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Adder Screenshots Revealed!

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#341 Cimarb


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 08:00 PM

View PostSirLANsalot, on 01 May 2014 - 05:30 PM, said:

In the lab yes, but if you go to the Home Tab and hit Inventory, you see everything, and for that fact, is probably why all the Clan stuff will be labeled Clan.

Good point. It may be formatted as ER Large Laser (Clan) in that case, to signify it is the same weapon, but different tech levels.

#342 Ryoken


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Posted 10 May 2014 - 04:29 AM

View PostMatt Newman, on 23 April 2014 - 01:58 PM, said:

Founders, Phoenix and Invasion 'Mechs all have unique patterns on Unique Geometry. They are only ever available in pre-order packs. the unique geometry and the effort to support that with each new pattern increases the workload. In the past players could not even customize the colors. So i wouldn't count on putting patterns on these very specific type of 'Mechs.

as for the Color selection we manipulate the Red Green and Blue channels of the texture to alter the colors. the alpha channel dictates what areas are not altered. That is how some mechs have a set amount of customization some patterns only have 2 colors but 3 is our maximum.

After reading this post of haruko again, I can not let you go away with the phoenix mechs though. It looks as if it would be very easy to get us camo pattern options on all pheonix mechs with simply leaving the extra metal parts on top. What do you think? B)

haruko said:

Here is my Phoenix Battlemaster with a custom skin:
Posted Image

See how the little Phoenix bits are black? Well, that's because they're a seperate texture, the Phoenix bits use the "variant" texture, the "variant" texture is used to texture weapons across mechs, the reason it's seperate is so that we can have camo patterns in the first place, which is why "we can't do it because it's more work" is a bad excuse because the Phoenix bits are completely seperate from the actual mech skin in the first place, there is literally nothing, and I mean nothing stopping them from letting us camo up our Phoenix mechs, they are in no way special or different from the regular variants.

Here look see this:
Posted Image

See? The Phoenix bits aren't special, they're just tacked on to the regular variant, they aren't completely unique arms or whatever like with the Founders mechs.

Posted Image

In the image above I've arranged all the Phoenix parts, they are all seperate pieces tacked on to a regular variant, please take note how all of the shadowhawks pieces, and the Locust CT piece, isn't even textured, they are just grey metal parts, so they would have 0 effect on camo patterns or details or whatever in the first place since they're never even textured by default.

That means there are literally 6 little tiny bits stopping them from giving us camo, 6 little bits that have their own seperate textures apart from the mechs body.

In-case you don't understand why the Phoenix bits having a seperate texture is a big deal, this means you can apply a camo pattern to the mech UNDER the Phoenix bits, without breaking anything, the Phoenix bits will still color match, they just won't have writing or a pattern or whatever on them.

#343 Grimmrog


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 01:37 AM

View Postprocess, on 23 April 2014 - 11:36 AM, said:


Posted Image

Well that lower torso part is totally ugly, looks like the old wooden fueld oven my grandma had 20 years ago

Posted Image

Or is that where we fuel the reactor?

#344 Karl Streiger


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 02:31 AM

View PostRyoken, on 10 May 2014 - 04:29 AM, said:

After reading this post of haruko again, I can not let you go away with the phoenix mechs though. It looks as if it would be very easy to get us camo pattern options on all pheonix mechs with simply leaving the extra metal parts on top. What do you think? ;)

Of course the "unique" parts is only some minor stuff - look at this "shields" at the LBX Summoner arm or the shields at the joints for the TimberWolf
Same for the "Heros" - only minor parts

#345 Sharknoms


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 02:57 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 15 May 2014 - 02:31 AM, said:

Of course the "unique" parts is only some minor stuff - look at this "shields" at the LBX Summoner arm or the shields at the joints for the TimberWolf
Same for the "Heros" - only minor parts

Irony on

If PGI decids to make the Heroes look completly awesome and astonishing the P2W-Department would be all over the place

Irony off

#346 Furniture


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 11:06 AM

What happened to the Adder/Puma's targeting computer? If it's not being included in the game for Clan mechs that had it (like the Adder Primary and Warhawk Primary), then I wonder what is going to fill those extra 3 tons on this Adder, and 5 tons on the Warhawk?

#347 Cimarb


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 11:33 AM

View PostFurniture, on 20 May 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:

What happened to the Adder/Puma's targeting computer? If it's not being included in the game for Clan mechs that had it (like the Adder Primary and Warhawk Primary), then I wonder what is going to fill those extra 3 tons on this Adder, and 5 tons on the Warhawk?

