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Clan Mediums.. anyone?

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#1 lonewolfsx


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:05 PM

Anyone else here a fan of Clanner medium mechs?

Personally I love the Smoke Jaguar's Storm Crow, by far my favorite mech. If I had to pick another, Jade Falcon's Black Lanner is also pretty effective and much faster. I always find a way to equip these with jump jets, and usually remove all weapons and most armor from the arms and put everything into the torso, but it seems that this game's hardpoint system won't allow me to do that, though I suppose that's fair for balance and realism.

Anyone else a fan of these two mechs? 55 tons is my area, but seems like no one else is really a fan. I also sometimes stray to the 60 ton Mad Dog or down to the 50 ton Nova, but anything I'd use the Nova for I'd rather have the Storm Crow.

I hope that when clan mechs are introduced, they carry their proper names. Though it would be cool if say, you were piloting a clan mech and targeting a captured Timberwolf it'd show "Timber Wolf," but if you were piloting an IS mech and targeting the same mech, it'd show up as "Mad Cat" on the HUD. That'd be a cool little detail.

#2 Stormwolf


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:19 PM

I've always liked the Ice Ferret and Pouncer.

#3 Fresh Meat


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:40 PM

I always loved the Nova,

someday :D

Edited by Fresh Meat, 19 June 2012 - 11:43 PM.

#4 lashropa


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:51 PM

Oh yea. I'm partial to the Conjurer. Let's not forget the Hunchback IIC is a nasty little peice of work. The Nova is cool, but the lack of torso twist always ****** me off. Storm Crow and Hellhound, all the way.

#5 BlueFlames


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Posted 19 June 2012 - 11:57 PM

The Shadow Cat is one of my personal favorites. The stock configuration makes for a pretty deadly shoot-and-scoot option, and for urban fighting, it's a pretty easy decision to swap the Gauss Rifle for an LBX-10 and some extra medium lasers or armor.

When stepping out of the medium weight class, I tend to go down, not up, where I'll opt for the Adder or Cougar. That said, those two are just a little too small to mount a big ballistic weapon, so they lack that big-gun-on-small-mech effect that I love so much in the Shadow Cat.

#6 Ettibber


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:11 AM

love the ryoken, that thing is always fun to use,

#7 Karl Streiger


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 03:34 AM

Clan medium mechs have in comparison with all other classes the best performance - thanks to the light weight weapons they have a punch few IS assault mechs can come with. Additional the mediums are seldom oversinked - or have seldom more weapons they are able to fire (ok the Nova is a bad example of typical clan medium mechs)
I respect Mechs like Grendel, Shadow Cat, Fenris, StormCrow and the incredible though Stooping Hawk more than a Warhawk or other heavy and assault chassis.

#8 Thoman Coston


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:15 AM

Stormcrow, Blacklanner, Shadowcat , though shadowcat was overused in MW4, I got bored with it.
Arctic Wolf is also a nice medium mech for 40 tons.

Edited by Taigen, 20 June 2012 - 05:16 AM.

#9 CCC Dober


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 06:29 AM

Hunchback IIC it is. The twin Ultra 20's scare even the heaviest of the Assault Mechs and make them leak coolant uncontrollably. People thought the Madcat was badass already ... little do they know :D

#10 JackCrow


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:15 AM

I like the Stormcrow, Fenris and the Shadowcat in that order.

But what I really want is a light mech, like the Kit Fox F.

#11 Cyber Carns


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 07:23 AM


#12 Joanna Conners


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 10:03 AM

I'm a total sucker for the Mad Dog. It's one of my favorite mechs.

#13 Volume


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 10:37 AM

Huge fan of the Nova here. After playing MW4, I found my new love in the Conjurer. I am a fan of the Stormcrow to a lesser extent. Aside from those, I am also quite partial to the Ice Ferret, Pouncer, Phantom, etc.

I would really love to see the Vapor Eagle make it into a MW game.

