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Gg Devs For Making Camp Warrior Online


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#1 HellJumper


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:50 AM

First of all i would like to thanks the devs for turning mechwarrior online in to Camp warrior online... Team with more lrms have more chance to win now...

Almost every single mech i am seeing is switching its role towards an Lrm carrer.

ravens, atlases, jagers, hunchies, centurions

everything is carrying lrms now..the tactic is quite simple now.

hide behind a big rock, building or a mountain..only less experienced/noobs go out in open to face the enemy..let your scouts spot them and LRM rain..nothing can withstand the awesome power of lrms now.

forget lrm 15 or 20..bring in Lrm 30 or 40s if you want to have a good chance of winning..

yes every now and then some team with less lrm carriers win but its not happening much.. i dont know what has triggered this new game style but most of the atlases i see on the battlefields are not tanks anymore, they are sitting back carrying lrms 20 or @Xlrm 15s and just bombarding the enemy..Awesomes are doing same and so are higlanders....the game is no more Mech warrior online.. its all about which team can rain more lrms on enemy team...

#2 Ordellus


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:53 AM

View PostHellJumper, on 07 April 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:

First of all i would like to thanks the devs for turning mechwarrior online in to Camp warrior online... Team with more lrms have more chance to win now...

Almost every single mech i am seeing is switching its role towards an Lrm carrer.

ravens, atlases, jagers, hunchies, centurions

everything is carrying lrms now..the tactic is quite simple now.

hide behind a big rock, building or a mountain..only less experienced/noobs go out in open to face the enemy..let your scouts spot them and LRM rain..nothing can withstand the awesome power of lrms now.

forget lrm 15 or 20..bring in Lrm 30 or 40s if you want to have a good chance of winning..

yes every now and then some team with less lrm carriers win but its not happening much.. i dont know what has triggered this new game style but most of the atlases i see on the battlefields are not tanks anymore, they are sitting back carrying lrms 20 or @Xlrm 15s and just bombarding the enemy..Awesomes are doing same and so are higlanders....the game is no more Mech warrior online.. its all about which team can rain more lrms on enemy team...

Replace every term 'Lrm' with 'AC of some sort' and you'll have a point

#3 DaZur


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:55 AM

So... what I'm hearing is you fail to understand that in this scenario, killing those pesky scouts would effectively neuter those pilots hiding behind all those nasty big rocks, building and mountains?

Kill the scouts, neuter the indirect support and then roll in on them in force and rip them to pieces...

Your only a victim of LRMs if you allow yourself to be.

Edited by DaZur, 07 April 2014 - 08:56 AM.

#4 Mcgral18


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:55 AM

Strange, in my experience the more dakka heavy team has the advantage. They can't be affected by ECM or AMS.

LRMs are no longer useless, but are easily countered.

Edited by Mcgral18, 07 April 2014 - 08:56 AM.

#5 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:56 AM

View PostHellJumper, on 07 April 2014 - 08:50 AM, said:

First of all i would like to thanks the devs for turning mechwarrior online in to Camp warrior online... Team with more lrms have more chance to win now...

Almost every single mech i am seeing is switching its role towards an Lrm carrer.

ravens, atlases, jagers, hunchies, centurions

everything is carrying lrms now..the tactic is quite simple now.

hide behind a big rock, building or a mountain..only less experienced/noobs go out in open to face the enemy..let your scouts spot them and LRM rain..nothing can withstand the awesome power of lrms now.

forget lrm 15 or 20..bring in Lrm 30 or 40s if you want to have a good chance of winning..

yes every now and then some team with less lrm carriers win but its not happening much.. i dont know what has triggered this new game style but most of the atlases i see on the battlefields are not tanks anymore, they are sitting back carrying lrms 20 or @Xlrm 15s and just bombarding the enemy..Awesomes are doing same and so are higlanders....the game is no more Mech warrior online.. its all about which team can rain more lrms on enemy team...

You're about a week late on this...they've already nerfed LRM's.

Feel free to go view this thread here. Koniving, myself and others lay out a number of ways to avoid missiles now that they're no longer completely irrelevant.

#6 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:59 AM

I played a bunch this weekend in a stupidly outfitted Highlander (3 LRM 10's and 2 LPL's). Just because I was bored...eventually had to switch back to AC's and PPC's because it just wasn't working.

