I'd like to know if equal number of pre-made players has been considered. Rather than matching number of pre-mades, match the number of players in pre-mades. Using a max of [6] on each team and the difference being +/- 1 it would give the MM the freedom to match plenty of different combinations of groups. 2/2/2, 4/2, 3/3, 3/2 etc. It also means half of the player pool can be in pre-mades of any size without affecting matching a much as a hard restriction.
3/3/3/3 for 'mech class per team could also use a similar method. ie a max difference of [2] between [2] of the classes eg; try to match 3/3/3/3, if there is a shortage of mediums but an abundance of lights it could match 4/2/3/3. The difference could ignored or balaced with elo, weight or and offset at the other end of the class spectrum ie 4/2/2/4 but with further restrictions and criteria matching time would increase so I would favor just discarding the difference, in all likelyhood if there is a shortage of one class, each team could be given the same modifier to 3/3/3/3 eg 4/2/3/3 vs 4/2/3/3 The difference in cue probably wouldn't be just one and if it were waiting for one player to make a pure 3/3/3/3 could be rather swift. Pre-mades would obviouly still have to comply with the rule of 3.
I know the number of players in cue is not going to be displayed, so number of each mech type wont be either. However a WarThunder style average wait time based of mech class and an average wait time for solo players and pre-mades could help players identify whether their long wait is due to their chassis selection so they can decide to switch if they want to. Alternatively a percentage of 'mech classes in cue could be implemented without revealing the number in the cue, but I imagine you would hy away from this option. This may seem like a band-aid for a MM that can't cope, but I like to think of it as empowering the player base. If players are sick of wait times they can easily alleviate pressure on the MM.
Finally, and nothing to do with MM, there is an overwhelming number of acidic posts on this forum. The community needs to be a little more welcoming to new players. New players = more paying players = "less money grabs". Most of these acidic posts seem to come from people with little to no experience in programming or game development, heck half the time people are criticising the art team for not helping the engineers develop back end stucture... So, I think it would be beneficial if the louder croud would back off a little, expressing concerns and dissapointment is only natural but outward flaming and attacks on the dev's is hurting the game and community.
This is a two way street though. I appreaciate the community managers do their best with what they're allowed to share but the community is crying out for things and it's feeling ignored (whether it's true or not). I'm not claiming any short coming here, there have obviously been some communication errors in the past, but moving forward is key. Players need to feel like you are investing in them as much as they are investing in you. I don't think I'm entierly qualified to say much more on the subject except that people will make decision to support you based on how much they like you not how much they are saving on a sale. Some "charity work", while transparant, may go a ways to pleasing the people.
These are just some of the ideas I have read others post and/or though about. I'd like to hear some feedback on them if at all possible. To end on a positive note, I'm really enjoying getting back into the game and can't wait for the invasion.
[eidt] Sorry for the wall. Also I don't mean to sound condicending, my intentions are pure.
Edited by Vezm, 14 May 2014 - 05:16 PM.