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Random Observations As A New Player

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#1 Running Scared


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM

So, i think i've been playing a couple weeks now. Figured i'd pony up my first post to see if i can get some feedback on random things i've noticed while playing. Not sure where to start, so there's no particular order to my ramblings.

1. No lobby or chat that i've noticed. I'm not even sure how games are created. I just randomly join one. I'm not sure how the match maker works either. I know it's supposed to change to a more evenly distributed team composition in patch that i *think* goes live today. While I'm on the subject what's this ELO I see people talk on about in the forums?

2. Regarding teams, it didn't take me long to figure out what mechs are most used. It seems like anything 75 tons and up is the most commonly used.

3. Text chat in game doesn't exactly grab my attention I find I'm so focused on what I'm doing, i rarely notice it. There doesn't seem to be any voice chat that I saw. Even if i'm not feeling talkative, i could still hear the reports people call out, which would be a great help in game. I did notice there is a VOIP check box in the audio options menu. I tried the game with it enabled, but it doesn't seem to do anything. What does it do?

4. "Front loaded" or instant damage seems to be king. Granted, my aim sucks, but i find myself thinking that hitting with a 10 damage fast moving projectile, does a lot better then a 10 damage laser you have to "paint" your target with for a second or so. On that note, I like and dislike lasers. They seem great for non aiming noobs like myself. "Oops, i missed, ill just move it up a bit.. there it is", but if your taking pot shots at a distance, which i do a lot of, i feel like i may as well be standing atop something with semaphore flags.

5. Nine times out of ten, there is no command structure in game, even though the game has the options for it. I'm guessing everyone else is just like me, doesn't want the responsibility, or don't feel like they know what they're doing. (I *know* i don't.). I just follow my group and go where they go, or, go with the herd of mechs if they end up doing the same. I realize I'm in random pick up groups, but again, looking at the menu options, i don't see how the game is played any other way.

6. Oh Emm Gee, the chock points. What's the map... terra firma? or something like that. Every time that map comes up, its like everyone's doing a big conga line to pay homage to the volcano gods.

7. Dragon as a first mech may have been a bad idea. Yeah, i read the forums, and the "love it or hate it" consensus but for some reason I just liked the stats of the mech on paper. Speed, armor, and a reasonable payload. I think this mech may have been a bad idea, not because of the mech itself, but simply because how the game is currently played (from what ive seen anyway). In MMORPG terms, it's a hybird and It doesn't fall into any clear cut role by way of comparison. (Insert "holy trinity" reference here). In tactical terms, its cavalry, which is how I try to play it, I'm always looking for a flank, (Or ill race ahead just behind the light mechs to the capture points) but overall, there doesn't seem to be a major need for a cavalry like unit in game, and I find myself alone more often then i like. On the subject of the dragon, I have noticed a few things.

- More often then i care, for some reason, the mech is player magnet. They see me, and they want my scalp. Either the dragon is considered an easy kill, or a PITA to be legged ASAP. I'm not sure which. I think it's the former.

- You get two players piloting dragons on opposing sides, and suddenly, its a circling grudge match, and they will ignore everything else on the battle field until the other is dead. I honestly find it funny, and am guilty of it myself.

8. Speaking of being legged.... I'm glad (and surprised) to see this isn't like all the Mech warrior titles I used to play back in the day, including NetMech. I always thought it was pointless to go after a torso when removing a leg was much more effective. Granted, legging was considered cheap and it was usually a "Gentleman rule" not do do it, but the option was always there. Not a complaint in there here and now, just an observation.

I've rambled long enough. Thanks for reading.

#2 Dawnstealer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:34 AM

So much good stuff here.

Also, I leg the hell out of people. If people are going to run assault mechs with 30 points of armor on the legs, I'm shooting them out.

Edited by Dawnstealer, 29 April 2014 - 07:34 AM.

#3 Cion


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:38 AM

Thanks for the good post (and constructive).

What are your thoughts on the mechlab?

#4 Garegaupa


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:49 AM

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

So, i think i've been playing a couple weeks now. Figured i'd pony up my first post to see if i can get some feedback on random things i've noticed while playing. Not sure where to start, so there's no particular order to my ramblings.

