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Timberwolf Spotted

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#101 TibsVT


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:42 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 14 April 2014 - 04:21 AM, said:

I am a Catapult pilot, i am used to it, my few complains would be totally outdone by my happiness piloting it!

Trust me, i do not need the HUGE torso the 'Mech had in MW2. Just add 1 meter and it would look great. You know, it is all a matter of perception. As Galaxy Bluestar pointed out in one of his pics the added armor slab makes the torso look even shorter than it actually is and, of course, you see the first reaction at the first pics with a bad perspective. This could make your point but just consider that slight adjustements (which may or may not not have such an abnormal influence on gameplay) would make it look better and more iconic. Just add 1 meter to the torso, make the arms slightly thin, make the same for the legs and possibly add the classic leg joint. Done, i could preorder it.

Did you play MW2 31st CC in your childhood? Even if you did not, i am sure you understand the power of nostalgia of images that fascinated you so much back when you were young.. ;)

Truth be known I lived and breathed it. Sadly I'm not young anymore and the concept of hitboxes means a little more to me now then it ever would have back then. And to be quite honest I hated the tiny limbs on the original Timber Wolf. For as long as I've had a firm grasp on the general idea of mass I've forever wondered how the hell those tiny little legs managed to support 75 tonnes (or survive combat), thanks to this particular Timber Wolf, I no longer have that problem.

I do understand that it's not ideal and I do hope that the modeling crew do make a few -minor- adjustments to the model, but the complaints I've seen thusfar cannot be classified as people's childhoods being defiled; I'd place them under the title of "spoilt brats". Honestly, if people hate the model that much go back to LL where the Timber Wolf looks ludicrously feeble.

#102 CyclonerM

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 06:39 AM

View PostKelesK, on 14 April 2014 - 05:42 AM, said:

Honestly, if people hate the model that much go back to LL where the Timber Wolf looks ludicrously feeble.

Do you think? I actually love it, it is in my opinion the best Timberwolf after MW2. It looks modern but very iconic at the same time and i enjoy piloting it ;)

#103 KuroNyra


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 12:40 PM

View PostCyclonerM, on 14 April 2014 - 06:39 AM, said:

Do you think? I actually love it, it is in my opinion the best Timberwolf after MW2. It looks modern but very iconic at the same time and i enjoy piloting it ;)

If only the upper part of the legs could be less bulky. ;)

#104 Tuann


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 02:33 PM

fellow clanners,...
you love it or you hate it,..
"on ne discute pas les goûts et les couleurs"

but basically,.. it is a great looking mech, in a fun game,... giving me the chance to shoot up IS surats in MY timberwolf,.; i like it.
it's that simple,..
i have been playing long enough with IS mechs,.

#105 Odins Fist


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 02:35 PM

Available on December 21, 2014 or 2015.??

#106 Ansgar Odinson


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 04:05 PM

In the past the cockpit of the Twolf was built to resemble a WWII bomber fuselage. I think that they could have kept that nostalgic design while updating and making it more in line with modern rendering. In fact much of the WWII clunky battle machine feel that was present in the mech designs of the past has been utterly scrapped. I miss the bombshell girls painted on the sides, the shark mouths on the nose of the madcat etc. I understand modernizing and making the design more detailed but there is no reason that we can't stay true to source material. I get bulking up the upper arms a bit, adding intakes for the engine and making the whole think look more armor plated but there is no reason to make it look so radically different that it looks like some deviant art fan fiction. The legs need some serious slimming, the lower legs need the classic strut design with the counterweight on the knee, the cockpit needs a more fuselage design and the whole thing needs a bit more sleekness in my opinion.

#107 IraqiWalker


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 05:34 PM

View PostAnsgar Odinson, on 14 April 2014 - 04:05 PM, said:

In the past the cockpit of the Twolf was built to resemble a WWII bomber fuselage. I think that they could have kept that nostalgic design while updating and making it more in line with modern rendering. In fact much of the WWII clunky battle machine feel that was present in the mech designs of the past has been utterly scrapped. I miss the bombshell girls painted on the sides, the shark mouths on the nose of the madcat etc. I understand modernizing and making the design more detailed but there is no reason that we can't stay true to source material. I get bulking up the upper arms a bit, adding intakes for the engine and making the whole think look more armor plated but there is no reason to make it look so radically different that it looks like some deviant art fan fiction. The legs need some serious slimming, the lower legs need the classic strut design with the counterweight on the knee, the cockpit needs a more fuselage design and the whole thing needs a bit more sleekness in my opinion.