#14 lonewolfsx


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Posted 20 June 2012 - 08:21 PM

Fantastic, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's a fan of the mediums. The way they are talking about the weight classes in the video interviews so far seems like they don't really know what to do with the medium class, but I'm glad there will be some other fan support. There had better be a storm crow at some point, or I'll be pretty disappointed.

I forgot about the Ice Ferret, that's a cool one too, and the shadow cat has been popularized since MW3, and crazy useful with that gauss rifle.
Good point about the Adder and Cougar, the Adder especially is as well armed as many medium mechs and pretty well armored as well.
I doubt the Black Lanner will make it in (it never does...), but that's a shame.

I suppose if I can't get any of the clan mediums I like I'll settle for a modified Uziel.. I can get that to perform similarly to the Storm Crow as long as I can use double heat sinks that only take up 2 critical slots (if the mechlab even works like that with heat sinks.. Mw4 was disappointing). Or perhaps the Hellhound.

I especially like setting up medium mechs, it's not like a heavy or assault where you can have several large weapon systems, you either have to be average all around (I used to use a Storm Crow with 2x LRM-15's, an ER PPC, and several ER Med Lasers for general purpose stuff) or very centralized into one role (such as the Hunchback IIC's dual UAC-20 loadout).

Edited by lonewolfsx, 20 June 2012 - 08:24 PM.

#15 Precentor_Apollyon


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 02:52 AM

Nova is my favourite medium. I like the Prime version. 6 ER-Lazers in each arm is serious business! And if you lose one arm, you still have the same firepower, like you have your both arms. When i have a chance to customize my nova, i use 10 ER-Medium-Laser instead of 12, and use the free tonnage for additional double heat sinks.

The unpopular Battle Cobra is my 2nd favourite. Two ER-Large-Pulse-Laser supported by a pair of ER-Small-Pulse-Laser, turns this little 40 ton f*ucker into a death machine.

Edited by showers, 21 June 2012 - 02:53 AM.

#16 Bryan Kerensky


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 03:19 AM

I would love to see the Stormcrow, Pouncer and Huntsman. Although I'm pretty sure it's too much to hope for : /

Edited by Bryan Kerensky, 21 June 2012 - 03:21 AM.

#17 Skylarr


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:14 AM

Posted Image
Mass 55 ton
Speed 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets None
Primary Configuration

The Stormcrow is a wide-spread, second generation OmniMech fielded by many Clans. However, within the Clan Smoke Jaguar touman, the Stormcrow was especially common during the Clan Invasion and was codenamed the Ryoken by the warriors of the DCMS who encountered it. Because of its versatility through its combination of mobility, armor, and firepower in its various configurations, the Stormcrow is a feared opponent on the battlefield.

Posted Image

#18 Skylarr


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 05:44 AM

According to Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade these are the Clan Medium size OmniMechs that were reportably scene during the Clan Invasion:

Medium 'Mechs Posted Image
The Viper is a fast, highly-maneuverable medium OmniMech originally designed by Clan Fire Mandrill on Shadow. Codenamed the Dragonfly by the Inner Sphere forces that first encountered this small but fierce OmniMech, the name stuck because of its ability to move swiftly over the battlefield. The Viper is fast and well-armored, but significantly under-gunned compared with other Clan OmniMechs massing 35-45 tons (including the Adder, Battle Cobra, Grendel, Shadow Cat, Pouncer, and Cougar).

The Viper is built on a lightweight Endo Steel chassis and powered by a weight saving 320 XL engine that propels the Viper to a top speed of 129.6 km/h. The Viper augments its impressive ground speed with eight jump jets that allow it to jump up to a distance of two hundred and forty meters. The Viper has seven tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor to absorb any damage from shots that are lucky enough to strike it and has eight and a half tons of podspace for its weapons payload.

In its primary weapons configuration, the Viper is configured to fill a variety of close combat roles. The Viper has an Anti-Missile System for added defense capabilities and has two Machine Guns for use against soft targets and anti-infantry work. The Viper's main guns are two Medium Pulse Lasers and an SRM-4 launcher that allow it to harass other 'Mechs and vehicles.

