Matchmaker Hangs And Wait Times
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:28 PM
I suggest implementing something like World of Tank so when your in que for a public match you can see how many of each weight class are currently qued such as:
Light: 283
Medium: 157
Obviously anyone queing could see that mediums are the short stack and switch to a medium to get into matches quicker. But most of your player base is used to the beefiness of assaults and heavies and will suffer. It also doesn't help that scaling is terrible for medium mechs making them extremely large to rival heavy and assault mechs while having their most useful and prevalent weapon group Short Range Missiles currently be gimped by extremely poor hit detection. While improvements have been made it simply hasn't been enough.
Get it together PGI this is really a bad showing especially with how much work as gone into this. I also want to say with how many complaints of not being able to get into the test server you should REALLY run it for a couple of days to gather data so more people can test it.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:29 PM
MarneusB, on 29 April 2014 - 01:26 PM, said:
Broken as all hell? It could be one missing semicolon. And it wasn't an afternoon, my misspeak; they ran it for ten hours. They also offered a day of premium time to get people to test, so it's not like they didn't try.
Never mind. I can tell when I'm talking to someone with
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:31 PM
DirePhoenix, on 29 April 2014 - 01:20 PM, said:
I consider myself lucky in that I am usually able to work from home on my own hours, but it always amazes me that there are enough people online from 1-2pm on a Tuesday immediately after a patch drops to have matches at all.
You know, the world is round, spins around its axis and other continents exist besides North America.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:34 PM
But I'd rather go:
Thank you, Nikolai, for actually keeping us in the loop. Much appreciated! I hope this could be the start of a beautiful new trend.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:37 PM
Edited by Flaming oblivion, 29 April 2014 - 01:38 PM.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:37 PM
RG Notch, on 29 April 2014 - 01:19 PM, said:
See you 2026, 3/3/3/3-Matchmaker- After flexible group scaling, collisions, UI4.0 (There is no 3), CW, the 4th game mode and every chassis available from 2600-3068
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:38 PM
Good luck PGI hope they are easy fixes for you.
To be honest, unless they change the initial ELO value for New Players to something lower, you can still end up with 4 guys who know how to play and have 3 or 4k drops, and get hammered because they have 4 or 5 New players with a neutral elo who have zero clue how to play, never looked at a tutorial, or even know how to lock a target, or what that even means. Don't care how good you are ... or how consistent you are, your ELO takes a hit, you get rolled badly, and the game experience is reaching to the depths of a trip to the dentist. Occasionally is one thing, 1 in 7 matches fine, but nightly for several hours(US Eastern Prime Time) to have teams with 5 or 6 players that might suggest the late 60's and 70 's (and the CIA) did more damage to the gene pool than is being admitted. Gets old. When 5 or 6 people have to combine there damage done to break 100 ... ELO is not quite getting it right, 3,3,3,3 may help ease that pain a little and give the 4 or 5 skilled folks a chance when stuck with a lower skilled team.
Well one can hope ... Alternatively, you learn to take breaks during prime hours, and come back in the early morning hours, when surprisingly, you get really good, close matches that are a lot of fun win or lose.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:39 PM
And it was broken as hell, maybe one missed semi-colon made the entire game unplayable for a majority of the users. What may be an easy fix does not make a simple problem. Perhaps you need to realize the difference between working code and non-working code.
Your attempt to mitigate my argument because I'm upset is really quite childish (and also a logical fallacy). Yes I'm upset, I'm upset that I've waited so long for a good Mechwarrior title, spent my hard earned money on it, and now the mechs I love (and have spent real money on, Founder's Catapult and a Champion Catapult) are now useless due to an arbitrary change to make public games more "fair". That same system is making it completely unplayable for me and my chosen mech weight class, and now I'm forced to use mechs that I don't own to actually play a game. That same system, which is an integral part of how the game works, was untested and shipped without a moment's hesitation, and as a result broke the game for many of the playerbase.
So you'll have to forgive my anger. But I don't have to forgive PGI for messing up a game that might have had potential. (If it wasn't for all the focus of making us spend more money on a sub-standard game, instead of making it less sub-standard).
GG PGI. It was fun while it lasted. Hope my money didn't go to some exec's new speedboat.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:40 PM
Void Annihilation, on 29 April 2014 - 01:31 PM, said:
You know, the world is round, spins around its axis and other continents exist besides North America.
I've seen americans who just wouldn't believe that.
But since he is an ELITE UPPER 10% Player, he should know it
Edited by Iqfish, 29 April 2014 - 01:41 PM.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:42 PM
Butane9000, on 29 April 2014 - 01:28 PM, said:
I kinda expected this the moment I read the patch notes even tho I was very exited about the idea of weight balanced matches and having every weight class used. But having just come off like a 3-4 month break myself I instantly noticed outside of conquest the game was nothing but Heavy and Assault mechs and I thought to myself whats the point of me launching into a non conquest game in my fav class the light mechs if im going to face and entire team of monsters?
My 2 cents once these problems are fixed "Give all Light and Medium mechs a Money and Experience bonus when dropping into a non conquest game mode" aka more people driving Light and Medium mechs aka more stable 3/3/3/3 matchmaker.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:44 PM
MarneusB, on 29 April 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:
It wasn't untested. You're just lying now. And if you think this is the first dev house to release a major feature with bugs in it, I'm wondering just how long you've been on the internet.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:47 PM
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:48 PM
Then again i might as well grind some Orion while i wait.
