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Stormcrow Screenshots Revealed!

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#81 Osric Lancaster


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:36 PM

Beautiful work on this one. I do wish there was some visual distinction between large and medium lasers, since that was a prominent element in the 'Mech's original design. The arms could stand be shifted back a little. Otherwise very, very nicely done.
(I always assumed the Stormcrows hands were telescoping or something because they were behind the barrels in the old art.)

So a little tweak like this -
Posted Image



View PostCarrioncrows, on 29 April 2014 - 10:29 AM, said:

At the very least Rotate them 90 degree's so they are not facing palm down and instead palm inwards.

That might help a little too, actually.

Edited by Osric Lancaster, 29 April 2014 - 12:43 PM.

#82 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:38 PM

Looks fantastic, and absolutely hilarious that they put the babyhands in.

#83 Kraven Kor


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:47 PM

View Postjeff1304, on 29 April 2014 - 12:28 PM, said:

Am I the only one that thinks having the tall side torsos could screw it over if its trying to take cover?

Possibly one balance point in the IS favor; we shall see. The Mad-Cat is going to suffer from very easy side-torso destruction, due to the missile boxes, for sure.

#84 Cimarb


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:53 PM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 29 April 2014 - 10:29 AM, said:

At the very least Rotate them 90 degree's so they are not facing palm down and instead palm inwards.

Until they do, please make sure NOT to give a thumbs up while firing your arm lasers...

#85 Armored Yokai


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:59 PM

Red Rover, Red Rover bring the Stormcrow over!

#86 Gigastrike


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:07 PM

View Postjeff1304, on 29 April 2014 - 12:28 PM, said:

Am I the only one that thinks having the tall side torsos could screw it over if its trying to take cover?

It doesn't seem overly tall in general, and a lot of that height is legs. Also remember that clan mechs can lose 1 side torso.

I for one welcome the strikiest strike mech to ever strike.

Posted Image

#87 Jin Ma


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:31 PM

so how big is it relative to a hunchie

#88 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:40 PM

View PostSaber Avalon, on 29 April 2014 - 10:34 AM, said:

The Adder was awesome. This Stormcrow is so perfectly, amazingly, wonderful, that no amount of words that I can throw out match its majesty. Seriously, well done. Now, why can't you get the Timber Wolf's legs right again?!?!?!

QFT. True story. +1.

#89 Iqfish


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:44 PM

View PostMoonUnitBeta, on 29 April 2014 - 01:40 PM, said:

QFT. True story. +1.

Signed, agreed, +1'ed, QFT, true story'ed

#90 Gigastrike


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:46 PM

View PostJin Ma, on 29 April 2014 - 01:31 PM, said:

so how big is it relative to a hunchie

I dunno. I was waiting for you to tell me, honestly. :lol:

Edited by Gigastrike, 29 April 2014 - 01:46 PM.

#91 Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:46 PM

Oh WOW! Baby, it's a pure sex!
Hands down, this is on of the best looking mechs in MWO.
The only thing that bothers me: why Mad-damn-Cat is so unattractive?!

Posted Image

Edited by Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh, 29 April 2014 - 01:47 PM.

#92 101011


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:50 PM

View PostGigastrike, on 29 April 2014 - 01:07 PM, said:

It doesn't seem overly tall in general, and a lot of that height is legs. Also remember that clan mechs can lose 1 side torso.

I for one welcome the strikiest strike mech to ever strike.

I see your Stormcrow's alpha and raise you the Kodiak's...130 points.

#93 BlackJack69


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:54 PM

pretty beaulty!

but im still disapointed with the Timber wolf...

#94 John Norad


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:00 PM

Wow, this has come out amazingly well. Great work!

Now please never say again that this community complains about everything.
We (at least the sane, level-headed'ish ones) only complain about things that .. leave a lot to be desired.

This isn't one of them. Praise where praise is due.

#95 VoodooLou Kerensky


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:04 PM

So this might be a stupid question but Im going to ask it anyways.
If someone is declared as a Member of a Inner Sphere Faction will they be allowed to use Clan Mechs? And if so Why?! Their Faction is a Inner Sphere Successor State, they are not of the Clans. You cant say its Salvage because there hasnt been any battles in Our Universe pitting the IS vs Clans yet. And even if it is Salvage their Techs wont beable to work on it because the Technology is beyond them due to so much being lost in time. IS Heat Sinks dont dissipate heat as efficiently because of know how lost. A Tech will open it up to work on it and since he hasnt been trained to know what to look for that makes the Clan heatsinks more efficient he can only repair it enough so that it functions like an IS Heatsink. When the Clan Mechs are released for game play will we be allowed to trade in our Current Inner Sphere mechs for the Clan Mechs of the same weight class? The Clans dont have C-Bills so we dont buy our mechs we are assigned them. The reason I ask is becuse of the people who have bashed the Clans from the get go should be forced to make a choice. Remain Inner Sphere and do not get Clan Mech access or become a Clanner and all their Mechs are converted to the Clan Equivalent as well as their C-Bills to whatever the Clans will use (Honor Credit maybe?). The Devs have stated that the restrictions placed on the Clan OmniMechs are for Balance. What kind of Balancing do you get when some Davion banner waving, Clanner bashing Pilot who thinks that the Inner Sphere is the best thing since sliced bread is Piloting a Clan Mech? Yes PGI you might not make as much money because John Q Inner Sphere cant buy Clan Mechs but Im sure you will have enough income from those of us Who have been awaiting the Clan Mechs since the Closed Beta started.

