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Stock Mech Mondays

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#601 paxmortis


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 12:57 PM

And so it begins!

Posted Image

More information coming soon!

#602 Tesunie


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 03:26 PM

I have good news, and I have bad news.

The good news is you wont have to try and squeeze in the tonnage for my Awesome.
The bad news is, I'm selling the Awesome, as I'm realizing I'm just not an assault pilot, in any sense of the word.

My performance within the 4J is impressive enough, so I shall remain one of the many medium (50 ton) unnamed pilots on the battlefield...

(AKA: The Awesome isn't a good fit for me, and I'm a better performer within my lighter 4J.)

Not sure what other stock mech would interest me at this point, so I'm back to Hunchback only, which I don't think was a problem anyway.

View Postpaxmortis, on 27 June 2014 - 12:57 PM, said:

And so it begins!

Posted Image

More information coming soon!

I can say, if I can join (and my 4J is playable, which I don't know why it wouldn't be), I'll try to be there! It looks like fun! (I'm only joining for fun, so don't put me on a team actually trying to win... :blink: )

#603 Davic Kerensky


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 07:07 PM

I know it sounds ungreatful or even silly ... but was really wondering if there was a more 'established' version of 'Stock' fighting. Before you roast me with the 'forum flamers of death' ... my wondering is because the more I read into this, the more I would rather be in a 'stock mech' enviroment rather than trying to survive the 'meta Mech war' !

It seems saddening that it is only a Monday.

Just curious, that's all ...

#604 Tesunie


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 07:14 PM

View Postsnessuk, on 27 June 2014 - 07:07 PM, said:

I know it sounds ungreatful or even silly ... but was really wondering if there was a more 'established' version of 'Stock' fighting. Before you roast me with the 'forum flamers of death' ... my wondering is because the more I read into this, the more I would rather be in a 'stock mech' enviroment rather than trying to survive the 'meta Mech war' !

It seems saddening that it is only a Monday.

Just curious, that's all ...

There is a Stock Mech Monday, a Tech Era Wednesday(?), and another similar even run on Saturday.

Sadly, it isn't an actual game mode yet, which makes us sad.

There is also the possibility, if you could gather enough people together, to run a stock mech match any time you want. All you need is two people (leaders) to have premium time active, and you can have as many/few players as you want. Otherwise, you will be forced to have 24 exact players.

I can say, if you see me on the game, and I have the time/ability, I'm almost always up for a bit of stock mech matches! (I'm also crazy enough to use my 4J stock in public matches... but that's just me.)

#605 Davic Kerensky


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 07:40 PM

Hehe !

It would be nice for a stock mech option, because listening to you guys and watching some of the vids shows how much of a better Mechwarrior they are.

Not reliant on the 'meta' and still making the game absolute fun and epic to compete in.

I have 90 days Premium running atm, but really want to get involved in a more 'larger' universe where the stock mech is king, rather than being told .. 'you need this meta ... !' and me saying 'You are f**king kidding me!'.

Plus I saw a thread that shows various stock mech creations throughout the timeline of Mechwarrior/Battletech with 'smurfy' links to a good few of them ... does this count aswell since they seem 'stock' for the various timelines.

I know I may sound sad .. but loving the idea more of 'pre-Clan' fights .. from an earlier era other than MWO's offering.

#606 Tesunie


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 07:54 PM

View Postsnessuk, on 27 June 2014 - 07:40 PM, said:

Hehe !

It would be nice for a stock mech option, because listening to you guys and watching some of the vids shows how much of a better Mechwarrior they are.

Not reliant on the 'meta' and still making the game absolute fun and epic to compete in.

I have 90 days Premium running atm, but really want to get involved in a more 'larger' universe where the stock mech is king, rather than being told .. 'you need this meta ... !' and me saying 'You are f**king kidding me!'.

Plus I saw a thread that shows various stock mech creations throughout the timeline of Mechwarrior/Battletech with 'smurfy' links to a good few of them ... does this count aswell since they seem 'stock' for the various timelines.

