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These Darn Xl's! Newbie Engine Tips

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#1 JC Daxion


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:51 PM

Ill tell ya, these XL engines are getting to me..... I really wanted to get a XL315 for my Thunderbolt, but man.. almost 6m! But i still need my 3rd TB still. So this is my new way to deal with engines. If i wan't an XL or even an STD engine. i will make sure i am buying a mech to get the ones i can. It is far better to spend a few more C-bills, than waste them on a common engine that you will end up having a bunch of...

(an XL-280, and an STD 250 which i even bought 2 of!, and STD 260 are all engines i wasted money buying, and now i have a bunch of each because of mechs i have purchased since.)

Mechs that have great engines.. The catapults have that great STD260, Any of the 55 ton XL engine mechs, get an Xl275, Jaeger DD a XL260, Stalker 5M XL255 (which is a perfect engine for a few great builds) Cataphract 3D XL-280, Atlas K XL-300(now with LRMs the way they are that dual AMS is pretty nice) Though for almost 6m less, you can get a XL-300 Trebuchet 3C or for someplace in the middle an Orion M (the most important part about which XL or STD mech you wan't to use for an engine, is what you think you would like to try in the future.. Kill two birds with one stone so to speak.. You know like Air strike on a raven but that is more like, heavily damage 4 mechs one bird......

anyways.. do a search at this link, next time you want to buy an engine.. because it is worth the money in picking up the engine for a few extra credits.. and the best part is you have another mech to try out when you are ready..


another Pro tip, if you wanna toss a few bucks at a hero or champion, there are a lot of good ones, that come with great XL engines, so a perfect way to avoid a C-bill grind..

Now if only PGI would give me back my 10 mill i wasted buying engines last summer i could almost buy that Atlas K! Most likely not...... So cheer's to you for not making the same mistake i did. Instead i need 14m more (after my 3M needed for the third thunderbolt, and doubles... almost there...) *sigh... At least i will have the second of my 3 atlas's for the master grind... Now I wonder.. If getting my ravens to master will net me that.. as i now i have that XL260 from the Jaeger DD i had been saving for a a few weeks back...

Ohh the dilemmas of being a Mech warrior

Edited by JC Daxion, 21 April 2014 - 07:01 PM.

#2 Shatterpoint


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:01 PM

Having the ability to save configs so weapons and engines could switch to an active mech would be a real time/money saver, I have several mechs all with the same size XL in them but had to spend out on multiple engines.

Unlikely they'd ever do it due to needing cash sinks, something to grind towards, parts being unavailable because the mech with the gear is still in a match you've left..would be nice though.

Definitely a punch in the gut sometimes when your engine costs as much or more than the mech itself, I'd love the option to test out mechs and parts on the testing grounds before actually spending the money on them..sucks so bad spending all the money to find you don't like the product.

#3 RapidFire7


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:48 PM

If i buy a stock mech with a Standard, I usually just sell it. I use XL engines on 90% of all of my mechs and it's taught me how to pilot mechs well (I have off days sometimes though). Learning to spread your damage and learning to minimize opportunities for enemies to get critical hits on you are important. Nevertheless, XL's are pretty darn expensive though. I assume if you take part in Community Warfare, you might be able to nab the odd discount or two

#4 Macbrea


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:57 PM

What you will find after playing awhile is that XL engines are death traps. XL engines are good in all lights, cicadas, dragons, catapults and victors.

A common mech people put xls in that are very easy to kill is the jagermech. On average, I can hit the left or right torso of it 75% of the time if I try. If I am in my cataphract that will be a 21 point hit. Most Jager pilots toss 40 points at that location. So, 2 hits and you will probably be dead.

So, my advice would be learn to use the cheaper standard engines and work the weapon groups around that. It will help alot.

#5 White Bear 84


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 01:26 AM

View PostMacbrea, on 27 April 2014 - 11:57 PM, said:

What you will find after playing awhile is that XL engines are death traps. XL engines are good in all lights, cicadas, dragons, catapults and victors. A common mech people put xls in that are very easy to kill is the jagermech.

True in some regards. Although I find the Victor can be a death trap more so than the Jager - purely because that is often all people will aim at in the Victor because 90% of the time you know it has an XL. Jagers on the other hand tend to have a higher % with standards.. ..that said I wouldnt have anything else in my Firebrand - 2 UAC5 and 2 Large laser, a hill to peek over and you are a tough mech to boot. Riskier flanking hills as this exposes your right/left torso and standing in the open can be pretty deadly, unless you have appropriate support or are psycho enough to scare the hell out of the enemy.

What you do get though is higher DPS and in the higher RoF mechs you excel at suppressing enemy mechs; truth is this is your biggest strength - the ability to prevent mechs from maintaining fire by suppressing them.. ..done right a jager could march over the plains of alpine (with the enemy team up on the ridge) without taking any damage - from ballistic/laser/ppc mechs at least (lrms are another story) - either way, not advisable in most instances!

At the end of the day, the moral to this story is simple, if you handle the mechs right and have a high survivability then go nuts with XL's (with some exceptions), you will pack more firepower and likely to carry the team more..

Edited by White Bear 84, 28 April 2014 - 01:28 AM.

#6 Edustaja


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 02:11 AM

Some mechs do better with XL, some without.

Be smart about your choices.

#7 wanderer


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:18 AM

It's worth it picking up XL's when you get the chance. Some designs, even for the same chassis benefit more from one than the other.

Take that freebie Thunderbolt-9S. I've got one version with a standard engine for close work, with 5 MLs, an MPL, and 2 MGs. On the other hand, I've had XL-315's plugged in too for designs that prefer to be at long range, like dual-PPC or AC. And engines can be passed along to other designs to modify in turn. I get extras buying a 'Mech? Instant rebate.

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