Why wasn't it working you ask? Because I was 4 manning with guys from CI. And whatever our combined ELO was, it was high enough that I was playing against players who knew what they were doing.

Even on Alpine, I was having trouble landing LRM shots in any meaningful fashion.

LRM's at 175 were better at one thing, killing bad players. After the nerf back to 160, they are still good at killing bad players.

At 175, you could sometimes punish a good player who landed out of position. At 160, it's back to being pretty difficult.

In the end, the result is...if you want to know for sure every drop that you are going to do well and kill people, you are not dropping with LRM's.

If you want to sometimes destroy newbies and bad players and other games be pretty much sub 300 damage and have a hard time doing that 300 damage, drop with LRM's.

#7 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:05 AM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 07 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

I played a bunch this weekend in a stupidly outfitted Highlander (3 LRM 10's and 2 LPL's). Just because I was bored...eventually had to switch back to AC's and PPC's because it just wasn't working.

Why wasn't it working you ask? Because I was 4 manning with guys from CI. And whatever our combined ELO was, it was high enough that I was playing against players who knew what they were doing.

Even on Alpine, I was having trouble landing LRM shots in any meaningful fashion.

LRM's at 175 were better at one thing, killing bad players. After the nerf back to 160, they are still good at killing bad players.

At 175, you could sometimes punish a good player who landed out of position. At 160, it's back to being pretty difficult.

In the end, the result is...if you want to know for sure every drop that you are going to do well and kill people, you are not dropping with LRM's.

If you want to sometimes destroy newbies and bad players and other games be pretty much sub 300 damage and have a hard time doing that 300 damage, drop with LRM's.

Conversely...it can also work gloriously. I dropped 4 matches last night in a 3-man. I stuck with my DDC for all 4...middling damage 400-600. The guy in my group who dropped in his missileboat had a 1k+ game, and and 700. And a 300, where he got rolled by a fast medium. I stuck to brawling, and he provided rain on my targets.

You can assume that they were "destroy newbie" drops...but from the names I saw and the sense of where my ELO is, I'd say no. *shrug* Teamwork, as with all weapons systems, improves LRM performance.

Edited by Ghost Badger, 07 April 2014 - 09:06 AM.

#8 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:10 AM

View PostGhost Badger, on 07 April 2014 - 09:05 AM, said:

Conversely...it can also work gloriously. I dropped 4 matches last night in a 3-man. I stuck with my DDC for all 4...middling damage 400-600. The guy in my group who dropped in his missileboat had a 1k+ game, and and 700. And a 300, where he got rolled by a fast medium. I stuck to brawling, and he provided rain on my targets.

You can assume that they were "destroy newbie" drops...but from the names I saw and the sense of where my ELO is, I'd say no. *shrug* Teamwork, as with all weapons systems, improves LRM performance.

What were the names? I'd like to hear from the guys who got owned by your LRM's.

#9 HellJumper


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:17 AM

maybe its effected by the time during which i play?? yes i know that Daka Daka (Acs)were a problem but then atleast at that time you wont see atlases or higlander sitting in the back and launching volleys after volleys of lrms.. but not i see them happening..

and No i am not a victim of Lrms..i usually play safe (staying behind cover and stuff).

last match i saw one awesome carrying 40 lrms (2Xlrm 15 and 2Xlrm5), stalker and one highlander carrying lrms sitting in an area and just raining lrms.. just imagine getting chewed up by those things at such a higher pace.. Atlases trying to take damage so friendlies can move in dont seem a viable option anymore (at least to me). .

maybe i am getting too many games with lrms boats in them so thats why i am feeling it

#10 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:19 AM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 07 April 2014 - 09:10 AM, said:

What were the names? I'd like to hear from the guys who got owned by your LRM's.

Sigh...I wasn't trying to turn this into Epeen-stroking-heaven. I meant that, from the names I see in a lot of my games and the number of tournament winners I see, my general feeling is that my ELO isn't rock bottom. Sigh. If you really want I'll go grab screenshots after work today, if I still actually care by then.

#11 HellJumper


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:19 AM

yes Lrms boats can work in your favor as well..thats why i said that the team with more lrm boats have a more winning chance now (IMO)

#12 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:20 AM

View PostHellJumper, on 07 April 2014 - 09:19 AM, said:

yes Lrms boats can work in your favor as well..thats why i said that the team with more lrm boats have a more winning chance now (IMO)

this only holds true if the enemy doesn't know how to wield it's lights properly.