Posted Image
A powerful medium scout and recon 'Mech, the Ice Ferret was regarded as something of a foreign concept when it was first encountered by Inner Sphere forces. Referred to as the Fenris by Inner Sphere forces, the Ice Ferret is a very capable medium scout OmniMech, which is well armored and fast, and can be configured as a strike/headhunter or as a fire-support 'Mech.

The Ice Ferret is built on a lightweight Endo Steel chassis that saves weight and is powered by a massive 360 XL engine that gives the Ice Ferret a top speed of 129.6 km/h and also accounts for one third of the 'Mech's total weight. The Ice Ferret has twelve double heat sinks mounted on the chassis and is protected by seven and a half tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor, giving the 'Mech almost the maximum amount of armor protection for its weight.

In its primary configuration, the Ice Ferret is capable of acting in a variety of roles. The Ice Ferret carries an Active Probe allowing the 'Mech to detect hidden enemy units. For close combat, the Ice Ferret prime has a Streak SRM-2 launcher and an ER Small Laser. For long range engagements, the 'Mech is armed with a single ER PPC, giving it excellent long range hitting power for its size. Posted Image
The Nova is a versatile medium OmniMech that is capable of acting as a workhorse design in most forces. In fact, the design is so well balanced that it inspired the creation of the Black Hawk-KU, an Inner Sphere design based on the Nova and named using the Inner Sphere code name for this 'Mech: Black Hawk.

Equipped with a 250 XL Model SF-2 Fusion Engine, the Nova has a ground speed of 86.4 km/h that allows it to keep up with most heavy and assault 'Mechs while being outpaced by most lighter 'Mechs. However, the Nova remains very maneuverable through the use of five jump jets, allowing the Nova to jump up to 150 meters. The fourteen double heat sinks that the Nova mounts are barely sufficient to handle its heavy heat load of its variants. The Nova is also protected by ten tons of armor, providing the 'Mech with ninety-six percent of its maximum armor protection.

In its primary configuration the Nova is a devastating close combat 'Mech and battle armor killer that is capable of delivering a powerful barrage with its twelve ER Medium Lasers. To help it use these as effectively as possible, the Nova has added four more double heat sinks bringing the total up to eighteen. Even with the added double heat sinks, the Nova prime is capable of producing almost twice as much heat as it can dissipate. Posted Image
The Stormcrow is a wide-spread, second generation OmniMech fielded by many Clans. However, within the Clan Smoke Jaguar touman, the Stormcrow was especially common during the Clan Invasion and was codenamed the Ryoken by the warriors of the DCMS who encountered it. Because of its versatility through its combination of mobility, armor, and firepower in its various configurations, the Stormcrow is a feared opponent on the battlefield.

The Stormcrow is built on a lightweight Endo Steel chassis and is powered by a 330 XL engine that propels it to a top speed of 97.2 km/h. The Stormcrow is protected by nine and a half tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor, giving the 'Mech the ability to survive encounters with other units that it isn't capable of outpacing.

The primary configuration of the Stormcrow is capable of engaging an enemy at any range and uses its speed to strike at its target with a great deal of force and evade a counter attack. The 'Mech's primary weapons are a pair of ER Large Lasers allowing the 'Mech to strike at long range. For close combat, the Stormcrow carries three ER Medium Lasers. To handle the heavy heat load, the Stormcrow Prime has twelve double heat sinks on top of the ten mounted in the base chassis.

#19 A Fistful of CBills


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Posted 22 June 2012 - 04:13 PM

Crimson Langur is a solid medium mech, though I have heard many call it 'bulky'.
Posted Image
Fast on its feet and very capable of being outfitted for hit-and-run attacks it can be a fun brawler.

Edited by Kado, 22 June 2012 - 04:15 PM.

#20 Greifer


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Posted 23 June 2012 - 08:45 PM

The stormcrow in any configuration is a great workhorse.

The Prime, A and G are stand outs though.
Even the D for long range indirect fire support can be quite good.

Personally id also take a stooping hawk, it has some great model configurations and mobility.
Crimson Langurs and Black Lanners are also fantastic for their configurations.

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