I know I may sound sad .. but loving the idea more of 'pre-Clan' fights .. from an earlier era other than MWO's offering.

(Are you following this thread? Cause if you are, I'll just stop quoting you to make sure you notice my response.)

Stock mechs are a lot of fun. When played with other stock mechs, it's a rather even feeling playing field. Skill becomes more important (from my point of view) in stock mech matches, as well as strategy. I've been in only two SMM events, and it was a lot of fun. If the vids look like fun to you, the game play itself should be even more fun.

Meta? What meta? I don't listen to the meta of the game, and always play what feels right to me. For me, that's usually some form of LRMs on my mech, even before they got boosted. I always suggest people play what is fun for them, not what happens to be meta and "flavor of the month".

I play stock mechs in public matches as a challenge to myself. Playing with my 4J again, especially in public matches, I feel have increased my already formidable LRM skills. You learn to conserve ammo and manage your heat a lot more in a stock mech.

Right now, without some kind of special Okay from other people in the event, I'd have to say Stock Mech means, literally, as you buy it from the store no alterations (with exception to decorative effects, such as the previously mentioned paint colors and also cockpit items). Otherwise, I'd be occasionally running a Hollander styled mech, or a "Crab" Hunchback. For the most part, most stock matches work within 3050 or 3025. You might be able to convince a group to let you play with a pseudo mech that isn't in the game, but it's not very likely...

You'd be looking for the Tech level 1 group of SMM. That means no endo, FF, XL, DHS, TAG, NARC, Artemis, etc. Basically, it would be 3025 level of tech (if I'm correct).

I kinda hope that CW will involve more stock options than what we currently see in the game. But sadly, a stock only CW might very well drive people away from it, or make a lot of people upset with PGI... :blink: (I'd be happy with just a stock only option for Public Matches personally...)

Edited by Tesunie, 27 June 2014 - 07:56 PM.

#607 Davic Kerensky


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 04:27 AM

Tesunie .. the more you talk about it .. the more I am convinced this is my calling !!

Tech Level 1 sounds right up my street, leaving the ability and skill to the pilot. Bit like a dogfight from WW1 rather than modern day 'fire and forget' !!

*Prepares 4 mechbays for stock mech application*

Am I right aswell that you cannot 'level skills' for the mech ?

#608 paxmortis


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 05:07 AM

Stockmech and especially 3025 / Techlevel 1 Mechs are fun and fell much more like a Mech from the novels.

Thats the reason we play in the germany community in the past three 3025 Stockmech Tourneys.

(German language)
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3

I think now it is the time, to bring the fun of 3025 stockmechs to our international players. So season 4 will be, as written above and international tourney.

Right at the moment, i am searching under the german players, mates how would help me with this.

I wrote a news about this tourney, this thread and my search for a team, i this blog: http://mwogerman.blogspot.de/

As i am a lazy guy here a google translate with little corrections.


Dear friends of the cultivated Mechsports,

I have announced in the past, the 3025 tournaments in the German community.

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3

A cherished tradition!

In the future I'll probably like this open up this event.


Here's the call, the call of classic Battletech, the call for honor!

The 3025 Stockmech tournament is entered in its fourth season, the stage of the international Mechsports.

As we already reported in a previous news, more and more players have turned to the so-called Stockmechs.

That made ​​me very a happy person, just as an old Battletech fan I am. Together with Storyteller (Oli) arose from the idea of the 3025 Stockmech tournaments.

Now the player has received General Taskeen via PM in MWO forum contact me to meet the Stockmech Monday / Monday with more life in Europe. Needless to say, he has deposited it in accordance forum thread.

What has led to some news from Europe in my profile. Probably mainly because he has linked in the appropriate thread "old" recordings of the Season 1, 36th Dieron regulars (BT since 1993).

I could really care about me only today, unfortunately. The working week was hard and the family present.

Most of you know that, the normal life!