#13 Sprouticus


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:22 AM

Since the bump to 175, every single time I have died to LRM's it has been my own fault, some mistake I made.

Every. Single. Time.

As for 'camp warrior', I assume you mean that now you need to consider cover from LRM's and take that into account in movement. If that is the case:

Yes. This is true. And it is a GOOD thing.

Edited by Sprouticus, 07 April 2014 - 09:22 AM.

#14 HellJumper


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:22 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 07 April 2014 - 09:20 AM, said:

this only holds true if the enemy doesn't know how to wield it's lights properly.

true but when lights are carrying lrms as well..something is wrong... :P

#15 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:23 AM

View PostSprouticus, on 07 April 2014 - 09:22 AM, said:

Since the bump to 175, every single time I have died to LRM's it has been my own fault, some mistake I made.

Every. Single. Time.

As for 'camp warrior', I assume you mean that now you need to consider cover from LRM's and take that into account in movement. If that is the case:

Yes. This is true. And it is a GOOD thing.

They also moved that down to 160.

#16 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:24 AM

View PostGhost Badger, on 07 April 2014 - 09:19 AM, said:

Sigh...I wasn't trying to turn this into Epeen-stroking-heaven. I meant that, from the names I see in a lot of my games and the number of tournament winners I see, my general feeling is that my ELO isn't rock bottom. Sigh. If you really want I'll go grab screenshots after work today, if I still actually care by then.

I'm not stroking E-peen. I was asking for names, because I'd like to ask them about dying to LRM's. If you've noticed, there are VERY few high end players that come here and say they die to LRM's often.

I don't know that I've read a post from one respectable unit that has come and said LRM's own their faces off.

I'm saying my personal ELO isn't super amazing in assaults. I am more of a Medium player.

When I drop in my Highlander solo, I tend do well with LRM's. Even if I see a good ELO player here and there in matches, they end up grouped with a bunch of scrubs.

When I drop in my Highlander with a bunch of guy who I know are good, and I'm seeing top level players every drop. LRM's just stop really working properly.

#17 HellJumper


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:25 AM

View PostSprouticus, on 07 April 2014 - 09:22 AM, said:

Since the bump to 175, every single time I have died to LRM's it has been my own fault, some mistake I made.

Every. Single. Time.

As for 'camp warrior', I assume you mean that now you need to consider cover from LRM's and take that into account in movement. If that is the case:

Yes. This is true. And it is a GOOD thing.

nope..from camp warriors i mean...just stick back almost all match till a mistake is made by some player (yours or theirs) and then fall back to your turret cover and wait their so enemies can come in to kill you...while all the time raining lrms on each other and staying behind a rock/building....

i hope i cleared it?

#18 Roland


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:26 AM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 07 April 2014 - 09:24 AM, said:

I don't know that I've read a post from one respectable unit that has come and said LRM's own their faces off.

Respectable units don't tend to complain too much about any weapons system. They just use whatever works.

#19 Nicholas Carlyle


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:28 AM

View PostGhost Badger, on 07 April 2014 - 09:23 AM, said:

They also moved that down to 160.

If he wasn't dying to LRM's at 175 unless he made a stupid mistake...he definitely isn't at 160.

View PostRoland, on 07 April 2014 - 09:26 AM, said:

Respectable units don't tend to complain too much about any weapons system. They just use whatever works.

Every unit has at least one outspoken guy on the forums.

View PostHellJumper, on 07 April 2014 - 09:25 AM, said:

nope..from camp warriors i mean...just stick back almost all match till a mistake is made by some player (yours or theirs) and then fall back to your turret cover and wait their so enemies can come in to kill you...while all the time raining lrms on each other and staying behind a rock/building....

i hope i cleared it?

So indirect fire? Sorry, indirect fire sucks. And if you are dying to indirect fire you by association suck. That is very simple.

#20 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 07 April 2014 - 09:29 AM

View PostNicholas Carlyle, on 07 April 2014 - 09:28 AM, said:

If he wasn't dying to LRM's at 175 unless he made a stupid mistake...he definitely isn't at 160.

Every unit has at least one outspoken guy on the forums.

I think I resemble this remark or the Law... :P

Or at least half of it! :(

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