Welcome to the forums, and to the game! :D

I'll try to give you some feedback on your different points where I am able.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

1. No lobby or chat that i've noticed. I'm not even sure how games are created. I just randomly join one. I'm not sure how the match maker works either. I know it's supposed to change to a more evenly distributed team composition in patch that i *think* goes live today. While I'm on the subject what's this ELO I see people talk on about in the forums?

You're right, there is currently no lobby in the game. Such functionality may be implemented later (others will probably know more about this than me). Most people just drop randomly like you do now (also known as "pugging"). However, if you want a more organized game at this point in time, you need to add some friends through the social interface in-game and/or join a unit.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

2. Regarding teams, it didn't take me long to figure out what mechs are most used. It seems like anything 75 tons and up is the most commonly used.

True, there are probably quite a few more Heavy and Assault 'Mechs in most random games at the moment. That is due to change with the patch coming out today, however, where a new rule is to be enforced that will make sure each Lance consists of one Light, one Medium, one Heavy and one Assault 'Mech.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

3. Text chat in game doesn't exactly grab my attention I find I'm so focused on what I'm doing, i rarely notice it. There doesn't seem to be any voice chat that I saw. Even if i'm not feeling talkative, i could still hear the reports people call out, which would be a great help in game. I did notice there is a VOIP check box in the audio options menu. I tried the game with it enabled, but it doesn't seem to do anything. What does it do?

To my knowledge, the in-game VOIP function is not enabled (yet). Most people use TeamSpeak for communication when playing in a unit.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

4. "Front loaded" or instant damage seems to be king. Granted, my aim sucks, but i find myself thinking that hitting with a 10 damage fast moving projectile, does a lot better then a 10 damage laser you have to "paint" your target with for a second or so. On that note, I like and dislike lasers. They seem great for non aiming noobs like myself. "Oops, i missed, ill just move it up a bit.. there it is", but if your taking pot shots at a distance, which i do a lot of, i feel like i may as well be standing atop something with semaphore flags.

True, the game does favor pin-point damage weapons at this time (autocannons and PPCs). Personally I like to play with all kinds of weapons, I like variety! :P

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

5. Nine times out of ten, there is no command structure in game, even though the game has the options for it. I'm guessing everyone else is just like me, doesn't want the responsibility, or don't feel like they know what they're doing. (I *know* i don't.). I just follow my group and go where they go, or, go with the herd of mechs if they end up doing the same. I realize I'm in random pick up groups, but again, looking at the menu options, i don't see how the game is played any other way.

Yes, random games often end up with little or no coordination. As mentioned above, the way around that is to play with friends or join a unit.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

6. Oh Emm Gee, the chock points. What's the map... terra firma? or something like that. Every time that map comes up, its like everyone's doing a big conga line to pay homage to the volcano gods.

Very common occurrence. When that happens, I sometimes try to get a few players to come with me to another entrance and try to outflank the enemy.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

7. Dragon as a first mech may have been a bad idea. Yeah, i read the forums, and the "love it or hate it" consensus but for some reason I just liked the stats of the mech on paper. Speed, armor, and a reasonable payload. I think this mech may have been a bad idea, not because of the mech itself, but simply because how the game is currently played (from what ive seen anyway). In MMORPG terms, it's a hybird and It doesn't fall into any clear cut role by way of comparison. (Insert "holy trinity" reference here). In tactical terms, its cavalry, which is how I try to play it, I'm always looking for a flank, (Or ill race ahead just behind the light mechs to the capture points) but overall, there doesn't seem to be a major need for a cavalry like unit in game, and I find myself alone more often then i like. On the subject of the dragon, I have noticed a few things.

- More often then i care, for some reason, the mech is player magnet. They see me, and they want my scalp. Either the dragon is considered an easy kill, or a PITA to be legged ASAP. I'm not sure which. I think it's the former.

- You get two players piloting dragons on opposing sides, and suddenly, its a circling grudge match, and they will ignore everything else on the battle field until the other is dead. I honestly find it funny, and am guilty of it myself.

Can't really comment on this one, as I've never played the Dragon. But some 'Mechs fit some players better than others, you'll just have to try some different variants to see what suits you. The trial 'Mechs can be nice in this regard.

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

8. Speaking of being legged.... I'm glad (and surprised) to see this isn't like all the Mech warrior titles I used to play back in the day, including NetMech. I always thought it was pointless to go after a torso when removing a leg was much more effective. Granted, legging was considered cheap and it was usually a "Gentleman rule" not do do it, but the option was always there. Not a complaint in there here and now, just an observation.