Edited by AlexEss, 29 April 2014 - 01:49 PM.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:54 PM
Meta 2013, on 29 April 2014 - 01:38 PM, said:
The 3/3/3/3 system wasn't intended to remove the possibility of one-sided matches, but to remove one direct cause of it — and to re-center the game experience a bit after being so distorted by overweight teams.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:59 PM
MonkeyCheese, on 29 April 2014 - 01:42 PM, said:
I kinda expected this the moment I read the patch notes even tho I was very exited about the idea of weight balanced matches and having every weight class used. But having just come off like a 3-4 month break myself I instantly noticed outside of conquest the game was nothing but Heavy and Assault mechs and I thought to myself whats the point of me launching into a non conquest game in my fav class the light mechs if im going to face and entire team of monsters?
My 2 cents once these problems are fixed "Give all Light and Medium mechs a Money and Experience bonus when dropping into a non conquest game mode" aka more people driving Light and Medium mechs aka more stable 3/3/3/3 matchmaker.
Something like:
Lights: 2.5% increase in C-bills
Mediums: 5% increase in C-bills
Heavies: 1.25% increase in C-bills
Assaults: 0% increase in C-bills
Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:00 PM
MarneusB, on 29 April 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:
And it was broken as hell, maybe one missed semi-colon made the entire game unplayable for a majority of the users. What may be an easy fix does not make a simple problem. Perhaps you need to realize the difference between working code and non-working code.
Your attempt to mitigate my argument because I'm upset is really quite childish (and also a logical fallacy). Yes I'm upset, I'm upset that I've waited so long for a good Mechwarrior title, spent my hard earned money on it, and now the mechs I love (and have spent real money on, Founder's Catapult and a Champion Catapult) are now useless due to an arbitrary change to make public games more "fair". That same system is making it completely unplayable for me and my chosen mech weight class, and now I'm forced to use mechs that I don't own to actually play a game. That same system, which is an integral part of how the game works, was untested and shipped without a moment's hesitation, and as a result broke the game for many of the playerbase.
So you'll have to forgive my anger. But I don't have to forgive PGI for messing up a game that might have had potential. (If it wasn't for all the focus of making us spend more money on a sub-standard game, instead of making it less sub-standard).
GG PGI. It was fun while it lasted. Hope my money didn't go to some exec's new speedboat.
How are your mech's useless...I don't recall anything being banned.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:00 PM
Dude at least get your facts right ... they ran the test for 6 hours ..not 10. So your good at flaming but failed math. Also note that during that time, many connection issues never allowed people to connect, and one 6 hour test, were your other live servers are till up and running, means you will NOT get a good statistical sample. Run a 90% confidence test against your sample set. Was enough Data even collected to qualify as a valid sample? Hmmm?
Learn some statistics before trying to state you opinion as being useful.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:02 PM
DirePhoenix, on 29 April 2014 - 01:20 PM, said:
I consider myself lucky in that I am usually able to work from home on my own hours, but it always amazes me that there are enough people online from 1-2pm on a Tuesday immediately after a patch drops to have matches at all.
The earth is round. Revolutionary thinking, I know, but it actually is. This means that when it's 1pm-2pm for you, it could be 3pm for someone else, 5pm or even 2am!
That being said, look....
PGI; If my wallet wasn't closed? I'd be paying for this. This is a big deal to me.
To all those people saying "you don't understand test Vs live": Yes, actually, I do. It's not changing my opinion on my wallet remaining closed to PGI one iota. It's actually helping to keep it closed.
Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:02 PM
We get it, everyone needs to feed their kids. They gotta make money. But the way to make money isn't choking the already active playerbase with as much paid-for content as possible (which is what they're already doing), but attract new players (which is why they're trying to fix the MM system).
So in trying to fix the MM system to where people won't be dropping against 8 atlases, they introduced an arbitrary system that requires 3 of every weight class, only 3 LRMs, and other ELO and metascore information to make the games "fair". No one realized that this may not work very well with a tiny playerbase? So, KNOWING we're a small community, they figured a short ten hour public test (by the way PGI, offering a whole day of premium time is quite literally the bare-minimum incentive to get players to help, I know y'all are short on cash, but seriously, you just can't let go of a single penny of profit, can you?) would be more than enough to test how it would go on public?
I don't buy that, any programmer worth his salt wouldn't have pushed this system through, not with the fact that they had to completely REMOVE a feature that was already added to make it work, just to push it out today. That tells me that there are people higher up that have no idea how to manage a game, nor any idea how much time it truly takes to code a game, and now the players are reaping those benefits.
This isn't the first time I've noticed it. Closed Beta Founder here, and there's a reason that I took a long hiatus from this game. I've been back less than a week, and I never want to go through this again. I used to beta many games, and testing THIS game has turned me off to beta testing in the modern free-to-play era for good. (By the way, if y'all haven't noticed, this game is definitely still in beta, regardless of the fact they say it's an official game. Where's Faction Warfare? How about that Merc Contract system y'all promised before launch? How about the ability to play a game mode that I want to play, with the Mech I want to play with and spent a lot of time and real money on, on a map that isn't Terra Therma? Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.)
You think the game is great? Fine, then play your crappy game. I won't, and good riddance. Perhaps after this game goes down the drain there will be another company to take up the name and do it right.
Edited by Marvyn Dodgers, 29 April 2014 - 03:00 PM.
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