Well, I don't think they have actually said it WOULDN'T be added, but they have kept it secret so far, so I would assume they are still trying to figure it out and test it. Personally, I think it should give targeting assist to the selected weapon (another reticle that calculates a "hit" for the weapon you have your group selector on) or should give an extra weapon module slot for every ton of its weight (so 3 weapon module slots for the Adder and 5 for the WarHawk).

#348 Zack Esseth


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 11:35 AM

View PostCimarb, on 20 May 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:

Well, I don't think they have actually said it WOULDN'T be added, but they have kept it secret so far, so I would assume they are still trying to figure it out and test it. Personally, I think it should give targeting assist to the selected weapon (another reticle that calculates a "hit" for the weapon you have your group selector on) or should give an extra weapon module slot for every ton of its weight (so 3 weapon module slots for the Adder and 5 for the WarHawk).

Extra weapon module slots would be cool. But I saw on another forum someone sugesting ways it could work. My favororite and least op would be the damage overlay on the target itself. I like that one a lot.

#349 Cimarb


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 12:56 PM

View PostZack Esseth, on 20 May 2014 - 11:35 AM, said:

Extra weapon module slots would be cool. But I saw on another forum someone sugesting ways it could work. My favororite and least op would be the damage overlay on the target itself. I like that one a lot.

Yeah, that would be quite cool, but a lot of work in comparison and not very beneficial, really, as all you have to do is glance two inches to the top right to see the same thing.

I snipe a lot, so the compensated firing reticle is my preferred method, but since I primarily snipe with ballistics (like everyone does in this game, unfortunately), the targeting computer wouldn't help me much in that regard either. That means the additional module slots would be better for me personally, but then against the current weapon modules....well, suck...so I'm just interested in what PGI decides to do with it and hope they don't disappoint.

#350 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 01:59 PM

Honestly, I think the least OP approach to a TarComp is to override the current way convergence works.

OK, right now convergence works by making all your weapons hit at the distance your reticule is hovering over. Be that on the mech in front of you or the terrain behind the mech you are targeting. If you are leading a target at distance, that means that any projectile style weapon system will not converge on the target, but behind it, with a spread dependant on how far away the background in the lead was. This means you could do anything from an unfocused hit with your weapons, to hit with half of your weapons, to a total and complete miss in the case of some skinny fast mechs.

IE: Enemy mech is at 500 meters, your reticule is over terrain 750 meters away, your shots converge at 750 meters.

I would propose a TarComp set convergence to your currently selected enemy. You lead a target, your shots are still converging as if you were aiming at the target, and if your lead was correct you hit with a focused attack as opposed to a spread one regardless of how far you had to lead or how far the background was relative to the target.

IE: Enemy targeted mech is at 500 meters, your reticule is over terrain 750 meters away, your shots converge at 500 meters.

This offers no easy mode lead indicator. No easy mode hit box overlay. Hell, it does not even require any new graphics or icons to be added to the game. It punishes players who refuse to use the R key, but Clan pilots are supposed to be skilled enough to smash their face across the keyboard once and if the player cannot hit the damned button that is on them.

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 20 May 2014 - 02:00 PM.

#351 Corbenik


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 02:13 PM

hmm sounds like an auto aim when u press R, that would be awesome :P and non op lol press R and ur armaments auto follow within ur los so u don't have to keep the reitcle urself but it just shoots any part of the mech . that would be crazy

#352 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 02:17 PM

View PostCorbenik, on 20 May 2014 - 02:13 PM, said:

hmm sounds like an auto aim when u press R, that would be awesome :P and non op lol press R and ur armaments auto follow within ur los so u don't have to keep the reitcle urself but it just shoots any part of the mech . that would be crazy

Eh? If that was in response to my suggestion, not at all. I mean you still need to aim. You, the player, still need to lead correctly. Nothing is going to help you there. Just that instead of the shots converging at 750 meters for a 500 meter away target, they will converge at the 500 meter distance the target actually is. If you screw up your lead, you still miss, but the shots will criss cross at 500 meters.

#353 Corbenik


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 03:53 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 20 May 2014 - 02:17 PM, said:

Eh? If that was in response to my suggestion, not at all. I mean you still need to aim. You, the player, still need to lead correctly. Nothing is going to help you there. Just that instead of the shots converging at 750 meters for a 500 meter away target, they will converge at the 500 meter distance the target actually is. If you screw up your lead, you still miss, but the shots will criss cross at 500 meters.

well i guess it was and wasn't i just felt that adding the auto aim but as range increases gets less pinpoint more spread of course your idea sounds more feasible

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