter-intuitive to me, but whatever. If you want to see things around you, you'll need to blow a 6-million CBill wad on the seismic sensor, which I highly recommend.)
If I had a dollar for every time I tried to cover a PUG group of mechs, only to find that they retreated, or died, and the rest of the enemy force was now focused on me instead, well, I'd at least have a bunch more mechs in my stable.

Posted 07 April 2014 - 07:38 AM
You're already starting by looking at what mech you have and how you use it. Very good. Bring that level of attention and analysis to the rest of your game.
Watch videos. Use specator mode to watch your teammates after you're dead. Use what you see to improve your own game. Start by watching people using similar mechs to yours. Then watch people in mechs like the ones you want to shoot. See how they play, see what works, what doesn't. Implement the stuff that works.
Follow links. Look at builds, more importantly look at discussions of builds. The why is much more important for you right now than the what. At the moment I'm driving a 4 LRM5 Oxide, exactly how to build it is useless but a discussion of its strengths and weaknesses gives you tips for your own builds and ideas of what to look for on the battlefield (seriously, don't build one of these, it will crush your newbie spirit)
Most importantly: DO NOT believe people when they say it's the matchmaker, DO NOT believe people when they say it's Elo, DO NOT believe people when they say it's pre-mades. None of these things are the reason you're losing a lot when you start. You're losing because you're bad at the game, and that's the best reason of all. Why? Because you can learn to be better.
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