Merrick, on 09 May 2014 - 10:41 AM, said:
the very point we tried to get through PGIs thick skull about catering to the non dedicated Btech crowd..... through all of Closed Beta? That Battletech might not have the fanbase size of WoW, but it was one of the most loyal, and dedicated, and oh, yeah, made up of mostly middle aged professionals, who had plenty of discretionary income that we were happy to part with....for the game we were described?
(I won't say "promised" like some of our more entitled members say...because we ere not promised, as founders anything beyond exactly what we received, and anyone really listening knew that they were painting blue sky ideas in very large strokes, and thus subject to changes due to reality constraints. And had those been the causes for changes, I think mos tof us would still be OK with it. But I am also reasonably sure that a lot of the changes were handed down directly from PGI, whose marketing people have never understood the Btech IP, and thus are still under the delusion this will somehow attract the numbers of players that the twitchy titles do..... which will NEVER happen.)