The cosmetics like the pinup girls and such are what I truly miss. THOSE are the fun things. I do get the feel of the Bomber cockpit, and I enjoyed seeing it in the old designs. I'm a fan of 40K from back in the rogue trader days, where it was the 80s and everything was AWESOME. Especially when practically would go out the window in favor of crazy awesome.

However, I have to admit, this mech looks good, and it will fit nicely with the feel of the game.

#108 TibsVT


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 01:29 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 14 April 2014 - 06:39 AM, said:

Do you think? I actually love it, it is in my opinion the best Timberwolf after MW2. It looks modern but very iconic at the same time and i enjoy piloting it :)

Yeah, I honestly think the legs look like they're made out of paper mache. Not to mention the torso which is roughtly the same size as your average Holiday Inn. I'm all for the legs being a little smaller in size, but not to the point where they looks like tooth picks.

#109 Masterrix


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 01:35 AM

View PostCHH Badkarma, on 10 April 2014 - 04:31 PM, said:

proper proportions are an upcoming feature that will be introduced at a time yet to be determined.

yeah, I see this "feature" very far "down the road"

#110 Mordin Ashe


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 01:47 AM

Don't be negative, please.
Not a single game I know is clear of eternal struggle between what is balanced and what is not. Let's look at games that are long present on the market. WoW? Totaly rebalanced a few times, took them like 6 years to find out about what balance really is. Very close to perfect, but not quite there. After all those years, go figure. EvE online. The same case, constant rebalancing. Diversity, yet imbalances so huge that good 1/2 of ships is close to useless in specific scenarios. WoT is a case similar to MWO, and still here we see that they still struggle.
You introduce one feature, your whole balance changes, you have to adapt. It takes years to find some sweet spots and more years to learn to intentionaly create them. C'est la vie, you can't change it. With this in mind, I think MWO is very close to where it could work in the long run. Sure, there are terrible things in game, such as ECM or too many counters to guided missiles, but still. Heavy tanks ruled WoT for two straight years - and that is by one of the most dynamic companies for AAA business at that time!

TL;DR: Balance takes time, get used to it. There is not a single exception to it.

Edited by Mordin Ashe, 15 April 2014 - 01:49 AM.

#111 SethAbercromby


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 01:51 AM

View PostMordin Ashe, on 15 April 2014 - 01:47 AM, said:

TL;DR: Balance takes time, get used to it. There is not a single exception to it.

Not that I don't agree with you there, but I feel you missed the intended thread. People ARE complaining, but about the new design of the Timber Wolf rather than weapons or overall balance.

#112 Clogsman


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 02:04 AM

"Stares at images from old MW games"

Who the hell thought those looked good? The legs look like they can't even support themselves, much less the top half of the mech. The original arms look like actual silly straws and missile pods seem to be just superglued on there.

Very happy with the new design, fits well with the overall design of other mechs and looks chunky enough to be realistic.

This isn't armored core people.

#113 CyclonerM

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Posted 15 April 2014 - 03:58 AM

View PostSoladrin, on 15 April 2014 - 02:04 AM, said:

Very happy with the new design, fits well with the overall design of other mechs and looks chunky enough to be realistic.

IT should NOT fit with the overall design of the other 'Mechs. I have played far too much with IS 'Mechs. You do not think that 'Mechs built by people with a radically different culture like the Clans, built with a different costructions system, after at least 100 years of evolution of BattleMech tecnology, and often ispired by animals should not have at least a slightly different look, quineg?


This isn't armored core people.

How can you even believe i think it is? They are very different. I played both and i see the differences... I like Armored Core because it managed to give the Japanese-.styled mechas a war machine look and feel (it does not look or feel Gundamish) but my favourite concept of humanoid war machine is that of BattleTech without any doubt.

View PostTuann, on 14 April 2014 - 02:33 PM, said:

fellow clanners,...
you love it or you hate it,..
"on ne discute pas les goûts et les couleurs"

but basically,.. it is a great looking mech, in a fun game,... giving me the chance to shoot up IS surats in MY timberwolf,.; i like it.
it's that simple,..
i have been playing long enough with IS mechs,.

Indeed, i have been waiting for a long time to play again as a Clan warrior in a Clan OmniMech. This is why i care much about how they will be implemented in the game :)

Edited by CyclonerM, 15 April 2014 - 03:59 AM.

#114 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 03:59 AM

View PostSoladrin, on 15 April 2014 - 02:04 AM, said:

Who the hell thought those looked good? The legs look like they can't even support themselves, much less the top half of the mech. The original arms look like actual silly straws and missile pods seem to be just superglued on there.

