Joseph Mallan, on 28 April 2014 - 07:16 AM, said:
Lets see. 2 AC20 rounds t the head to destroy it.
AC20 ammo 10,000C-Bills
1,430C-bills per Shell
2,860 for good shot...
To kill you he Pointed his mouse to a spot and clicked a button...either way.
Either way? Let's not grind this down to a simple point and click. There's way more toss ups than C-bills to using 2 ac/40s than there is throwing on a consumable and clicking a button. Include the cost of the mech, upgrades, XL engine, and etc because I sure didn't get my DD an everything inside it for free.
Also, you cannot define a cost per shell because there is no re-arm cost after you buy the ammo, so the more you use the AC/20 the less the ammo costs technically.
And AC/20 does 20 damage. Arty does 5 shells of 80 or something?
There's a bunch of other weapons that you could mount that does enoguh damage to head shot someone, but getting head shot by weapons isn't what I'm complaining about as there's a wonderful thing called. This is a weightless, heatless, spaceless consumable that rich(not that rich though) or highly competative people tote around, without regards to cost. popping it off when the time comes just for a kill. That sounds pretty casual compared to the sacrifices that come with ac/40's....
Also where's this ac/40 thing coming from? Two people brought it up already but i don't run with them?? Someone called me a hipocrite which I think is quite funny.