This is going to be long, but I'll start with the numbers so you can see what you all helped to achieve over this four day fund raising event for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Funds Raised as of April 30, 2014 at 6:00 AM Pacific: $4,080 (exceeded goal by $2,580 or 272%)
Gimpy's Individual Top Fund Raiser Rank for San Diego: 6th (http://main.national...try&fr_id=23499)
Number of MWO matches played: Unknown
C-Bills Earned (No Premium Time): 15,782,670
Kill-Death Ratio: Plummeted like a rock through wet tissue paper
Over the weekend, some people asked "What does this money actually do?" Well, according to the MS Society's site, http://walkcas.natio...ndraisingImpact, 22% of money raised goes toward research, 57% to programs and services for people living with MS, 18% to fund raising and administration, and 3% to future reserves. For more specific services, check out the list of prizes link below.
Then, of course, the other question was "What are you getting from this?". First, the money is NOT going toward a new TV (someone actually said this during a drop when I promoted the broadcast). I have Multiple Sclerosis and any break throughs in MS research will benefit my health. I do work to provide for my family, have insurance, and do not rely on any services the MS Society provides. I do take advantage of any educational materials they provide.
As far as what "prizes" I will be getting for raising this much money? I would have gotten a T-shirt if I actually went to the WalkMS event on Saturday, but I didn't. So I don't have one. I am elligible for a $400 gift card, but will be donating it back to the Society (I always do). I will also be invited to attend an awards luncheon in the next couple of months. I've been to one before and it's fun. Full list of prizes here: http://walkcas.natio...rizesIncentives
If you were unable to donate any money to the MS Society this past weekend, you still have time. All donations made before May 31, 2014 count towards my final numbers.
One last thing before I start thanking people... The nickname "Gimpy" has nothing to do with me having MS. That is a totally different and unrelated story that predates my MS diagnosis by about 17 years.

Ok, here come the thank yous. Please don't take offense if I don't name you specifically. My brain is broken and I tend to forget things.

First, the MechWarrior Online community... You people are amazing. The level of support has been unexpected and the amount of donations even more so. My Mom actually watched the broadcast a few times over the weekend and when I spoke to her last night she specifically brought up the support of this community as being "very cool". Having perfect strangers expressing their support while they're trying to kill you and your mom approves? Simply awesome.

Next, a huge thank you to everyone at Piranha Games for promoting this event. They also donated a ton of 1 Day Premium Time codes I could use as I wished, but suggested I use them as a gift for donating, so I used them as a thank you to people who donated to the MS Society and as prizes for correctly answering BattleTech/MechWarrior inspired trivia questions I asked throughout the event.
A number of PGI employees also donated to the cause which is very much appreciated. Although, I now know PGI pays its employee with Premium Time, because not one of them would take a Premium Time code as a thank you.

Special thanks to Nikolai "Niko" Lubkiewicz. He has always been good about re-Tweeting my tweets when I've streamed MWO in the past, but he really came through this weekend with the social media barrage. He also spent a lot of his free time dropping with me and members of Death's Hand Brigade this weekend. He was even there when the event finally ended on Monday night (around midnight for him I believe). Much respect for you Niko and thank you.
A special thank you to the No Guts No Galaxy crew. From the social media promotions to the special channel on the NGNG TeamSpeak server to the promotions on the NGNG live streams to the very generous donation. Thank you. You have a great group of people over there, Phil and Daeron.
Another special thank you to Morgana. She took the initiative to take over one of the rooms on to promote the event. That was unexpected and very much appreciated. She even spent some time dropping with us. It was fun spending time with an ex-DHB member. Oh, and she donated to the cause... Twice!

Death's Hand Brigade... What can I say? Other than saying we have the most inappropriate name for such a great group of people. Although you had to tone down the language a bit more than normal, you all were simply awesome throughout the event. At one point on Saturday we had four four-man groups and a couple of solo people sync dropping all in the same TeamSpeak channel. Very hectic, but very fun. Especially when you hear "Bravo, bravo, bravo, Atlas" and you realize you are Bravo and the pain is on its way.

By the end of the second day I really wasn't enjoying the cries of "I'm going to kill Gimpy!" during the sync drops, but it was OK because it was for charity.

Death's Hand Brigade, you guys are awesome. The support was great and the donations outstanding. You made the four days an absolute joy.
Special mentions:
Hatchet Jack - Because he knows what he did.
Vanos - First double donation (yes, a few people made two donations) and live donation link promotion.
Kavros - Was with me for 11 hours on Saturday (or was it Friday? It's kind of a blur) and live donation link promotion.
Batwing - Well, for being Batwing and the donation that put me over $3000.
Photec - For being the Norwegian Batwing and playing/watching way past his bed time.
Maelstrom238 - Without being asked, he spent the weekend running around to various sites asking people to promote the event.
2nd Battalion MechWarriors and Officers - For playing way past your bed times and the awesome accents.
4th Battalion MechWarriors and Officers - For travelling back from the future to participate.
3rd Battalion MechWarriors and Officers - For putting up with me. Period. No politics!
The next two thank yous may get a little sentimental. You have been warned.
To my Mom: I know you are intent on giving my inheritance to the MS Society, but I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me. Ever.
I know almost everyone else reading this doesn't know my Mom has been a Registered Nurse basically all of my life. When I was diagnosed with MS, she didn't say it, but I know it crushed her because she knows what having MS means. It's not a death sentence, but it can vastly shorten your life if you don't take care of yourself. I'm doing my best to live better and to raise as much money as possible to help find a cure for MS so I get to outlive my mother.
Ok, next... To my dogs, Mickey (my alarm clock) and Rocket (my partner in crime): You guys are the best dogs a man could ever hope for... What? You thought I was going to thank my wife? You people obviously don't know me.

Seriously though, to Mrs. Gimpy aka The Wife... We've been together for 18 years and when I was diagnosed almost 10 years ago you were by my side every step of the way and have been there ever since. When I wasn't able to drive, you drove me where I needed to go. When I can't reach a new spot to inject my medication, you "shoot" me. When I was angry at the world, you were there to make me see the good in the world with your kindness and love. You are the most important person in my life and I do this for you. Because we all know you couldn't live another day without my sense of humor.

Thank you all very much. You have no idea how much this has meant to me and I'm really looking forward to next year's WalkMS event. Unless they find a cure between now and then.

Tim "Gimpy" Beaudoin
Original Post
Hello MechWarriors,
I wanted to let you all know that on the weekend of April 25 through April 28 I will be streaming four 12 hour sessions of MechWarrior Online to help raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
If you don't know what Multiple Sclerosis is, check out this link:
This charity event is somewhat personal as I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) back in November of 2004. Technically this fund raising event is called WalkMS and I have done the walk here in San Diego in the past, but, unfortuntately, my ability to walk is no longer what it used to be. So, I'm trying something different and I'm going to raise money while playing MechWarrior Online.
Any amount of a donation (tax deductible in the United States. Not sure about other countries) would be great. If you can't make a donation at this time, that's fine, but if you could help me get the word out by sharing the donation and/or Twitch links below, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, don't forget to watch the stream too.
Streaming schedule:
April 25 through April 28 from 9 AM Pacific to 9 PM Pacific (that's GMT -8)
I will be on the No Guts No Galaxy TeamSpeak server the whole time.
Donation link:
Twitch link:
Thanks in advance,
Tim "Gimpy" Beaudoin
Edited by Gimpy, 30 April 2014 - 10:29 AM.