Wieland, on 25 April 2014 - 06:00 AM, said:
I was talking about the PPC 2xAC5 one.
And you are the perfect example of the uncomprehending, reactionary "NO MORE
HATE MEEETTAAAAAAAS!!!" agitator the rest of us have been in this thread railing against for eight pages now.
You 'claim' that you want a system in place which would allow for the removal of things like Ghost heat, Gauss delay, and other weapons nerfs that were implemented to stop boating...but when the point is made that the Dragon Slayer's
stock loadout is more dangerous in such a system than than anything it could otherwise run...you're not concerned whatsoever with ensuring that a 'Mech designed from the ground up for pop-sniping can't do that. All you're concerned with is ensuring that the current PPC/AC5
META goes away, and you don't care how many marginal variants of marginal chassis you have to kill to do it.
Because it's the
META, and
METAS are always bad, and if only we had no meaningful customization in this game and were forced to run nothing but Stock+DHS builds, then we would have a glorious, dazzling Paradise wherein every single variant of every single 'mech saw equal play and we would have finally defeated the evil, nasty
You know what would happen then? The chassis/variants - like the Dragon Slayer -
that still used the more effective armaments would become the new meta. You can't 'beat' the meta, because it's not a fixed thing. it's what players who want to win have to use in order to win, because everything else loses. There will
always be Bad and Good - the objective of the developer is to make the gap between Bad and Good as small as possible, such that the
META isn't a dominant force in the game so long as players pay the remotest attention to what they're doing in the MechLab.
This whole sized hardpoints thing is one of the best ways I can think of to ensure that the difference between Bad and Good spans entire galaxies, and that only a tiny handful of lucky 'mechs ever see the light of day again outside of the scrubbiest of joke drops or the most blindly obstinate of hardcore fans.
Who are already using whatever the hell they like anyways.
You're not going to Kill The
META with sized hardpoints - those players will just move onto the next Thing That Is Good. You're not going to improve the lots of folks who already run dirt-poor strictly stock SHS builds because they've got giant nostalgia boners for the old stock-only TT days - those guys will lose as breathtakingly hard as they always do. The people you're going to hurt - badly - are the folks who take bad 'Mechs into the Mechlab, put good guns on them, and make something unique that they can use to have some fun with,
without being complete own fodder for the meta.
Why do we deserve to lose our ability to play and enjoy this game. What the hell did we ever do to
cdlord, on 25 April 2014 - 07:14 AM, said:
In my concept, the hardpoint size would be based off the stock loadout of the variant/chassis. This in no way limits stock builds. Also, this is no way forces people to use stock builds. Nowhere am I restricting technology upgrades, engine, etc.... I am just stating that a Spider with a medium laser cannot swap it out for a large or a PPC, but can do pulse or small or TAG. Conversely, the spider with a large laser stock can equip a PPC or pulse or any smaller weapon. Same with the commando...
NOT FORCE PEOPLE TO USE STOCK BUILDS?! If the stock armaments are
all you can bloody fit on the blasted 'Mech, what the hell else are you going to do with it? Do you really, truly,
HONESTLY think that being able to switch a medium laser for a medium
pulse laser is meaningful and useful 'Mech customization?!
Edited by 1453 R, 25 April 2014 - 07:24 AM.