That big ole bulls eye in the center called the caldera, middle, volcano or the 20 other names for it, is a good place to fight, however it is not the only place to fight.
However if you choose to go into the caldera, then push up the ramp DO NOT bottleneck at the ramp while the other team takees the center. All youi do is sign your death warrant ias they have multiple lanes of fire on you. If the enemy team has the caldera then BACK THE HELL out ad let them come to you.
If you choose to jam the entrance to the caldera and the enemy team has control of it, you will die one by one as they snipe and arty you to death.
Moral of the story, Take the caldera if you want to, if its already taken get the hell out of there.
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
Edited by Egomane, 10 May 2014 - 05:30 AM.