Captain Stiffy, on 12 May 2014 - 06:44 PM, said:
LRM's would not be anywhere near as big a problem if the ECM mech's actually played the game right. They see ECM as a self missile shield and it's supposed to be for saving your team from LRM's.
yet it doesnt work allways, you CAN shoot ECM shielded mechs just fine with LRMs, aim for the body, fire away.
I got a few kills that way.
Funny enough there are even people arround who dont know that you can fire LRMs without having a lock, in a recent match my (dead) team mates where suprised, when i fired my LRMs at an ECM protected mech...
Next thing is, you can Fire your Missiles in a High arc, locking the target while the LRMs are mid flight, and still hit your target.
There are lots and lots of ways to use LRMs beside "lock and press button"
Another good use for LRMs is Area denial, simply shower a certain area in LRMs, over and over again.
The thing that makes LRMs powerfull is the "frustration and fear" they bring to their targets.
When i was rather new, nothing got on my nerfes more then a constant "Warning incoming missiles"
Its especially nasty if a 6* LRM 5 Pult is chain firing its launchers at you, its a classical "the bark is worse then the bite"
Your target (if new) will start to get frustrated and make incredible stupid mistakes.
But LRMs are mostly where artilery pieces are in most Games, nice for Area denial and to piss of people and stress them out, so they make mistakes on which your team can capitalize.
But as "OP uber killer weapons" ? They are worthless...
my Stock huggin got more kills with his Machineguns then my Missile boats