Legging is still quite a viable tactic, but personally I don't find it happening to me very often.

#5 Malcolm Vordermark


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:57 AM

Hey welcome to MWO, hope you're having fun.

1) Yup, no lobby unless you're forming your own group and then you have something a little more like a lobby for you and your lance mates. But that still leaves something to be desired. There is a patch going live today, I'm not sure what match maker adjustments it contains other than grouping us into elo "buckets" before sending us to the match maker and building teams with 3 of each weight class. There is some speculation on just how well this will work but we'll be finding out later today.

2) 30, 35, 70-100 are the ranges mostly :D mediums have trouble standing up to stuff in the current game since its mostly just a deathmatch. Light mechs have the advantage of being difficult to hit (through size, HSR, or voodoo, I'm not sure)

3) The C3 built in is kind of a relic of the past. It was before my time but I think they added it and stopped working on it when people continued to use 3rd party communication tools. I think it does actually work but I think it requires a download and others have to follow that process or you'll be talking to yourself. In short if you want to communications it is highly recommended that you seek out a group. Check out the faction sub forums and NoGutsNoGalaxy to find teamspeak servers and groups.

4) Front loaded + pin point is king. As a bouns the weapons that behave in this manner are long range too. They are heavy and thats part of the reason heavier mechs are popular. But these weapons are the best for quickly killing or disabling a mech and thats the name of the game.

5) We're all a little jaded in the pug scene. Sometimes people follow directions sometimes they don't. Thus, a lot just roll the dice and hope the team plays well. Don't be afraid to grab command yourself though. I often find a terrible plan beats no plan.

6) See 5. The maps are pretty good. Everyone has that map they hate though. For most people it is terra therma. For me it is HPG. I love the map but it does not love me in return.

7) The dragon looks amazing on paper. However paper isn't showing you the hit boxes. That is why it seems like you have a giant bullseye on your back. The hit boxes mean it is very easy to hit your center torso and thus very easy to knock you out of the game. Its a fun mech but big hit boxes coupled with long range, front loaded, pin point damage makes it a poor choice in most cases.

8) Legging is a good tactic against lights and mediums. Lights are so fast it is difficult to nail their torso and mediums twist so fast it is hard to hit the location you want. Heavy and Assault mechs don't lose as much speed from legging and usually have bigger weapons to continue swatting you as you try to leg them. For these mechs it is better to try and remove the torso with the most weapons attatched. Dragons may get legged sometimes as they blur the line between heavy and medium.

#6 Xoxim SC


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 08:02 AM

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

So, i think i've been playing a couple weeks now. Figured i'd pony up my first post to see if i can get some feedback on random things i've noticed while playing. Not sure where to start, so there's no particular order to my ramblings.

1. No lobby or chat that i've noticed. I'm not even sure how games are created. I just randomly join one. I'm not sure how the match maker works either. I know it's supposed to change to a more evenly distributed team composition in patch that i *think* goes live today. While I'm on the subject what's this ELO I see people talk on about in the forums?

3. Text chat in game doesn't exactly grab my attention I find I'm so focused on what I'm doing, i rarely notice it. There doesn't seem to be any voice chat that I saw. Even if i'm not feeling talkative, i could still hear the reports people call out, which would be a great help in game. I did notice there is a VOIP check box in the audio options menu. I tried the game with it enabled, but it doesn't seem to do anything. What does it do?

4. "Front loaded" or instant damage seems to be king. Granted, my aim sucks, but i find myself thinking that hitting with a 10 damage fast moving projectile, does a lot better then a 10 damage laser you have to "paint" your target with for a second or so. On that note, I like and dislike lasers. They seem great for non aiming noobs like myself. "Oops, i missed, ill just move it up a bit.. there it is", but if your taking pot shots at a distance, which i do a lot of, i feel like i may as well be standing atop something with semaphore flags.

5. Nine times out of ten, there is no command structure in game, even though the game has the options for it. I'm guessing everyone else is just like me, doesn't want the responsibility, or don't feel like they know what they're doing. (I *know* i don't.). I just follow my group and go where they go, or, go with the herd of mechs if they end up doing the same. I realize I'm in random pick up groups, but again, looking at the menu options, i don't see how the game is played any other way.

