Roland, on 29 April 2014 - 05:10 AM, said:
Missing deadlines isn't, in itself, a horrific atrocity. We don't fault PGI simply for being late... The difference is that the dogfighting module obviously exists. There's actually stuff that we can see, and reason to believe it's almost ready.
We no longer believe that they are actually developing what they say they are. They can prove us wrong, and that'd be great.. but they no longer are worthy of simple faith.
I look back to CB, when oh yeah, we had regular, constant communication with the Devs. Paul used to hold roundtable chats late at night in the Comstar NA server. (And yes, much of it was talking blue sky, much like what 90% of SC is right now). And the community, even before deadlines started to be missed, turned totally toxic. And yes, then they clammed up like little children with hurt feelings.
Am I defending the lack of progress on CW, or even the Devs response to the Forums? No. SImply pointing out fact, that when I see people talk about the "Old Forums" like some sort of golden age of Camelot, they must either be talking REALLY early CB Forums, or were the happy speculators who didn't actually have CB forum access, because the "Old Forums", in general, were full of vile comments, constant accusations and hate mongering at everything the Devs said and any comment a person felt didn't support their agenda (and yes the vocal members of the groups in my OP certainly had one, and no, it was not near as clever and well thought out as they thought, in fact most of their solutions were more misguided and myopic than Paul or Russ, which is saying something) and sorts of rat bastardry.
And while PGI may not be worthy of faith, neither has most of the playerbase represented on these bloody forums.
The "Negative" tone of the Forums today, are nothing compared to the 3 months or so leading up to Open Beta. We can argue the cause til blue in the face, that is secondary to this myth that the old forums were actually generally positive.
(Also to compare the DogFighting Module to CW is laughably disingenuous...... the core MEchanics in MWo are there too. His little demo showed nothing about if it was remotely balanced, how many bugs and glitches he intentionally avoided and such. So far all anyone has for his version of CW/Factions, perpetual gaming, is his word. And the game has been in development for a fair bit now itself..... with a WHOLE lot more crowdfunded capitol.
He may indeed deliver something close to what he promised, someday. But ATM, his timeline month to month comparison of when MWO actually got started, ain't that different, and he is already running into issues. Some, oddly the same issues MWO did, such as some spectacular CryEngine rewriting being needed)
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 29 April 2014 - 05:57 AM.