Post-Hunchback Advice
Posted 05 May 2014 - 10:55 AM
but, based on the first two paragraphs i would recommend a faster heavy. an orion K is a decent brawler with a decent top speed. i find that it plays like a bigger hunchback, or a small atlas. it will require a fair c-bill grind though to get to it's sweet spot.
Posted 05 May 2014 - 02:14 PM
I'd recommend a Thunderbolt 9S. I love my Jug. The high-mounted shoulder energy hardpoints are on the same level as the cockpit which makes peeking over a hill very easy and very effective. I love doing this with ER LLs. I run essentially this build with the Jug.
Lasterboated with 2 big meat shield arms, decently mobile, and very hard to take down frontally. Not to mention, 2 AMS is awesome.
Edited by ramp4ge, 05 May 2014 - 02:15 PM.
Posted 05 May 2014 - 03:18 PM
but my fav medium is definitely the blackjack - you likely need a little more finesse with them since they are slower (except the 1X), but having every single one of your weapons mounts at cockpit level (the only mech that has that layout) makes staying and firing behind cover a breeze, and they are pretty maneuverable. the BJ-1 was fun, but once i strapped myself into the BJ-1X i was hooked and it was my go-to mech for over 3 months/300 games
Posted 06 May 2014 - 06:23 AM
Qoquaq, on 05 May 2014 - 10:41 AM, said:
This sentence right here? It tells me you have the potential to become a very good player. You're not blaming the team, the match maker, or the meta for your loss; you're blaming you. Which means you are going to focus on becoming a better player, whereas the folks that blame everyone and everything else will continue to play the same and still suck.
Medium mechs it is then.
As I'm sure you've heard, Shadowhawks are very good. Griffins are also good, but are very dependent on missile based builds, so much so that leveling them out without feeling the mechs were too similar was the biggest difficulty. Also, if you're willing to drop the c-bills into a 360XL, the GRF-3M is a better light hunter than the SHD-2D2 due to better torso and arm movement (you can track fast moving enemies better). The Wolverines are ok; the 6R feels like a jumping Centurion, the 6K is kinda' bad due to the lack of jets (I class it as inferior to the CN9-AL), and the 7K is also solid.
The Centurions are all around good, hampered mostly by their lack of jump jets. The A and AL are both very "zombie" capable, run a standard engine, torso twist a lot, and you can still fight with nothing but your head, 1 leg, and center torso lasers. The things tank better than many heavies. The CN9-D, with its higher engine cap, screams for an XL engine. Fortunately, the CN9-D comes with a perfectly fine engine, the 300XL which is also excellent in any of the 55 ton mechs, Jenners, and Catapults.
The Blackjack I don't have any first hand experience with, but the 3xML with AC20 build is popular and gets results. The stock BJ-1 weapons load out is actually not too bad, so long as you invest in double sinks, endo steel, more ammo, and a good size engine. While the BJ-1 is good, and the BJ-3 respectable, the other Blackjacks are somewhat lackluster.
The Cicada you might consider overlooking as most builds focus on the mech's speed, so it plays a lot like a light. Though I've seen people do interesting things with slower builds on the 3C model (the most radical being the 2xAC20 BoomCada). While it is usually played like an oversized light, the 3M Cicada's ECM is a huge selling point.
Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:21 AM
now, to address your question:
as stated above, the Shadow Hawk is an amazingly versatile chassis that you can try a plethora of useful builds on, ranging from ballistic support, LRM second-line striker, to SRM/streak skirmisher.
this is the build I use (with great joy, I may add)
SHD-2H "Warning Shot"
the case against the SHD, if any, is that it requires a significant c-bill investment to reach full potential, with numerous upgrades and XL engines of various sizes, depending on your build. it also has the tendency to be a little "stiff" before eliting, as it's the least nimble of medium mechs and before the 2x bonus it pilots more like a heavy.
the Centurion is an extremely durable chassis despite its size, and its hardpoints on different variants allow for a variety of builds. you can go zombie with a standard engine, lasers and SRMs (note, though, they can be tricky to use due to hit registration issues et al.), you can play with LRMs, or you can be a fast, sneaky harasser with the 9-D and a twin AC/5 - twin ML build.
the Wolverine doesn't seem to have many fans, but it's also a mech worth considering. it's p. much a Centurion with jump jets and a tad more armour - the hardpoint layout is very similar, and they share the feature of a shield arm. it's significantly more agile than the SHD, albeit it doesn't seem to tank as well as the Hawk. but, you'll be the ugliest mofo on the field, nothing beats that.
example of a ballistic support/light deterrent build:
WVR-6R "Duke"
I'll try to share my thoughts on some other chasses later tonight, got to get back to work now :<
Edited by Inflatable Fish, 06 May 2014 - 07:23 AM.
Posted 08 May 2014 - 06:41 AM
The Griffin is a very fun and versatile mech that can play many roles on the battlefield from long range support all the way to (SRM) brawler. The latter role is still plagued by some problems because of SRM hit registration but it should be getting better once they sort that out. As a medium you will feel right at home, especially because the Griffins have exceptional torso twist range just like the Hunchback. You also get the benefit of jump jets that really add a lot of mobility to an already mobile mech. These mechs run XL engines pretty well, but that makes them rather expensive.
