I want my firestarter to have a big ass barrel that takes up almost its entire arm when I mount a PPC, not a tiny little port.
I mean really, when you take a PPC mounted on an Awesome, take that same exact scale, and put it on a Firestarter, it really should be this huge cantankerous gun.
I never liked the K2 ever but I do agree that the new smaller barrels are garbage and should be replaced by big macho barrels. Because ladies like it thicker and longer, or so I'm told.
EDIT: If/when they add the Panther, I can only imagine what the scale for its classic PPC arm cannon will be.
EDIT2: Also ballistic weapon barrels on the Thunderbolt are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too tiny. Gauss rifles aren't teeny tiny things that latch onto arms like that. There's a reason why the Highlander's arm is designed the way it is.
Edited by Shazarad, 17 April 2014 - 10:46 PM.