MeiSooHaityu, on 08 April 2014 - 07:55 AM, said:
I'm not sure if accuracy alone tells the entire story. The missile density is hard to quantify in stats, but it is something that should be considered.
Artemis or not, you might hit close to the same percentage of landed shots with SRMs or LRMs, but where the missiles hit can make all the difference.
Now this is all hypothetical. With the accuracy numbers people are posting for both Art and no Art, the effects might not be as dramatic as the example. Still, I would think Art would make enough of a difference to run it (expecially if the tonnage was available).
I agree that accuracy doesn't necessarily tell the whole story and that missile density is hard to quantify. The presented examples in your post are a good example of this.
That said some sort of accuracy difference
should be attributable to Artemis (and here's why I think this is the case): given that some number of SRMs/LRMs miss the target (this is more obvious in larger volley sizes, but even an SRM6 will throw one or two missiles off target), Artemis should reduce the number of missiles that naturally miss the target (since they're tightening the missile spread). For instance, if I take two shots against identical targets, one with Artemis and one without, the theory is that the shot with Artemis should land more missiles on average than the shot without.
However (and this is a large caveat) this assumes that players will behave the same way with Artemis IV and non-Artemis IV equipped missiles. For instance, if you
only indirect fire with non-Artemis LRMs, but you
only direct-fire when you have Artemis equipped LRMs then your results are meaningless because you're not taking the same shots (IE: you're engaging in an activity that inherently changes the accuracy).
For this reason I think the SRM data will be more inherently reliable as Artemis doesn't affect the way that SRMs are used (unlike LRMs and Artemis, where a different play-style is encouraged).
What I've seen in my experience is that Artemis is mildly useful for LRMs (chiefly due to the lock-time bonus) and borderline useless for SRMs (Artemis increases the weight of an SRM6 by 33%, but does not increase the effectiveness by 33%). I was curious to gather more data because I have a hunch that Artemis weapons
should be more accurate than their non-Artemis counterparts. That said, the accuracy bonus should be roughly equivalent to the weight difference between the two launchers (IMO).