Ransom's Corsairs - Press Ganging Politely Since 2012
Posted 27 January 2015 - 12:52 PM

Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:12 PM

Marik Civil War Season 4 is coming to a close. There are just 2 turns remaining and Ransom's Corsairs, infamous pirates-turned privateers-turned mercenaries, intend to keep our self-claimed homeworld.
To do so, we need some fresh blood. Yours, not to put too fine a point on it.
We're looking for experienced pilots who want to share their knowledge and focus on more competitive 1st & 3rd party game modes.
We're looking for soloists who are looking to expand their MWO enjoyment by grabbing hold of the true "end-game" content - a group to call their own.
And we're looking for bright shiny newbs, who realize the quickest way to success in this game is learning from folks who've already done all the grinding, made all the mistakes and learned all the harshest lessons.
Visit us on teamspeak at ts3.ransomscorsairs.com any night of the week (9pm-1am EST) to share some laughs and enjoy some drops.
We may even give you a cut of the booty. We're cool like that.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 06:16 AM

[RC] is still accepting pilots of all experience and commitment levels. We are an increasingly competitive team doing well in Marik Civil War - Season 4, Community Warfare and group queues for fun. Previously we enjoyed success in the Inner Sphere Coalition tourney.
Moving forward we hope to be active in all 1st and 3rd party run MWO events, leagues and tourneys.
And we want you to join us in these endeavors!
Drop by teamspeak ts3.ransomscorsairs.com any night to meet some of the unit, share in some fun drops and ridiculous conversations.
Posted 30 January 2015 - 05:58 PM
Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:24 PM
Arkadash, on 27 January 2015 - 12:21 PM, said:
Here goes:
I updated our shared drop deck/proficiency/scheduling spreadsheet!
I know, pretty amazing, right? What, you might ask, did the update accomplish? While I can't share everything on the public forums, I can tell you that it is now alphabetized, it changes color, and, best of all, the formulas all work!
I know this is some pretty heady information I'm dropping on you, but just take a slow, deep breath and I'm confident you'll make it through. I'm not sure if a better spreadsheet will help us stave off our attackers on Kincaid II and Woodbine, but it sure does look purty.
I hope prospective recruits see how awesome this is. We have someone else to do your spreadsheets for you!
Posted 02 February 2015 - 06:36 AM
Posted 02 February 2015 - 11:59 AM
It will be an evening of ridiculous banter, fun drops and friendly challenges.
We hope to see many of our longtime friends (and enemies) as well as new friends and even perfect strangers. Plan your most garish paint jobs, your most goofy builds, your worst one-liners... we'll give you ample opportunities to use them all.
It is not a recruitment event per-se, but we welcome anyone considering joining a unit. Ransom's Corsairs will have our Drop Commanders available to take anyone who is new to group drops, or just entering the competitive scene, through a few "serious" drops so they can experience the gulf of difference between non-communicative and disorganized PUGs and a clearly directed tactical team.
Check in for further details. We'll announce a date Soontm
Posted 02 February 2015 - 12:10 PM
I'd suggest any new player give them a look
I know more than a few RC's really helped me when I was new...and that help was invaluable and useful today
Posted 03 February 2015 - 09:15 AM
Mott, on 02 February 2015 - 11:59 AM, said:
It will be an evening of ridiculous banter, fun drops and friendly challenges.
We hope to see many of our longtime friends (and enemies) as well as new friends and even perfect strangers. Plan your most garish paint jobs, your most goofy builds, your worst one-liners... we'll give you ample opportunities to use them all.
It is not a recruitment event per-se, but we welcome anyone considering joining a unit. Ransom's Corsairs will have our Drop Commanders available to take anyone who is new to group drops, or just entering the competitive scene, through a few "serious" drops so they can experience the gulf of difference between non-communicative and disorganized PUGs and a clearly directed tactical team.
Check in for further details. We'll announce a date Soontm
I'm already getting excited for the open house. I've got a ton of garish paints and wacky builds in my garage that are clamoring to get a chance to see the battlefield. It's going to be fun to let the weird out. I'm going on record now and forecasting that we come away from the open house with at least two new, comp-viable builds that were sitting in a Corsair's garage just collecting dust.
Posted 04 February 2015 - 06:21 AM
If you're looking for focus, improvement, and a general good time... these are your guys.
*Sidenote: He went to Jared's.

Posted 04 February 2015 - 11:07 AM

Maybe it's time we re-up our FRR contract to smack some wolf noses or swat some bear paws.
Care to join us?
We're looking for experienced veteran players as well as players completely new to Battletech. We're looking for pilots who are intent on excelling competitively, as well as those who just want to play to relax and keep our lore-fluffy members company in the pug Qs.
We're currently wrapping up Marik Civil War - Season 4. Once that's done we'll be focusing intently on CW once again and plan to be a pivotal independent merc unit.
Get onto our teamspeak - ts3.ransomscorsairs.com - any evening to shoot the breeze with us and grab some fun drops.
Posted 04 February 2015 - 07:04 PM
Though legit these guys are pretty fun.
Posted 04 February 2015 - 07:10 PM
Artic Ronin, on 04 February 2015 - 07:04 PM, said:
We haven't even issued Artic his boy scout knife. We gave him a bamboo picnic butter knife and just told him it's a lethal blade. He bought it.
RC dropping vs Clan Ghost Bear International tonight in Marik Civil War - Season 4, the War for Woodbine.
Bad luck to our foes. May their knee actuators seize, their targeting comps freeze and their wives and husbands cheat.
Posted 04 February 2015 - 07:37 PM
Posted 04 February 2015 - 07:56 PM
well played, gentlepeople.
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