When browsing the forums I found an interesting thread about a take on weapon convergence:
However I think that less drastic changes would still keep things more interesting.
My changes would be to add 2 more convergence points left and right of our crosshairs for weapons in the left and right torso respectively. Arm and center torso mounted weapons wouldnt change from what we have right now.
After holding lock on a targeted enemy for 2 secs ( just my opinion) crosshairs would turn golden and all torso weapons would use the single center convergence point. You cannot loose the lock as long as you can keep the enemy mech targeted.
This means that if you want to snipe/poptart you should concentrate on weapons mounted on your arms and CT because they are already somewhat converged.
This would also give the targeting computer that will come soon a nice effect, it could reduce time to achieve a golden lock to 1 sec.
Overall I think a change like this would be healthy for the game and make the game a little bit more battletechy fluffy. The numbers are just random numbers and can be changed to whatever is balanced.
Thoughts on this?
Edited some spelling errors...
Edited by Egomane, 24 April 2014 - 12:02 PM.