If we go into some heavier mechs I'd suggest that you skip the 60 tonners. You can have quite a bit of fun with them and they are generally more nimble than the even bigger mechs but they can also be a real pain in the butt...
Since you're also taking the cost of the mechs into consideration I'd go with the Thunderbolts or the Orions and at 65 and 75 tons, respectively, they are significantly heavier than the mediums you're used to running. Both of these chassis really shine with standard engines (though the Orion can also work with XL engines pretty well). Both chassis also have pretty flexible engine ratings allowing for some decent speed and between all the variants you have some nice variety and versatility.
The Jagers are also really good mechs but they can be expensive to build because you'll mostly be running them with XLs. Shadowhawks fit into that category... there is practically no reason to field one of these with a standard engine unless it's because you're equipping an AC20. Regardless, Shads are very good mechs despite the view from the cockpit which is like wearing blinders on all sides and the rather cumbersome movement.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 05:11 PM
Battlecruiser, on 16 May 2014 - 04:56 PM, said:
Not always bad - but if you do - you need to know how fragile that makes you. I use my K with a standard - VA with an XL. (I've had success with a 360XL in my Orion VA SRM 24 mech since the HSR fix. More a flanker than a true brawler - even spread, the missile alpha of 48 damage is pretty sweet - plus I have a couple larges.)
Posted 16 May 2014 - 05:15 PM
my main mech is a long range protector with an XL engine positive KD and WL ratio and I routinely get into the 40% health range before dying. The people who play orions dont know how to look away from the enemy while their weapons cooldown
Posted 16 May 2014 - 05:29 PM
Charons Little Helper, on 16 May 2014 - 05:11 PM, said:
Not always bad - but if you do - you need to know how fragile that makes you. I use my K with a standard - VA with an XL. (I've had success with a 360XL in my Orion VA SRM 24 mech since the HSR fix. More a flanker than a true brawler - even spread, the missile alpha of 48 damage is pretty sweet - plus I have a couple larges.)
stupids is why I rebuilt my gaussapult. easy wins when everybody goes down to a side torso. I don't even need to finish them, click once or twice and their armor is gone and the teammates descend upon them like zambies.
Edited by Battlecruiser, 16 May 2014 - 05:29 PM.
Posted 30 May 2014 - 02:18 PM
AC20 and 3xMLas and a STD215 using a joystick and a Razer Nostromo
High score for the game with 2 kills, 8 assists - game score was 101.

Edited by Gremlich Johns, 30 May 2014 - 02:18 PM.
Posted 30 May 2014 - 02:42 PM
Centurion - Only played the A{C} I have like a Raider, not sure what other roles a Cent can do but it has the feel.
Trebuchet - You can go LRM boat or try a fast Mech with SRMs. 7K is unique.
Griffin - Want to play with JJs? This is one of two Mediums to do it with. Max JJs and watch how amazing it is where you can go and what kind of movement tricks you can do. LRM boat, Sniper or Light Hunters here.
Wolverine - Except for one, the second Medium you should max JJs on.
Shadow Hawk - Almost everyone and their grandma has tried it. Get a meta build.
BlackJack - Mini-Jager either with lighter arm ballistics or pure Energy. Surprised no one has ever made a Jackie for the meta.
Posted 14 June 2014 - 09:05 AM
Escef, on 06 May 2014 - 06:23 AM, said:
(Just one hitch in an otherwise excellent post-sometimes it isn't your fault at all, the mm can be very bad as can your teams-don't always attribute a loss to yourself OP)
The Centurions are all around good, hampered mostly by their lack of jump jets. The A and AL are both very "zombie" capable, run a standard engine, torso twist a lot, and you can still fight with nothing but your head, 1 leg, and center torso lasers. The things tank better than many heavies. The CN9-D, with its higher engine cap, screams for an XL engine. Fortunately, the CN9-D comes with a perfectly fine engine, the 300XL which is also excellent in any of the 55 ton mechs, Jenners, and Catapults.
The Blackjack I don't have any first hand experience with, but the 3xML with AC20 build is popular and gets results. The stock BJ-1 weapons load out is actually not too bad, so long as you invest in double sinks, endo steel, more ammo, and a good size engine. While the BJ-1 is good, and the BJ-3 respectable, the other Blackjacks are somewhat lackluster.
(Blackjacks require excellent positional/battle flow awareness to be effective-if you feel you are lacking in either -steer clear as they die to derpssaults very fast when alpha'd...)
The Cicada you might consider overlooking as most builds focus on the mech's speed, so it plays a lot like a light. Though I've seen people do interesting things with slower builds on the 3C model (the most radical being the 2xAC20 BoomCada). While it is usually played like an oversized light, the 3M Cicada's ECM is a huge selling point.
(Lordy no! Don't overlook this mech! It is much better than people say, and yes you can run slower variants as well-it is still fragile though and again does require good positioning,the ECM variant with the right load out can be oh so nasty...if you consider them at all please feel free to pm me and I'll send you some builds.)
Posted 15 June 2014 - 09:27 AM
If you like the HBK's i think you will love this.. As far as getting 2 other varriants, so far i have not found any that i like as much as the 9SE, but i think i just need a bit more time with them. Over all darn good mechs
Edited by JC Daxion, 15 June 2014 - 09:30 AM.
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