Game is still in beta, don't let the lack of beta written all over the place fool you. Basic features to come...... eventually.

Edited by Todd Lightbringer, 29 April 2014 - 08:03 AM.

#7 Flaming oblivion


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 08:12 AM

View PostDawnstealer, on 29 April 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:

So much good stuff here.

Also, I leg the hell out of people. If people are going to run assault mechs with 30 points of armor on the legs, I'm shooting them out.

Perhaps its intentional so whilst your shooting a none critical area their killing you.

#8 Kjudoon


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 08:19 AM

Hey there Running Scared. Seen you on the battlefield a few times.

You've nailed a lot of the new player experience down quite well. I too made many of the same mistakes before I found my favorite role in LRM mech support at all sizes. Your statements on the dragon are dead on, but as an LRM pilot I love em because for some strange reason, probably the same reason I love shooting at Stalkers and Catapults, they are easy to hit with LRMs.

The Choke Points are designed into just about every map somewhere, and you're right, people do like to fight in doorways for all the wrong reasons. I'm constantly trying to get people away from the PUG Zapper (aka Mount Derp on Terra Therma) But they just are drawn to them, like a dog to the stinky spot on the lawn to roll in. Never forget that PGI has not gotten away from the idea of doing "arena style" maps with a central feature for everyone to fight over, and make for a predictable, consistant map/battle experience. Caustic Valley is "Ring around the Cauldera" Tourmaline Desert, fighting under the Stargate. Terra Derpa... the PUG Zapper beckons. Alpine Peaks, climb Sniper Peak.

If you want social interaction, organization and a full game experience, you must join a unit. I'd say check them out in the Faction, Clan and Merc areas (I'm biased towards the Seraphim, mind you... nudge nudge wink wink) and see their websites, put your name in the hiring hall and see what happens. Many units pride themselves on building up new players and improving their experience with the game just by making it more fun to win lose or draw in.

Last but not least, welcome to Mechwarrior Online.

#9 Barkem Squirrel


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 08:26 AM

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

So, i think i've been playing a couple weeks now. Figured i'd pony up my first post to see if i can get some feedback on random things i've noticed while playing. Not sure where to start, so there's no particular order to my ramblings.

You have no Idea how much feed back you are going to get.

Also, good for you picking a mech that you like. later today there will be a change to the match maker. 3 lights, 3 mediums, 3 heavies, and 3 assaults will be in every match. They are going to watch this, but we will have longer times to wait for a match.

1. go to a teamspeak like server. I think there is a listing some where in these posts listing the different open team speak servers.

2. So the all 75 tons and up is out the window now. with 3/3/3/3

3. VOIP in game is just a place holder for now. Team speak works wonders, but from time to time the ingame chat does work. Surprising that with just chat you can set up an ambush and win 12-0.

4. Yes the PPC/ ac 5 meta is king. Even missing, but firing does prevent people from going into some areas of the maps. It is call Area denial, and AC 2's were great for that, but they have been nerfed.

5. It is surprising how sometimes after taking command and giving the directions people follow them. Other times, who made you our commander! Sometimes you have to sit back and watch and assess. It also works great on alpine where you can develop the engagement zone. Now the group up and move as a group is good to a point, since lone mechs are dead mechs.

6. the conga lines on terra therma are great for separating the last mech in the line from the rest. The choke points are great ambush areas also. They are on all maps and for some reason are where the killing fields are, hint there are places to cover those at range and deny the use of those choke points. It is similar on other maps, but terra therma just screams conga line, so follow Sgt. Yorks (WWI) advice, shoot the one at the end of the line first like with a flock of turkeys.

7. good for you with the dragon. I will just advise against the Locust, unless you want to have fun.
I also target Dragons with LRM boats, due to the hood like CT that I can focus the LRM at. Sometimes I will extend farther than I should just to get the kill on a dragon. Some mechs you just know die faster to LRMs then others.

8. Legging. An effective use of lasers to test the legs. If they are low on armor to exploit the legs and try for a crit to the ammo in them. May of times with the ravens and locusts have I popped a leg, then and ammo explosion took them out. Even with a Jagger seeing a Raven stop to look and legging it at range and calling up the light pack to take it out. Nothing gets a raven pilot madder more than being legged in the first minute of the game, except when their SSRM ammo was in that leg.

