- Artillery should have some sort of "off in the distance" firing sound for each barrage launched by a player, as soon as it's acivated. This wouldn't "nerf" artillery, but would sure make some pilots check their surroundings for a quick second. I imagine it sounding something like this: http://www.moddb.com...kwave-artillery
- When VOIP comes into play, as Russ confirmed it would, it will be much easier for players to warn teammates. Right now by the time you even think to type "[player name] don't back up! Artillery" some of their components are already blown to bits.
- Less popular suggestion: have a cap on the amount of arty strikes a team can call in during a match. Let's say your distant artillery battery only brought enough ammo for five long range strikes with them. I think 5 is a perfectly reasonable cap for each team per game. If you try to launch more than five: an audio cue from Betty: "Artillery Not Available"
Edited by xeromynd, 23 May 2014 - 07:40 AM.