snessuk, on 27 June 2014 - 07:40 PM, said:
Hehe !
It would be nice for a stock mech option, because listening to you guys and watching some of the vids shows how much of a better Mechwarrior they are.
Not reliant on the 'meta' and still making the game absolute fun and epic to compete in.
I have 90 days Premium running atm, but really want to get involved in a more 'larger' universe where the stock mech is king, rather than being told .. 'you need this meta ... !' and me saying 'You are f**king kidding me!'.
Plus I saw a thread that shows various stock mech creations throughout the timeline of Mechwarrior/Battletech with 'smurfy' links to a good few of them ... does this count aswell since they seem 'stock' for the various timelines.
I know I may sound sad .. but loving the idea more of 'pre-Clan' fights .. from an earlier era other than MWO's offering.
(Are you following this thread? Cause if you are, I'll just stop quoting you to make sure you notice my response.)
Stock mechs are a lot of fun. When played with other stock mechs, it's a rather even feeling playing field. Skill becomes more important (from my point of view) in stock mech matches, as well as strategy. I've been in only two SMM events, and it was a lot of fun. If the vids look like fun to you, the game play itself should be even more fun.
Meta? What meta? I don't listen to the meta of the game, and always play what feels right to me. For me, that's usually some form of LRMs on my mech, even before they got boosted. I always suggest people play what is fun for them, not what happens to be meta and "flavor of the month".
I play stock mechs in public matches as a challenge to myself. Playing with my 4J again, especially in public matches, I feel have increased my already formidable LRM skills. You learn to conserve ammo and manage your heat a lot more in a stock mech.
Right now, without some kind of special Okay from other people in the event, I'd have to say Stock Mech means, literally, as you buy it from the store no alterations (with exception to decorative effects, such as the previously mentioned paint colors and also cockpit items). Otherwise, I'd be occasionally running a Hollander styled mech, or a "Crab" Hunchback. For the most part, most stock matches work within 3050 or 3025. You might be able to convince a group to let you play with a pseudo mech that isn't in the game, but it's not very likely...
You'd be looking for the Tech level 1 group of SMM. That means no endo, FF, XL, DHS, TAG, NARC, Artemis, etc. Basically, it would be 3025 level of tech (if I'm correct).
I kinda hope that CW will involve more stock options than what we currently see in the game. But sadly, a stock only CW might very well drive people away from it, or make a lot of people upset with PGI...

(I'd be happy with just a stock only option for Public Matches personally...)
Edited by Tesunie, 27 June 2014 - 07:56 PM.