Also write down some of the names here, and maybe send a friend request in the game. some of us may just run with you. Some may be good, average, and well can not hit the broad side of a barn from inside the barn. The game is fun, and to me seems to be improving. Look for the post for the patch today and read it.

#10 Fang01


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 08:32 AM

I don't believe any of this is real

#11 mogs01gt


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 09:01 AM

The OP sounds like a vet who made a new account :D.

#12 Redshift2k5

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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:14 AM

1. No lobby or chat that i've noticed. I'm not even sure how games are created. I just randomly join one. I'm not sure how the match maker works either. I know it's supposed to change to a more evenly distributed team composition in patch that i *think* goes live today. While I'm on the subject what's this ELO I see people talk on about in the forums?

Most matches are public matches, no lobby required. april 29th patch brings in lobbies for private matches. Numerous community-driven forums/voip servers/ etc exist for searching for other players to meet with.

Elo is a matchmaking score based on your win:loss and your predicted chance to win or lose.

2. Regarding teams, it didn't take me long to figure out what mechs are most used. It seems like anything 75 tons and up is the most commonly used.

Prior to 3/3/3/3 there were significant advantages to bringing the heaviest mech you could (you seem to have missed the very large number of 65 ton Jagermechs around though!). 3/3/3/3 means all weight classes will have a place on the battlefield.

3. Text chat in game doesn't exactly grab my attention I find I'm so focused on what I'm doing, i rarely notice it. There doesn't seem to be any voice chat that I saw. Even if i'm not feeling talkative, i could still hear the reports people call out, which would be a great help in game. I did notice there is a VOIP check box in the audio options menu. I tried the game with it enabled, but it doesn't seem to do anything. What does it do?

There is no VOIP during a public match. The semi-integrated voip, C3, only works if you make a group using the social menu and everyone in the group is using C3. Generally you're better off using TS3 and looking for a teamspeak server.

4. "Front loaded" or instant damage seems to be king. Granted, my aim sucks, but i find myself thinking that hitting with a 10 damage fast moving projectile, does a lot better then a 10 damage laser you have to "paint" your target with for a second or so. On that note, I like and dislike lasers. They seem great for non aiming noobs like myself. "Oops, i missed, ill just move it up a bit.. there it is", but if your taking pot shots at a distance, which i do a lot of, i feel like i may as well be standing atop something with semaphore flags.

Lasers have some disadvantages since they are not pin-point, but they're also light in weight and are hitscan.

5. Nine times out of ten, there is no command structure in game, even though the game has the options for it. I'm guessing everyone else is just like me, doesn't want the responsibility, or don't feel like they know what they're doing. (I *know* i don't.). I just follow my group and go where they go, or, go with the herd of mechs if they end up doing the same. I realize I'm in random pick up groups, but again, looking at the menu options, i don't see how the game is played any other way.

you missed the Social Menu on the bottom right of the screen.

6. Oh Emm Gee, the chock points. What's the map... terra firma? or something like that. Every time that map comes up, its like everyone's doing a big conga line to pay homage to the volcano gods.

There is no cure for stupidity.

7. Dragon as a first mech may have been a bad idea. Yeah, i read the forums, and the "love it or hate it" consensus but for some reason I just liked the stats of the mech on paper. Speed, armor, and a reasonable payload. I think this mech may have been a bad idea, not because of the mech itself, but simply because how the game is currently played (from what ive seen anyway). In MMORPG terms, it's a hybird and It doesn't fall into any clear cut role by way of comparison. (Insert "holy trinity" reference here). In tactical terms, its cavalry, which is how I try to play it, I'm always looking for a flank, (Or ill race ahead just behind the light mechs to the capture points) but overall, there doesn't seem to be a major need for a cavalry like unit in game, and I find myself alone more often then i like. On the subject of the dragon, I have noticed a few things.

Try again with April 29th's new matchmaker (3/3/3/3).

- More often then i care, for some reason, the mech is player magnet. They see me, and they want my scalp. Either the dragon is considered an easy kill, or a PITA to be legged ASAP. I'm not sure which. I think it's the former.

Generally I would consider the Dragon an easy kill. No offense.

- You get two players piloting dragons on opposing sides, and suddenly, its a circling grudge match, and they will ignore everything else on the battle field until the other is dead. I honestly find it funny, and am guilty of it myself.

