Craig Steele, on 07 April 2014 - 04:02 AM, said:
There's also the number of 'rolls' from MM to synch.
To implement this system of Roadbeers means one group and every one else solo, as opposed to the current 3 groups maximum (3 x 4 groups). So his 7 man group will need 1x4 and 3x1 allocations from MM to all get into the same game, whereas before it would have been only 2, 1x4 and 1x3.
Also, individual ELO's for individual mechs will drift over time from the "core" which will hinder future synching.
It's far from impossible, but I still don't think I would call it "easy".
In general this makes sense *gasp*

I guess a factor will also be how the MM handles the allocation of free slots. Will it give priority to matches searching for a longer time for weight class x, or will it open a new game when 12 perfectly matched mechs pop up at the same time? This might actually be the breaking point in either argument.
I'm not sure how quickly ELO's would diverge over time, but this is only significantly valid when the same exact 4 people are taking the 4A/1H 4 man slots and not rotating out to "preserve ELO".
So, in the end your analysis is "sync dropping will be nearly impossible". Can I quote you in the first post after 29 April that complains about Sync droppers?