Ahoy there mateys! Aaarrrgh! Just ye look at what I spied whilst prowlin' about th' docks! I was'a lookin' at all the prospects to see if'n there be any that tickled me fancy or would make smart prizes, when I stumbled across this here jewel. Aaarrrgh! We'll be a'boardin' her when she sets out to see and bringin' her into our fleet; Aarrgh!
...Man, I really wish I had a Pirate smiley emoticon!
Enjoy Brethren! These aren't Internet pics - they're Nightmare1 originals that I snapped with my camera while strolling along the wharf. I walked past this one, stopped, and then went back thinking, "Hmm...Vance and Cap'n Krunch - er - Killian (
)would enjoy pics of that!"
o7 and have a bootylicious weekend!