8. Speaking of being legged.... I'm glad (and surprised) to see this isn't like all the Mech warrior titles I used to play back in the day, including NetMech. I always thought it was pointless to go after a torso when removing a leg was much more effective. Granted, legging was considered cheap and it was usually a "Gentleman rule" not do do it, but the option was always there. Not a complaint in there here and now, just an observation.

I've rambled long enough. Thanks for reading.

#13 Em3r4ld


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:37 AM


[color=#959595]7. Dragon as a first mech may have been a bad idea. Yeah, i read the forums, and the "love it or hate it" consensus but for some reason I just liked the stats of the mech on paper. Speed, armor, and a reasonable payload. I think this mech may have been a bad idea, not because of the mech itself, but simply because how the game is currently played (from what ive seen anyway). In MMORPG terms, it's a hybird and It doesn't fall into any clear cut role by way of comparison. (Insert "holy trinity" reference here). In tactical terms, its cavalry, which is how I try to play it, I'm always looking for a flank, (Or ill race ahead just behind the light mechs to the capture points) but overall, there doesn't seem to be a major need for a cavalry like unit in game, and I find myself alone more often then i like. On the subject of the dragon, I have noticed a few things.[/color]

[color=#959595]- More often then i care, for some reason, the mech is player magnet. They see me, and they want my scalp. Either the dragon is considered an easy kill, or a PITA to be legged ASAP. I'm not sure which. I think it's the former.[/color]

[color=#959595]- You get two players piloting dragons on opposing sides, and suddenly, its a circling grudge match, and they will ignore everything else on the battle field until the other is dead. I honestly find it funny, and am guilty of it myself.[/color]

I won't comment on the rest, it's been pretty well covered. As a Dragon pilot however, I will try to shed some light.

I think it's an underrated mech (I like the Quickdraw in this weight class as well). Slap on an XL (they're going to go for your huge CT anyway...) and a predominantly long/mid-range load out and it's pretty tasty. If you want some ideas on builds I'm happy to share some ideas. It's an excellent skirmisher/hit and run type mech with decent armor. You just need to avoid taking on too much at once by yourself because that CT will get you killed. It does work well as a cavalry mech but you need to be careful to engage the enemy while they're distracted at first.

I'm surprised you're finding it a player magnet as most people tend to ignore mine until it's taken down a couple of their assault mechs by surprise :P I assume people think it's NOT scary due to it's reputation and just leave it alone for the most part.

I do think Dragon pilots are drawn to each other in combat subconsciously... it just seems to happen. Sometimes you're going to have big issues dealing with jump snipers/meta builds so Dragon's will seek to nurse their egos by proving that, at the very least, they're the best Dragon pilot :D

If you want someone to drop with just add me up. We've got TS3 for comms and enjoy running a variety of mechs and having a laugh.

#14 Kjudoon


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:43 AM

View Postmogs01gt, on 29 April 2014 - 09:01 AM, said:

The OP sounds like a vet who made a new account :P.

if he is, he's hiding that fact well on the battlefield. :D I've run across him a half dozen times or so.

#15 Motörhead


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:45 AM

which dragon do you have ?

#16 Koniving

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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:45 AM

View PostRunning Scared, on 29 April 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

- You get two players piloting dragons on opposing sides, and suddenly, its a circling grudge match, and they will ignore everything else on the battle field until the other is dead. I honestly find it funny, and am guilty of it myself.

This has always been true interestingly enough.
Even back when knockdowns were in (sorry no videos of that).

Btw if you need help with Dragons let me know, Zhizhu Mercs have several Dragon lovers including myself that can help you get the most out of your Dragon.

On the related Dragon topic.

Glad to have you aboard.

Edited by Koniving, 29 April 2014 - 11:50 AM.

#17 Koniving

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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:55 AM

Other Dragon related things which may help your gameplay. Be sure to turn armlock off for that maximum effectiveness (and hit shift for the pinpoint when you need it).


#18 Koniving

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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:24 PM

On a completely different topic: I noticed something neat about the forum today.
You can tell who is reading and who is posting by whether or not they are "slanted" or italicized.
Italicized; the person is posting. "Straight" or normal, and they are just reading.

Far as colors, different colors for different package owners. Deep red for admins. Moderators could be any color though. Bright sky blue for "brand new player" and/or "less than 25 matches."