And on that Point Im sure John Q Rabid Clan Basher is saying 'Well then if your a Clanner you cant use any Inner Sphere Mechs!' Well there John thats where your wrong, We Clanners have maintained our knowledge that youve lost that makes your Mechs Inferior to Ours since we havent lost that knowledge due to the Ravages of War like you have. Alot of the Clan tech isnt new, its just old tech that you have lost because the Successor States have been bashing eachother since the time of The Exodus and making the repairs to that technology is within our knowledge. If I recall correctly arent there some Mechs the Clans invaded the Inner Sphere with just Chasis' that hadnt been seen in the Inner Sphere for centuries because of the Succession Wars? I know the Clan IIc versions of Mechs were just conversions to the upgraded technology that came from advances made by Clan but they werent complete rebuilds. On the same side of that coin is that there were Mechs made in the Inner Sphere that the Clans wouldnt know of because of The Exodus but the guts of those Mechs arent giant leaps in Technology so Clan Techs could reverse engineer them with no problem. If I remember correctly it took a few years before advances were made that allowed the Inner Sphere to make weapons and Mechs like those the Clans used from the Salvage they could study. I tried finding information on Sarna to use as an example but thats alot to wade thru and I will have to look and will post it at a later time. I know there are people out there who will say 'But I paid for the *Insert Inner Sphere Package here* as well as forked out $500 for the Clan Package, so I want to use both.' Well in the fairness of Balance which is what PGI has been working towards I guess they could recompense you after youve made your choice to be John/Jane Q Inner Sphere or be a Clanner. You cant have your cake and eat it too to maintain Balance.

Which is why that everything up to the introduction of the Clan Mechs into the game has just been nothing but BETA TESTING. So youve paid in real money and you feel that you should have both your Inner Sphere Faction and Your Clan Mechs but you knew that the Clan's were coming and now that they are on the Horizon I feel it is time that your Loyalty to one side or the other is here. And to be honest Im sure my words will fall on deaf ears and John Q Clanner Basher will have both his belove'd Inner Sphere Phoenix Package and His Clan Mechs and the Balance that PGI wants will never come into being and only a handful of us will be disappointed that we will never truely know what would happen to the Inner Sphere if Clanners hadnt fought a War so stupidly because of their perception of Honor instead of Fighting it the Way everyone knows it should have been fought. The Steamroller of Better Tech, Fighting the Foe the way they Fight (Aka Concentrated fire, no cut-down) and the fore-going of bickering amonst Clans instead of Cooperation between the Clans to further the Clan way of Life is still something that might happen in the Future as much as we hoped it wouldve happened this time around.

#96 jlewis413


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:06 PM

View PostOsric Lancaster, on 29 April 2014 - 12:36 PM, said:

Beautiful work on this one. I do wish there was some visual distinction between large and medium lasers, since that was a prominent element in the 'Mech's original design. The arms could stand be shifted back a little. Otherwise very, very nicely done.
(I always assumed the Stormcrows hands were telescoping or something because they were behind the barrels in the old art.)

So a little tweak like this -
Posted Image


YES. This is the first thing I thought of when I saw the StormCrow artwork, as well as these screenshots. The wrists should at least be shorter. The hands are fine. They just stick out too far in front of the guns.

The art team should strongly consider this edit.

#97 Sagedabluemage


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:11 PM

I am so excited for this im lookin forward to all the mechs released. But in other news an anhilator and a sunder or an avatar or champion or an axeman have my vote for some next ones XD. i really want a bushwacker XD

#98 Osric Lancaster


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:11 PM

View Postvoodoolou kerensky, on 29 April 2014 - 02:04 PM, said:

Overthinking Things

My guess would be that accounts will support one inner sphere and one clan pilot. Eg;
'Voodoolou Mc Kerensky' from Butte Hold is not the same guy as 'star commander voodoolou kerensky'.

#99 jlewis413


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:14 PM

View Postvoodoolou kerensky, on 29 April 2014 - 02:04 PM, said:

So this might be a stupid question but Im going to ask it anyways.
If someone is declared as a Member of a Inner Sphere Faction will they be allowed to use Clan Mechs? And if so Why?! .............


Edited by jlewis413, 29 April 2014 - 02:15 PM.

#100 Hellhound 078


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:31 PM

Love it, look forward to piloting it and all of its awesomeness. Now how about showing us some Dire Wolf pics next maybe?..... pretty please??

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