you can avoid concentrating damage via so many interesting ways
ACs- bullet drop, recoil, projectile speed, rate of fire: You make them solid dependable weapons that can sustain fire for prolonged durations or in bursts or something, the ballistic aspects ensure that concentrating damage to one spot is unlikely unless both you and your opponent are stationary.
Lasers- duration, recycle rate, heat, damage divided over duration. Lasers are instant hit, but require some x amount of time held onto an area to deal full damage, otherwise can easily drag across multiple locations or slip off a target spreading their damage around or only dealing a small portion of it.
Gauss rifles- balanced by firing delay, slow rate of fire, can explode, high recoil. Can deal concentrated damage in a single strike but is not suitable for close range due to slow ROF. Projectile is fast, but not hitscan.
PPCs- moderate to slow fire rates,short range penalty, bit of recoil,large amounts of heat, projectile speed, slight damage spread. They are heavy hitting energy weapons. Don't have to stay on target, but do require some leading. Deal a lot of damage, however do less damage at close range due to safety inhibitors, and also divide up some of their damage to adjacent locations (if applicable) due to splash.
aiming is delaying by whatever the mech's traverse speed is, letting you aim faster than your mech if you aim too fast, forcing you to wait as your weapons catch up.
impacts mess with your aim
movement adds a slight bob to your aim, however,the faster you go, the more felt recoil you feel from from your weapons and how much knock you feel from enemy weapons, modified for tonnage.
jumpjetting or falling messes with aim
having busted legs or gyros messes with aim.
having a weapon or location get seriously banged up can make it shoot off target (if it can still shoot at all)
and atop anything else, limit mech customization to be based off of stock configs or notable variants, so you don't get any gausszillas. and even if you did, those gauss rifles explode nicely. and anyone packing enough of any 1 weapon to pose some ludicrous threat beyond their weight class is going to suffer for it through ammo explosions for all the ammo they'd need to have any longevity in a fight, or in not being able to afford getting any heatsinks busted because they are already close to being or already are undersinked.
bingo bango, no RNGs necessary.
Edited by VYCanis, 09 January 2012 - 01:37 PM.