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Store Is A Mess

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#1 Slechtvalk


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 07:21 AM


it seems to be hard to create a store where you can see everything purchasable?

A friend tries to find out what starter packs exists, and what he buys within a packet.

Also i tried out what exaclty you can buy in the store.

Would it be so hard to create a store where you can see every purchasable product?



for every product one link.

I a missing a


with an overview....

Looks like my friend wont buy anything at the moment, unless he fiends out what he buys.

And google or forum search is not customer friendly....

#2 Modo44


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 07:59 AM

The starter packs are not really worth it. It makes much more sense to start with Cbill purchases, and buy mechbays/hero mechs/fluff (colors/camos/cockpit items) as they come on sales. Champion mechs in particular provide bad value for money, unless you want to buy Cbills at a good rate (buy the champion Jenner for MC, sell it with all equipment).

#3 Slechtvalk


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:24 AM

View PostModo44, on 17 May 2014 - 07:59 AM, said:

The starter packs are not really worth it. It makes much more sense to start with Cbill purchases, and buy mechbays/hero mechs/fluff (colors/camos/cockpit items) as they come on sales. Champion mechs in particular provide bad value for money, unless you want to buy Cbills at a good rate (buy the champion Jenner for MC, sell it with all equipment).

Well how can you proof this? There is no list watch a starter pack includes, or?

#4 Kotzi


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:30 AM


Absolutely not worth it. Remember Champion Mechs grand xp bonus for that mech, you want to use it on another mech, pay money.

#5 Modo44


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:31 AM

There. The champion mech only gives a minor (10%) XP bonus. The builds can be made for Cbills, so paying real money for them is really inefficient. 30 days of premium time and some cockpit items is really not worth that price.

Your friend would be better served with a hero mech (e.g. Ilya, Dragon Slayer) and some mechbays when a sale comes around.

Edited by Modo44, 17 May 2014 - 08:40 AM.

#6 Appogee


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:38 AM

Anyone planning to play the game for more than a month is better off getting one of the decent Hero Mechs.

(Ilya, Firebrand and Jester, in that order, offer pretty good return on investment.)

#7 Koniving

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:47 AM

View PostSlechtvalk, on 17 May 2014 - 08:24 AM, said:

Well how can you proof this? There is no list watch a starter pack includes, or?

The in-game store gives you the list if you or your friend is looking to spend some cash. They are listed under Bundles.
Posted Image
Stupidly you have to click buy first.

Now, this image was from a sale that is NOT happening right now. But it lists what's in the bundles. It's a mech + some premium time + some decorations.

If the decorations are not important, you can get the mech and the premium time for a bit less by buying them separately. For almost the same price you can get the mech + 3 times the premium time.

If your friend just wants a headstart, a simple champion mech during the Undisputed Champions sale is all you need. (especially since some of the mechs in the starter packages are on sale, but the packages are still full price; so it'll be even cheaper to get just the champion mech now).

That said, it's been proven in the past that the best deal for just buying with is the Cicada champion which you buy and turn around and sell (kind of like the concept of buying BitCoin and then turning around and selling it for currency from another country to turn a profit), but during the sale the Jenner Champion is the best deal for lots of cash up front by getting it and turning around to sell it. There was a huge fiasco about it for quite a while. Some of the threads on it got locked and/or deleted even due to people complaining that buying champion mechs and selling them netted more cbills than straight up buying cbills.

At any rate, since I haven't seen you in this part of the neighborhood welcome to the player help section. :ph34r:

And yes, the store is a mess. The Clan stuff is 100% cash to publisher first (and then divided up between projects) which is why it cannot be found in store. All other sales are mentioned within the game's store in-game (which is where you'd have to be to spend ). Sadly the store is incomplete and the company is struggling to meet deadlines which is why all work on it has ceased for the moment.

From a player's standpoint, "it works well enough, but we need genuine long term content such as community warfare now! Then you can finish your store."

But if you want to look up what a mech actually has, go to mechlab instead and click "Filter" and change to "Purchasable" for your mech needs.
Posted Image

Hope this helped.

Edited by Koniving, 17 May 2014 - 09:11 AM.

#8 Sarlic


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:21 AM

Koniving, you always surprise me with your comments. As always they're a good read!

#9 Koniving

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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:30 AM

Thank you kindly. B)

#10 Xoxim SC


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Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:10 AM

It would be nice to see the loadout of mechs in the store like you used to be able to. I sure as heck don't have them all memorized (and I'd be scared of someone who did), nor do I feel like alt tabbing to search around through smurfys to find out what is what..

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