Just because you know that and because I know that many players (not all) of the German community appreciate this tournament play as well as I do!

Here's the call, the call of work, the call for more work!

This idea to lift this project, I need you. I need a team that helps me and the idea.

I'm on 02/07/2014 at the meeting of the German community (Edema hates me now) get into detail about it and talk in connection with the interested parties.

I would appreciate any support for using you. Be it translation / organizational issues by the TMC in the video / graphics area or by German units / player in Logistics /.

Write me a PM or simply looks past the 07/02/2014.


Edited by paxmortis, 28 June 2014 - 05:08 AM.

#609 Tesunie


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 08:21 AM

View Postsnessuk, on 28 June 2014 - 04:27 AM, said:

Am I right aswell that you cannot 'level skills' for the mech ?

You may level (master) your mech as you please. My 4J was just basics done (for my 4SP I originally owned and customized) for the first Monday I joined. I have since played it to finish the elites to help improve the mech to a state I am more use to. So I'd suggest you get some practice in with the mech before hand (though we are a rather friendly bunch and don't care about winning or losing) and level that mech out!

I find SMM is as much about pilot skill as it is learning how your mech is suppose to run, as well as finding that stock mech loadout that works for you. The 4J was a trial mech (way back in the day) that I always liked, did well in, and first played the game in. Picking the 4J up is like reminding me of how I started MWO, and shows me how much I've improved in playing this game.

#610 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 08:27 AM

View PostTesunie, on 27 June 2014 - 07:14 PM, said:

There is a Stock Mech Monday, a Tech Era Wednesday(?), and another similar even run on Saturday.

Sadly, it isn't an actual game mode yet, which makes us sad.

There is also the possibility, if you could gather enough people together, to run a stock mech match any time you want. All you need is two people (leaders) to have premium time active, and you can have as many/few players as you want. Otherwise, you will be forced to have 24 exact players.

I can say, if you see me on the game, and I have the time/ability, I'm almost always up for a bit of stock mech matches! (I'm also crazy enough to use my 4J stock in public matches... but that's just me.)

And, I need to touch base with Taskeen, but we are trying to get a Stock Match "Operation Revival" Night going. The inaugural one, was set for the June 17th Patch, but as one might have guessed the completely borked status of the Servers ended it before it began.

When I have more time, and details, will try again for it. But it was supposed to be 5v8 Clan Stock vs IS Stock lvl 1. If we find the power gap too high, we might allows a limited number of lvl 2 IS Mechs per team.

#611 General Taskeen


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 08:54 AM

View Postsnessuk, on 27 June 2014 - 07:07 PM, said:

I know it sounds ungreatful or even silly ... but was really wondering if there was a more 'established' version of 'Stock' fighting. Before you roast me with the 'forum flamers of death' ... my wondering is because the more I read into this, the more I would rather be in a 'stock mech' enviroment rather than trying to survive the 'meta Mech war' !

It seems saddening that it is only a Monday.

Just curious, that's all ...

Just to give you a little history of MW games, perhaps you already know this stuff, but I'll go over it anyways. MWO does indeed not have a stock mode, but there is a petition for such a thing to happen as it has been a staple of mostly every MW game and it was something people did in BT.

The reason why it is so popular is because many people ran just pure classic stock campaigns in TT, and catalyst provided options like random assignment tables for setting up battles for factions. Later, when the MW games started coming out, people wanted to play stock only games when Multiplayer features started rolling out like for MW2.

After then came Mech Warrior 3 in 1999, which had single-player and multi-player. In single-player the developers included the ability to run pretty much most of the stock variants of the 'Mechs in the game (or you could customize). In multiplayer they included a server difficulty option called "Stock Mode" which also was popular.

In 2000 Mech Warrior 4: Vengeance was released. In the following years the expansions were released (2001 - Black Knight), (2002 - Mercenaries). The "Stock Mode" difficulty option was retained and over the life span of the game was immensely popular for years, many stock mech CW wars were built around it. Of course people played just customization leagues or servers as well, but other people got fed up with the insane builds you could make.

