Have to revive this now that it seems it's a time for change that rivals obamas campaign
I would absolutely love to see this feature in game.
Personally I believe the very best fit for it would be
LANCE ONLY Commo rose commands. With lance commanders able to access a wider array of options to communicate to other lance commanders.
This way you encourage a lance to work together.
You encourage those who wish to make the lances work together do so un-interrupted by cross talk from other lances; Outside of the regular text chat, which is already optional.
Don't have to deal with the wide array of eleven other gits out there... Hell I can't even think about eleven people I like xD Three is much more manageable
Immersion!!! Working tightly with a lance is awesome and far better than a blob of smurfs. If ECM changes we may be seeing blobs dissapate further. So go oooon! you already did the spawn points, that was one step, encouraging and rewarding lance based teamwork is the way forward (better bonuses on assists etc would work well too).
I really need this, I'm a lover of squad based action and nothing beats it. Also I've started reading the books and it strikes me that lances are bonded together from a young ages in some cases and very tightly knit.
There's hardly encouragement to reflect this when Derp Mcderpleson charges off headlong into the enemy for whatever moronic justification he has come up with with no reason to give a damn about those in his lance besides cyan colouring.