#19 Urdasein


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:29 PM


7. Dragon as a first mech may have been a bad idea. Yeah, i read the forums, and the "love it or hate it" consensus but for some reason I just liked the stats of the mech on paper. Speed, armor, and a reasonable payload. I think this mech may have been a bad idea, not because of the mech itself, but simply because how the game is currently played (from what ive seen anyway). In MMORPG terms, it's a hybird and It doesn't fall into any clear cut role by way of comparison. (Insert "holy trinity" reference here). In tactical terms, its cavalry, which is how I try to play it, I'm always looking for a flank, (Or ill race ahead just behind the light mechs to the capture points) but overall, there doesn't seem to be a major need for a cavalry like unit in game, and I find myself alone more often then i like. On the subject of the dragon, I have noticed a few things.

Flanking is a good idea. But before trying to do so, you must know the map, the choke points and the ways that lead to a good position.

I did lolilol scores (over 800 dmg) with dragons. And i know i'm tactically efficient when ennemy is trying to take cover from allies assaults and i shoot them on the side or the rear. No need to be right behind them like if you were playing a light. You can do that at range, and it is safer to be honest. The second thing it to aim precisely. You are not in a brawl. Wait for the damage info to show up and see if you can kill them, leg or damage components (target info gathering is a great module on a dragon). They can't focus, they can't take cover. Totally annoying for them. My best flanker was the the "Flame" with 4 medium lasers and a "high mounted" gauss in the torso shooting behind a hill... Running at 107 kmh. And the mobility helps a lot to mitigate damage when moving in/out of cover.

Other variants i used were:
- 4 large laser running at 105kmh
- 2 large pulse / 3Mg running at 101kmh

Both were fun and efficient.


- More often then i care, for some reason, the mech is player magnet. They see me, and they want my scalp. Either the dragon is considered an easy kill, or a PITA to be legged ASAP. I'm not sure which. I think it's the former.

That's the best part of it. When you shoot people in the back and they see your Dragon, they start thinking: "mhhh, dragon alone, free kill". When they come for you, the best thing to do is to run away. Doing that, you just pulled an idiot from the front. He will be killed later ^ ^.

Then go back with your friends (if the idiot is fast enough, you just have baited him) and then try to flank from another side.

ATM i'm having tons of fun with the CDA X-5 with 4 med lasers, 2 SRM6 and running at 130Kmh. Huge alpha/dps for the size and the speed. Lovin it.

Edited by loupgaroupoilu, 29 April 2014 - 12:37 PM.

#20 Running Scared


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:31 PM

View PostCion, on 29 April 2014 - 07:38 AM, said:

Thanks for the good post (and constructive).

What are your thoughts on the mechlab?

I know the UI was changed, when exactly I don't know, but it's obvious when looking at youtube video guides. So i really have no point of comparison since the current UI is the only one ive actually used.

I can find more things I dislike then things i like. I think the only thing i do like is the "mech detail" screen that comes up after you press the button for it. Gives a nice flat overview of what's loaded out.

The things I don't like:
- "shopping" for a new mech, is cumbersome. I hate having to click the "purchasable" button, and then have to sort it via weight class. The weight class sorting is fantastic, it's the menu before that i dislike. It's small, and the UI lags a bit afterwords.

- The font for Mech and Item details is too small, and i hate that little popup that contains the details i want to read. I'm not even sure how to get that popup to come up. I just click around until it comes up. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Usually hovering over one mech, and then going back to the mech i want to look at does the trick.

- The customization UI could be more intuitive. I just don't like it that much. I think the problem for me is when working on one part, be it leg, arm or torso, i have to skip around the menu to find the one I want.

View PostRouken, on 29 April 2014 - 07:57 AM, said:

7) The dragon looks amazing on paper. However paper isn't showing you the hit boxes. That is why it seems like you have a giant bullseye on your back. The hit boxes mean it is very easy to hit your center torso and thus very easy to knock you out of the game. Its a fun mech but big hit boxes coupled with long range, front loaded, pin point damage makes it a poor choice in most cases.

Yeah I saw references to the hit boxes on some old forum posts, but I figure, "How bad can it really be?", and any time i'm looking stuff up and the post is last year or later, i figure the info might be out dated.

