CyclonerM, on 14 April 2014 - 04:21 AM, said:
Trust me, i do not need the HUGE torso the 'Mech had in MW2. Just add 1 meter and it would look great. You know, it is all a matter of perception. As Galaxy Bluestar pointed out in one of his pics the added armor slab makes the torso look even shorter than it actually is and, of course, you see the first reaction at the first pics with a bad perspective. This could make your point but just consider that slight adjustements (which may or may not not have such an abnormal influence on gameplay) would make it look better and more iconic. Just add 1 meter to the torso, make the arms slightly thin, make the same for the legs and possibly add the classic leg joint. Done, i could preorder it.
Did you play MW2 31st CC in your childhood? Even if you did not, i am sure you understand the power of nostalgia of images that fascinated you so much back when you were young..

Truth be known I lived and breathed it. Sadly I'm not young anymore and the concept of hitboxes means a little more to me now then it ever would have back then. And to be quite honest I hated the tiny limbs on the original Timber Wolf. For as long as I've had a firm grasp on the general idea of mass I've forever wondered how the hell those tiny little legs managed to support 75 tonnes (or survive combat), thanks to this particular Timber Wolf, I no longer have that problem.
I do understand that it's not ideal and I do hope that the modeling crew do make a few -minor- adjustments to the model, but the complaints I've seen thusfar cannot be classified as people's childhoods being defiled; I'd place them under the title of "spoilt brats". Honestly, if people hate the model that much go back to LL where the Timber Wolf looks ludicrously feeble.