Aeten, on 11 May 2014 - 05:07 AM, said:
Yesterday I got sick of brawling in my HBK-4SP so I figured what the hell - I'll slap some LRM 5s on there in place of the SSRM 2s I'd been using. See if the buff was really that big. Only put 2 tons of ammo on the thing.
Never ever approached the battle - never had reason to fire any of my 4 lasers. Simply stood on a little hill near spawn (this was River City Night) and repeatedly fired my missiles.
The result: ~350 damage; 110k c-bills. For doing nothing. Just sitting there and not ever even being shot at. I could have taught my cat how to do this.
The worst part is that my full brawling fit on this mech; 2 LPL, 2 ML, 2 SRM 6 typically does not do this well. I usually do less damage and get less c-bills. Looks like I found my new c-bill farmer. I can't even imagine how much damage you would do with a dedicated LRM boat. Probably break 1000 easily. I mean 2 LRM 5 is not even an LRM fit. It's an afterthought; and yet it rewards 350 damage with no risk to the mech pilot...
Those figures dont make sense with only 2 tons of ammo. You ony have 360 missles with 2 tons of ammo. Given that a single AMS would pretty much invalidate a single LRM-5, and there are usually at least 2 near your target, your LRMs should be doing next to nothing, especially since some of your missles would miss due to movement or terrain anyway.
Even in the absolute best case scenario, you would only do about 360 damage, and that assumes no ams and all your targets being stationery.
In my experience you are looking at .5 damage per missle on average once you factor in misses, etc. Plus since you are right out in the open, you should be getting shot at as a priority target.
If theres one reason why LRMs would give you more c-bills, thats because it allows you to get far more assists than possible. As long as you do some damage to a target, you are eligible for assist rewards, plus you get spotting assist rewards from your own missles (AFAIK).
If you want to be more effective with a brawler build, drop some weapons and/or switch to a fast heavy. A HBK-4SP simply doesnt have the tonnage/speed to be a very good brawler and will run very very hot. Especially for your setup.