View PostKjudoon, on 29 April 2014 - 08:19 AM, said:

Hey there Running Scared. Seen you on the battlefield a few times.

Well, I hope i was on my A game at the time, most likely I wasn't. LOL


The Choke Points are designed into just about every map somewhere, and you're right, people do like to fight in doorways for all the wrong reasons. I'm constantly trying to get people away from the PUG Zapper (aka Mount Derp on Terra Therma) But they just are drawn to them, like a dog to the stinky spot on the lawn to roll in. Never forget that PGI has not gotten away from the idea of doing "arena style" maps with a central feature for everyone to fight over, and make for a predictable, consistant map/battle experience. Caustic Valley is "Ring around the Cauldera" Tourmaline Desert, fighting under the Stargate. Terra Derpa... the PUG Zapper beckons. Alpine Peaks, climb Sniper Peak.

Thanks for the laugh! I enjoyed reading that. Also helped put in perspective what i was seeing in other maps.


If you want social interaction, organization and a full game experience, you must join a unit. I'd say check them out in the Faction, Clan and Merc areas (I'm biased towards the Seraphim, mind you... nudge nudge wink wink) and see their websites, put your name in the hiring hall and see what happens. Many units pride themselves on building up new players and improving their experience with the game just by making it more fun to win lose or draw in.

Yeah i figured thats probably the case. I used to play Planetside before it was sony SNAFU'ed, so i figure MWO is close in this regard that if you want the most, you have to join a guild/outfit/clan/etc etc. My thing right now is i'm as casual as you can be, and a 3 month old baby girl ensures that my play time is limited. It's amazing i haven't had to go afk yet during a game session.

View PostBarkem Squirrel, on 29 April 2014 - 08:26 AM, said:

Also, good for you picking a mech that you like. later today there will be a change to the match maker. 3 lights, 3 mediums, 3 heavies, and 3 assaults will be in every match. They are going to watch this, but we will have longer times to wait for a match.

Yeah i'm looking forward to seeing how things will play out. As to mech selection, i've played a few games where it was all about cramming as much as you can into as small chassis or frame as you can. I used to play SWG: JTL before sony screwed that title up as well. That game was much the same in terms of fitting out your ship. So as the dragon went, I liked it's looks, and it was right in between classes at 60 tons. Not to small, not too...... heavy (id say big, but it actually is big).


7. good for you with the dragon. I will just advise against the Locust, unless you want to have fun.
I also target Dragons with LRM boats, due to the hood like CT that I can focus the LRM at. Sometimes I will extend farther than I should just to get the kill on a dragon. Some mechs you just know die faster to LRMs then others.

With LRM's, i never took much notice. They're flung all over the place in mass quantities. I tried lobbing a few with the trial catapult, but usually just ended up being killed somewhere in the back row. I seem to have this magnetic attraction in my choice of mechs. I'm thinking about switching up to a hunchback 4sp. I like symmetry.

View Postmogs01gt, on 29 April 2014 - 09:01 AM, said:

The OP sounds like a vet who made a new account :D.

I can assure you I'm not. If there's a top 10 for sucky players, i'd probably make the list. Last time I played Mechwarrior, I think was MW3. I played the snot out of MW2: Mercenaries, and ghost bear legacy and the original MW2 though.

View PostKjudoon, on 29 April 2014 - 10:43 AM, said:

if he is, he's hiding that fact well on the battlefield. :rolleyes: I've run across him a half dozen times or so.

See, told ya, I suck! I chose my user name intentionally. I have what you can call reverse E-Pien. I know i suck, and I don't hide that fact. I started using the name "Running scared" because of all the damn zombie shooters i was playing. These days i use it cause i think its funny. In one game i was playing, someone already grabbed the name, so i came up with a synonym which i probably should have used here for grins and giggles, "Fleeing Coward". :D

That reminds me, piloting a raven or similar small mech would be fitting for me. I can't hit squat anyway, so i might as well make that running around im doing useful by spotting/scouting.

View Postfx8320, on 29 April 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:

which dragon do you have ?

1C. Loadout varies, i've been experimenting on what works better for me. Currently LBX 10 auto cannon cause my aim sucks, with two large lasers. That sometimes changes to 4 MLasers, SSM6, AC5 on occasion, or an Ultra AC5, 1 LLaser, and 1 PPC.

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