Then came a game called MechWarrior Multiplayer Battletech 3025 (video) (another video) (yet another video) in 2001 (during the time Microsoft was developing expansions for MW4), which was a Beta-game and because EA/Microsoft had a hissy fit over rights, they shut it down much to the disappoint of the beta players who had played it. The game was Stock gameplay and even had a Community Warfare meta-game where people played as factions, ranked up, and took control of planets. In my opinion, that stock only CW will always be miles better and more in-depth than MWO's upcoming CW with "mechlab" and non-canon builds.

In 2009, the franchise was revitalized with Mech Warrior Living Legends, which was essentially a stock only game as well (no mech lab), but the Devs included both a mix of canon builds and slightly modified builds. In 2010, MekTek released MW4: Mercs for free and some updates for it. And "stock only" was still strong and ongoing in these games.

And then we have MWO - which some of us older stock fans were hoping a stock mode might be included, but it wasn't added to the game nor hinted at by the devs (as far as I'm aware). We are still petitioning for it, but in the mean time we are having a lot of fun bringing back the glory days of this mode in private matches. There is the Monday event, one on wednesday, and one at saturday. And as bishop mentioned, possible one for tuesday as well that's just always "clan vs is."

Edited by General Taskeen, 28 June 2014 - 09:20 AM.

#612 Davic Kerensky


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 11:04 AM

Thanks again for all the info .. hope there will be like a 'seperate' stock play that doesn't hamper me having to go to work.

#613 IraqiWalker


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 11:16 AM

Well, I have a few million C-Bills parked for now. I think I can afford to slap on a couple of stock lights (my favorite weight class), and jump in with you lovely folks.

EDIT: If we're on comms, y'all will get to hear my weird accent.

Edited by IraqiWalker, 28 June 2014 - 11:16 AM.

#614 TygerLily


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 05:21 PM

View Postpaxmortis, on 27 June 2014 - 12:57 PM, said:

And so it begins!

Posted Image

More information coming soon!

Awesome! Don't forget pax, anyone registered with MechForce: Classic can add to our calendar! Put it up there as well if you want!

#615 Tesunie


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 06:32 PM

View Postsnessuk, on 28 June 2014 - 11:04 AM, said:

Thanks again for all the info .. hope there will be like a 'seperate' stock play that doesn't hamper me having to go to work.

As long as the event is in action, you can come and go as you need to. So, if you need to get off for work, then just say so and be off to get more of the green stuff. If you are going to be late, show up and see if anyone is still on. If so, jump into a chat channel, and ask to join. (Of, if we can get enough people together... I'm up for a stock match most any time, if it's possible.)

I know Wednesday I sometimes can join (not that I have managed to yet) and Saturday I can't... but Monday is very workable for me personally and my own work schedule.

#616 Tesunie


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 04:38 PM

Is it Monday yet...?

It has to be Monday... I want it to be Monday... It SHOULD be Monday!

#617 IraqiWalker


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 09:32 PM

View PostTesunie, on 29 June 2014 - 04:38 PM, said:

Is it Monday yet...?

It has to be Monday... I want it to be Monday... It SHOULD be Monday!


#618 Davic Kerensky


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 05:02 AM

I just worry that my timezone and work is going to screw me out of being able to join in on this ! :)

#619 Tesunie


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 07:09 AM

View Postsnessuk, on 30 June 2014 - 05:02 AM, said:

I just worry that my timezone and work is going to screw me out of being able to join in on this ! :)

Just join when you can, and be there till you can't be there any more. (Or ask on the forums. I still refreshed my web pages from time to time even during SMM (normally after I'm dead or between matches.)

Only one way to really find out...

#620 TygerLily


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:41 AM

Hey everyone, head to the Strana Mechty Teamspeak and play stock mechs with...ze Germans (and others) in the EU edition of Stock Mech Monday!

TS info is here: http://MechForceClassic.enjin.com

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