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#115 TibsVT


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:23 AM

View PostSoladrin, on 15 April 2014 - 02:04 AM, said:

"Stares at images from old MW games"

Who the hell thought those looked good? The legs look like they can't even support themselves, much less the top half of the mech. The original arms look like actual silly straws and missile pods seem to be just superglued on there.

Very happy with the new design, fits well with the overall design of other mechs and looks chunky enough to be realistic.

This isn't armored core people.

There were very few recreations that looked good but that number is very few and on the majority of those, I agree. They mostly looked ******* stupid.

#116 Lucky Moniker


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 03:17 PM

View PostGalaxyBluestar' ='1397563183 said:

mechwarrior enthusiasts and battletech fans: 17

young no nothing disrespectfull scamps: population 10264


I am a long time battletech fan, MW2 was the first video game of any kind that I touched and I have played every title since, and I enjoyed the art back then too, but this is actually "realistic" and viable compared to the old 80's art. I liked it all the same back then, but this looks better.

#117 CoffiNail


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 05:48 PM

View PostLucky Moniker, on 15 April 2014 - 03:17 PM, said:

I am a long time battletech fan, MW2 was the first video game of any kind that I touched and I have played every title since, and I enjoyed the art back then too, but this is actually "realistic" and viable compared to the old 80's art. I liked it all the same back then, but this looks better.

agreed. The art back in the 80s and90s never had to fully think, how would this really move. It was more, Gee this looks cool.

FlyingDebris made Mechs looks viable, like they could actually exist. I look forward to Clan launch.

#118 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:31 PM

View PostLucky Moniker, on 15 April 2014 - 03:17 PM, said:

I am a long time battletech fan, MW2 was the first video game of any kind that I touched and I have played every title since, and I enjoyed the art back then too, but this is actually "realistic" and viable compared to the old 80's art. I liked it all the same back then, but this looks better.

if you think looking slightly more plausable as a xx meter tall walking plateform is concerned then you're correct but personally i enjoy scifi fantasys that look more fun then they are trying to justify their plausabilty because the nature of the genre is that they can't. if you and me live to the 3000's and we watch over bipeddle towers shooting at things at only 1000m ranges whilst cycling ammo throw body joints and harnessing fusion power safely then i'll concede the art we have here is better off for being more convincingly real.

View PostCoffiNail, on 15 April 2014 - 05:48 PM, said:

agreed. The art back in the 80s and90s never had to fully think, how would this really move. It was more, Gee this looks cool.

FlyingDebris made Mechs looks viable, like they could actually exist. I look forward to Clan launch.

and i think you've just defined it, more practicale yes, like bricks are practical for building stuff but the coolness is going, the flare that pushed the two sides technological background is going to the homologinisation of "i think realisitc is" when we're talking about bipedle towering gun arrays... looking cool was mostly what they had going for them as any realistic approach is stupid, seriously how does ammo travel from the legs to arm weapons? it's a fantasy looking "realistic" is spoiling the coolness and we're no where near getting out of the fantasy absurdity into the realms of realism.

simply what we've gained in plausability we've lost way more in cool indivdual design language, i just find it sad that clans will look so strikingly simillar to the IS.

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 15 April 2014 - 07:32 PM.

#119 Vagabond HT


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 12:19 AM

I am liking the new re-design of the Timberwolf, She now looks like she can life the Multi-ton weapon pods for arms and the Missile racks on top of them. This new design of the TW has been around slightly longer than when it was announced for MWO, Since alex used the design for the Alpha-strike front Cover which also included the new look banshee in the background.

#120 TheRealPope478


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 12:54 AM

I think the art for this mech is fine, all MW games give there own version of the mechs. My main concern is that this mech will be very easy to pinpoint where ever you want to hit it. First off it seems to have the same big CT that a catapult has from head on, and since no single side torso kill from the clan xl, I'll aim CT unless something else is about to pop off already. BUT if it is already damaged those BIG missile boxes count as a SIDE torso even though the art makes it look like part of the arm. In essence it seems to share both the weakness of the catapult AND the hunchback.

The main thing that saves a catapult is its tiny side torsos to protect IS xl engines. Even though a clan mech isn't destroyed by a side torso loss it still cuts its firepower in 1/2, just like a stalker. And I have been reduced to a walking stick in my stalker plenty of times. Also there is the very real possibility of a huge heat penalty for the loss of a side torso with clan xl. It would be realistic and a great game balancer for the clan mechs.

The only way to save this mech design in my opinion would be to have the missle boxes be a separate hit location. That would of course make the game unfair as it would basically give the timberwolf 4 arm locations for hit detection.

Others might disagree with my opinion but I have played this game enough to know how easy it will be to hit what ever part of this mech I want even with barely aimed shots and no zoom.

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